How are you target members doing out there?

Two pounds on for me this week. I know I shouldn't complain as I am still (just) under target, but I was really good this week and stuck to plan - last week when I was on holiday and ate for England I only put on a pound!

Personally I think the scales are all in conspiracy Jo...:p
But you really don't have anything to worry is all about finding our balance to just stay within the range. You're doing very well.
Thank you, I am trying not to get too obsessive about it!
Well I got to target just before xmas, had a bit of a gain lost it, back in target. Then it was my birthday had a 10lb beast of a gain! That was about 4 weeks ago, lost 1.5lb then a fortnight of maintains. Im really struggling to shift it to get back into target, I've got complacent. How do you get out of a complacent rut?
Well I got to target just before xmas, had a bit of a gain lost it, back in target. Then it was my birthday had a 10lb beast of a gain! That was about 4 weeks ago, lost 1.5lb then a fortnight of maintains. Im really struggling to shift it to get back into target, I've got complacent. How do you get out of a complacent rut?
Sorry to hear you're struggling...the only thing I know is 'back to basics'!! I've always kept a food diary so that helps for looking back at what worked before.
One thing I've learnt is if I take my finger off the plan, back comes the pounds!
Hiya everyone just wondering if any of you can help with some tips am a diamond target member I have never had a problem if anything iv always just been under my target but since Christmas iv put 4-5 lbs on that's really not like me I could always go on holiday and not have a gain same on a weekend Iv even went and had my contraceptive inplant taken out thinking maybe that had something to do with it as I only had that in since November but still no change! The only thing I can think of is I started the gym and I Proberly go 3 or 4 times a week but i can't of gained 5lbs to muscle already can I? I write everything down I always have done and am not eating anything different to what I have for the last 3 years it's really getting me down in the dumps iv tried doing SP weeks but the scales just don't move iv come so far iv lost 6 1/2 stone I love my diet all the foods I just don't understand my body just now sorry for my bit moan I just need this 5lbs of any ideas that I haven't already had a bash at
Kirsty perhaps if you are going to the gym a lot you may need more food (healthy extras) to fuel the exercise. Not extra syns but extra healthy food, free or superfree food. Don't let it get you down its fantastic you have lots 6.5stones. Have a chat to your consultant if you go to a class they may have ideas. Make sure you also drink 2 litres of water each and every days, it can make a REAL difference! Good Luck
Kirsty perhaps if you are going to the gym a lot you may need more food (healthy extras) to fuel the exercise. Not extra syns but extra healthy food, free or superfree food. Don't let it get you down its fantastic you have lots 6.5stones. Have a chat to your consultant if you go to a class they may have ideas. Make sure you also drink 2 litres of water each and every days, it can make a REAL difference! Good Luck

I am filling my plate more with veg then what I would Normaly just to give me a kick and iv started on the water today ii was reading on google that sometimes it's water weight so iv decided not to hit the gym this week and see how I get on and hope for the best I went to class last night but I didn't weigh in I couldn't miss out on taster night thank you for your reply x
I had to weigh at home this week as I had a family outing and couldn't make class. According to my scales I'm a pound down which is good - I want to get back to the bottom of target range in preparation for Easter!
IM NOW IN :D got Target today (any tip's) ? lol Started on July 2nd. and Lost a total of 4St 13Lb's.And 2Lb's under my target Goal :D Right so now the Real works starts i believe (the maintaining) XX Thanks for the Thread
Kirsty I think it's good to try those things and see if they help you...keep us posted!

Jo...good idea using home scales...I'd like to do that every week at the moment!!

Debs...:bliss:great news that you're now at target!! well done for losing 4st 13lbs!
Maybe try adding in some extra hex's rather than syns (says she! :p) joking aside...they do make meals more flexible to have more hex's!!
ive spent all day eating and feeling good lol Im still on cloud 9.... Thanks and tbh id like that 1lb of for me 5St award... 9st 4lb is the lowest im allowed to go though.... So trial and error i guess.Thankyou xx
Congratulations Debs! It is definitely a matter of trial and error, for me anyway! I've been at target since September, and at the moment I am mostly sticking to plan during the week and easing up a bit at the weekend - it seems to be working so far!
I will deffo keep you updated am pretty pleased with myself I haven't been on the scales for 2 days my muscles are feeling better and not aching from not going the gym so am trying to keep of the scales till at least Monday to see if there's any change before my proper weigh in on Wednesday fingers crossed the scales starts to drop!

Aw congratulations getting to your target :)
Thanks all.... Its hard now thinking well go on you can have that ive spent 75 1/2 syns just friday and saturday lol Ooops well i did enjoy it im going to see if i can have all the 105 in a week and see where/How i go with don't want to spend the rest of my life saying NO I can't eat that.. I Want to be aboul to live my life as well and do Slimming world :D xx
hiya am back just to keep you all updated I have been on the scales this morning they are going down only slightly by a 1lb but I will not complain its coming of I was jumping and screaming around the house like a right loon!:p its just hard not been able to figure out where its come from when nothings changed am hoping it drops again next week as this week is star week am back to the gym Thursday for boxing then am only allowing myself 3 times a week not 5 I think its to much for my body and iv been drinking a lot more water and green tea this week I love the new cherry bakewell its lovely
So what do we do at Target? i meen 1 A or 2? 1 B or 2? im on green and only have 1 of each do i up it to 3 each aday? If so how do you eat that much food? Sorry for all the questions XX Well Done Kirsty :D
hiya am back just to keep you all updated I have been on the scales this morning they are going down only slightly by a 1lb but I will not complain its coming of I was jumping and screaming around the house like a right loon!:p its just hard not been able to figure out where its come from when nothings changed am hoping it drops again next week as this week is star week am back to the gym Thursday for boxing then am only allowing myself 3 times a week not 5 I think its to much for my body and iv been drinking a lot more water and green tea this week I love the new cherry bakewell its lovely
Well done's all trial & error and it looks like you're finding a solution! Well done for the scales moving down 1lb!
So what do we do at Target? i meen 1 A or 2? 1 B or 2? im on green and only have 1 of each do i up it to 3 each aday? If so how do you eat that much food? Sorry for all the questions XX Well Done Kirsty :D
Hi Deb...
I do green plan too and so we can have 2xhexA & 2xhexB...per day. I think once we reach target we're encouraged to have more of those rather than using extra syns. Personally I don't worry at all how many Hex's I'm using...just makes our meals more interesting. Try upping them and see how you go and if it affects your weight.