Got to goal... then messed up and put half of it back on

I follow a blog of a girl in the States who lost 125lbs and became a runner. Anyway, she did the weight loss on her own, making small changes at a time, and one of the most important things she wrote on her blog was that she wasn't prepared to do anything she wasn't prepared to do forever, which she's absolutely right about. If you're going to start exercising, choose something you love that you'll be happy to continue to do forever, not just until you've lost the weight. This is the page where she talks about that kind of thing: Runs for Cookies: Waiting until the New Year

I know you have mentioned that blog before Jael, but thats the first time I have had a chance to check it out :)
It is good eh ?
I like it :), and she does make a lot of sense :)
I've been following her for over a year and she's really down to earth but she's gone through this amazing journey and she's inspiring. She also had a full body lift last year which was interesting, I was following her in the lead up and afterwards she posted pictures of the healing process. She'd been left with a lot of loose skin etc and now she's just this teeny tiny thing. The only thing though is that she still is conscious of every mouthful of food she eats and counts it (she counts WW points these days), even more than a year after getting to goal. But all that running allows her to have the treats she wants because she knows she's burning them off. I dont want to live my life having to "count" everything I put in my mouth though, it'd be nice to life a somewhat normal life but I guess that's how we end up putting the weight back on again.
Hi Sammy

Your story is quite similar to mine (only I'm not getting married lol). My WI is tomorrow - hopefully I'll have lost 8lbs ish. I'm not injured though. Just didnt learn the lesson :)

Thanks for the link the Runs for Cookies jael001. Very interesting!
Gaining the weight again is very easy, a lot easier then many realise, I hope my diary will show others who haven't got to goal yet how easy it is to ruin all your hard work in a very short space of time so they don't make the same mistakes I made!
I lost 5 stone on LL back in I thnk 2006 and put back 7 stone within about 6 months :( I started off doing the maintenance and was doing fine on mainly protein, then I went to my parents for dinner one night and my mum had made roast potatoes and I had some and that was it, having that fat and carbs just made me crave them even more and I stopped doing maintenance and just seemed to eat and eat and eat :( I really dont want that to happen again, I'm a bit of a carb addict I think, I need to avoid them as much as possible in future.
I lost 5 stone on LL back in I thnk 2006 and put back 7 stone within about 6 months :( I started off doing the maintenance and was doing fine on mainly protein, then I went to my parents for dinner one night and my mum had made roast potatoes and I had some and that was it, having that fat and carbs just made me crave them even more and I stopped doing maintenance and just seemed to eat and eat and eat :( I really dont want that to happen again, I'm a bit of a carb addict I think, I need to avoid them as much as possible in future.

Looks like we all have a common downfall as carbs are my number 1 enemy :-(

When I got to goal I tried to avoid carbs but there was always a reason to " treat " myself and so my downfall spiralled until I was Close to my pre Cambridge weight which I didn't want.

Maintenance / full change of life style is the key and I'm going to try to think about maintenance before I get to goal this time as I just went straight out of control last year and do not want it to happen again.

I'm somewhat encouraged that there are a few of us all in the same position and fingers crossed not only van we help each other stay on track but we can learn from each others mistakes and help 1st times at the same time.

I'm feeling the love here girls x x x
I have to say, that carbs were definatley my down fall too.
Bread mainly. And wine !!
The irony is, years ago, when I did WW, I lost weight by cutting out bread, and gained when I started eating it again :doh:
I have only just realised this !!
And I always have good losses when I stay away from the wine too :rolleyes:
We're all pretty much in the same boat, I think. I lost 6 stones with LL from July 2011 to Jan 2012. I've been messing about since last August *sigh* Anyway, although I've regained almost 50lbs, I'm so much fitter. Which is really scary in some ways, because if I wasnt exercising then how much more would I have gained. Ach, I'm not going to worry about that :) xx
We're all pretty much in the same boat, I think. I lost 6 stones with LL from July 2011 to Jan 2012. I've been messing about since last August *sigh* Anyway, although I've regained almost 50lbs, I'm so much fitter. Which is really scary in some ways, because if I wasnt exercising then how much more would I have gained. Ach, I'm not going to worry about that :) xx

Im the same Debbi, I wonder how much I would have gained had I not exercised all the while :eek:
I lost 4 and half stone in 2011. Put back on 3 stone in 2012.
Now I back to losing again :D, and it does feel good :D
I love to double carb it up with cheese and wine... and a few pints of cider... why do I have to enjoy food which is so bad for me? I'm going to try and teach myself to eat until I am not hungry, not until I am full or stuffed as well, serve all my food on side plates, I also read that if you chew your food for long enough your saliva digests 40% of the food before it hits your stomach or something like that.
I guess I just need to relearn the lessons. I think I'm going to work through my LL books for more support. Try to work out why I feel the need to stuff myself. Far too much rebellious child going on...

Have a good day folks xx
and to say "salad with no dressing please" instead of "chips and mayo please" when I go out to eat and am asked what I want with my chicken lol
well another day done, didn't even get tempted by donuts and chocolate cakes that were going around the office. Its getting easier, I was going to have carbonara tonight but didn't feel hungry at all so just had a milkshake so that's got to be a good sign! The only time I struggle is at 11ish so maybe I need to start having my breakfast a bit later, maybe get to work 15 mins earlier so I can have breakfast at work instead of at 7ish when I first get up
well another day done, didn't even get tempted by donuts and chocolate cakes that were going around the office. Its getting easier, I was going to have carbonara tonight but didn't feel hungry at all so just had a milkshake so that's got to be a good sign! The only time I struggle is at 11ish so maybe I need to start having my breakfast a bit later, maybe get to work 15 mins earlier so I can have breakfast at work instead of at 7ish when I first get up

Well done on another day completed, that's a day closer to goal :)

I haven't been hungry at all and had to force myself to have my 3rd product around midnight but I work late shifts so its not late for me if that makes sense. I find my worst times are nights so I'm going to maybe keep my bar and have a bouillon with it after work like I have tonight. Even though I wasn't hungry at all I needed something so its good to plan ahead and to know when you usually struggle and prevent it as best you can.
Here's to another good day tomorrow x x x
Sammy would it help you to have half your bar at your normal time, and the other half mid morning ?
Yeah Im going to try different things to see what works best for me :) Im really getting in a panic over this dress not fitting though... I cant force the weight to fall off if it doesn't want too.. I need to lose 3lbs a week most weeks to get to goal in time or this dress isn't going to fit me.. at 9 and a half stone it fitted me but was a bit tight so I ideally need to be 9 stone for it to fit me well...
Are you doing any exercise Sammy? That might make a difference?
Well I walk the dogs every day and that's about 3 miles, I was going to do 30mins on the exercise bike as well but wasn't sure if that would be too much on total solutions?
Another day almost done and 100%, its getting easier! Fingers crossed for another good loss this week to help really get me on track to hit my target!
Another day almost done and 100%, its getting easier! Fingers crossed for another good loss this week to help really get me on track to hit my target!

Good luck Hunni :) when is your weigh in ? X