harry m's weigh thread

Harry well done that is 7lbs in 2 weeks!
Mere x
Thanks hun. Fingers crossed for Monday. ..
Aww thanks hun :) have you got your diary? I was looking for it but no luck.
Mon, 4th March=219lbs
Total loss=1.2lbs
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Hi Harry
Just back from my wee break and first post I read is about your loss. Wayhay you made it into the 100s well done. Big congratulations.
Mere x
Aww thanks Mere, Miss you a lot.Hope you had a wonderful weekend away and a good family time.
I did Harry but missed all of you as I did not have my laptop with me. I am going away on Wednesday again but will have my laptop this time as I need the support on here! :D
Mere x
Omg I just realised that I put wrong weight. Its 219 not 119. Sorry Mere I thought you are talking about kg that I m not in 100s anymore.
A weight loss is a weight loss so still well done.
Mere x
Thanks Mere and Quirkygirl. One day I will be in 100s Hopefully.
Stick to plan and you will be in 100s in just a few weeks ready for Spring.
Mere x
11March= 222 :-(
18March=219lbs lost 3lbs.