hello and advice please

that is sooo something to aim for.
well done fb - 8.5lbs in 2 weeks on sw - thats excellent!!
i lost a pound this week which i am happy with for now. if i lose a pound a week, then i can live with that as that means 11 weeks to a normal bmi which should be do-able. good luck for this week and you will have to give us an example food diary so that i can see how it works on slimming world.
just running in tell you, my plan is working so far, having shake for bkfast shake for lunch and having a near non existant carb meal at night, its helped that I didnt do night duty this week as have pulled a muscle in my back, will let you know how I'm going and when I weigh on Monday morning, good luck ladies
sue xx
well sabina today
breakfast: muller yoghert with banana kiwi and strawberries cut in to it
lunch: was 2 slices of nimble bread spread with 3 triangles of laughing cow and baked beans
dinner: potatoes, carrots, sprouts and 3 quorn sausages and 2 spoons of gravy,
coffee and a bag a revels.
thanks fb
just gives me an idea.
lets see if i manage to lose this coming week.
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only 1/2 lb off this week but i was naughty and eat a tub of hagan daz icecream. will be better this week.
omg!!! i love haagen daaz cookies and cream - must stay away!!!
well done on the half a pound though - still a loss. i'm still aiming for around 11 stone for xmas... who knows...lol!!!
good luck for this week
sabina, i have my fingers crossed for you for thursday, you can do it 1lb or more.
thank you
but think im staying the same, but can live with that for this week. going to have to pick things up though to reach xmas goal!!!
have you locked up the haagen daaz?? lol
i think im going to start counting points or something from next week as too lazy still and need to get on track again. will let you know how i do with the weigh in tomorrow
i cannot lock it up as i eat the whole tub and will not be buying another one.
theres only one way to eat haagen daaz and that is by the tub!!
stayed the same but not too worried.
hope you have a good weekend
thats better than putting on, have a good weekend too.
thanks fb, myback has flared up this past week so im a little limited with my movements and havent concentrated as much on the diet, but youre right staying the same is better than putting on. I have decided i wont go shopping anymore as there is enough food in the house (and i will only buy junk if i do go) and i should try and be sensible this week with what i eat. had a few treats this week so i knew i wouldnt lose. Going to focus on the water this weekend as a mini goal while i start doing some studying. gotta get focused again on what i want and your posts are helping so thank you
ive just been and bought the weight watchers magazine and some salad stuff. hope i might get some thinspiration. will let you know how i get on.
i think we all need to have a change of direction sometimes, we do get to be a little too casual with our portions etc. fingers crossed for me on tuesday and you on thursday.
thank you.
I am officially starting again tomorrow and will weigh myself tomorrow morning. I saw myself in a mirror and was not happy. i know ive put some of the weight back on around my back n tum so decided thats it. no more thinking about the dieting - its time to get back on track. Have actually planned my lunch to take to work which is a start for me. i will weigh myself every monday morning as seem to pig out all weekend. if im to get weighed on monday morning, then i cant pig out all weekend. good luck on tuesday. I will adjust my ticker tomorrow as i know its gone up a few pounds!!
take care and thanks for the continued inspiration
hey fb
i started at 11st 12 yesterday so had only put a pound on which is not too bad. anyway doing well today and if manage to do get through today, then know i will also be ready for tomorrow
hope the weigh in goes ok..
well i am plodding along, 1lb off so slow and steady, much as i would like it to be coming off quicker, butat the end of the day a pounds a pound.