JanD into the third year of maintenance :-D

Thanks Emma - and good luck with getting back on track x

Bev - I guess I sort of knew I would too but when you're in the thick of it I guess it's scary coz you're frightened that you won't and will end up like the side of a house again. If you could know for certain that this phase is going to last for 2, 3, 4 days or whatever, I guess it'd be less scary AND you'd be able to actually enjoy it ;) x

Friday 26th August

Banana, slice ham and 3 cherry toms at Mum's

Breakie - choccie mousse


Tea - small tin pilchards in tomato sauce and salad

Mum's - slice ham spread with philli light

work - mrb & 2 boiled eggs

Had text 'words' with middle child (policeman son) today so am feeling a bit discombobulated - I'll get over it, hate it though :( xx
Aw Jan! hope the text words werent too bad! :hug99:xxx
Yeah u def seem to have come out the other side and are back on track now :) x
Ta Lis - I HAVE just had one of those ruddy double oreos but only 70 cals x

Tan - We'll get over it, he's just such a self-centred, thoughtless bugger sometimes - well all the time really. Just sometimes it's easier to put up with or excuse than others. xx
Saturday 27th August

Smidge of bread with smear of clover, 2 strawberries, teaspoon philli light at mum's

Breakie - vanilla mousse


Tea - Pork loin steak, cauli & leek with el salad cream

wine :eek: xx

Edit - a few bits of McCoys crisps :eek: x
Edit2 - babybel light x
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Afraid there may be a l'il amaretto goin' on too :eek:

My latest offering - as I've said on FB - guess who? But don't worry if you can't - it's not a wonderful likeness :) x


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Thats fab, it's a great likeness, I can tell exactly who it is :) x
Can't see it on my phone so will check when I get home! Glad your getting your determination back!
Sorry to hear that you had to have words with your son- I hope you feel better about it now. Funny how you never grow out of being a mum. Me and N had an argument the other day and I called up my mum all upset and she spoke to N took his side and told me to stop being so stupid. Found it a bit harsh but as annoying as it is she is always bloody right!!!
Hope your having a lovely weekend x
Excuse me??? T??? Of COURSE Mothers are ALWAYS right!!!!! :giggle:

I think it's the recognition of that which leads to these 'words' occasionally - he can't bear it!!

I think we're okay now - I've had a pleasant text from him today ;)

Pic has been identified on FB - I'm quite flattered actually!! :D

Sunday 28th August

Breakie - Strawberry mousse

Lunch - (Out) Chicken breast wrapped in bacon, smothered in BBQ & a cheese sauce with salad (YUM!!!)

Tea - mrb

3 glasses of wine during day & V&Cs tonight :eek: xx
OOOOO can't believe I forgot to say! Got weighed this morning as had a huge poo (sorry tmi I KNOW!) and thought 'flippin' 'eck!' iykwim ... ALSO we go away next sunday so will prob weigh either fri or sat next week. AND ..... **drum roll** despite it only being a 5 day wi .... ***another drum roll*** I had lost 3.8lbs!!!!! Down to 10st 1.4lbs :D:D. I'd love to get under 10st before we go but won't beat myself up if I don't. xx
I had a babybel before I went to bed - but then couldn't/can't sleep & have come down and had a piece of hovis seed sensations bread with olive light spread and smoked mackeral :( xx
Well done on the loss Jan! Thats fab xx
Jan as much as it pains me to admit it. My mother is generally always right! Especially about past bfs!
Massive well done on your loss! Its fab especially since you have been having a tough time lately.
Looked at your pic and you could definitely tell who it was! What made you draw him ?!
Hope you managed to get some sleep x
Well done Jan, what a terrific loss and not even a whole week too. You are definitely back in the zone, I am really pleased for you.

Sounds like a good weekend of festivities, and the food looked great.

Glad you and the Son are a little better now :)
Fab loss Jan well done :) x
It was just a pic in a magazine T :) - I'm always on the look out for things that I think I might be able to reproduce!

I'm afraid I had half a custard cream biccie before I went back to bed - the half with the cream on of course ;)

Monday 29th August

Breakie - Banana mousse

Lunch - chicken & mozarella tostada in the Slug & Lettuce in Liverpool ...

A cross between a warm toasted tortilla and a thin-crust pizza: a kind of delicious plate-sized open sandwich, served with great toppings and dressed mixed leaves, glazed with balsamic vinegar.

with melted Cheddar, red pepper tapenade, tomato and grana padano cheese shavings.

With some mayo and 3 of John's chips

John wanted dessert and they were buy one get one free so he chose what he wanted and I got ice cream for him to have extra on his pud but of course ate one of the 3 scoops. Also had 3 teaspoons of his dessert ...

A cookie biscuit base, filled with chocolate brownie, marshmallow pieces and chocolate honeycomb, served with vanilla ice cream.


Will prob have a mrb for tea.

Need an early night tonight - after not sleeping much at all last night and having to get up early when, of course, I COULD have carried on sleeping :eek: xx
Well done on the loss Jan & glad you & son are ok now :) xxx
Your meal with John sounded luscious Jan........I was not drooling........lol.

Half a custard cream - well I got to hold my hat up to you girl, that takes some doing.
HaHa ... I didn't think of it as being difficult Mary - I felt really 'nawty' having that much! :) Also had a baby bel last night before I went to bed.

Tuesday 30th August

Breakie - choccie mousse

Lunch - Ham salad sarnie in Sainsbury's - Mum wanted to buy my lunch as it was our last 'outing' before I go away so had a sarnie rather than the mrb I had in my bag. Chose the lowest cal option at 325 cals :eek:

Tea - slow cooked chicken & veg with moroccan spices.


Bought a new laptop today :D. I've set it all up but will spend tomorrow night at work familiarising myself with windows 7 etc etc. Then hide it from my daughter who's staying here the 1st week we're away :) xx
Had a baby bel again before bed last night .. this is becoming a habit!

Wednesday 31st August

Breakie - Vanilla mousse

Lunch - MRB

2 thin slices ham

Tea - Baked salmon with spinach, roasted courgette, mushrooms & red pepper and a bit of el salad cream

Work - MRB & 2 boiled eggs xx