JanD into the third year of maintenance :-D

I remember buying a bag of those baby bels a few months ago, and another stringy bag of mixed cheeses - LETHAL, but lovely.
Oh your tea looks gorgeous Jan!!!
babybel before I left for work

4 squares choc in work :eek: x
At least babybels aren't too bad and you're getting extra calcium too. I used to have these everyday while I was on slimming world, many moons ago, wonder if they're still allowed them now!
I don't know Bev - I've completely lost touch with SW now. I'd imagine so though. I keep forgetting to say that they're lights so not too bad. Only 1 left now ;)

Thursday - 1st September (nice coz I go on hol in 3 days but scarey in terms of the year flying by and christmas beginning to loom :eek:)

Slice ham and 2 cherry toms at mum's - then took her to hosp for her 2nd eye injection. This was worse than the 1st one & she looked shaken & tearful when she came out so I thought we'd hang around for a little while. I didn't just want to rush her home and dump her on her own, so we went for a cup of coffee. She wanted a 'little something' & chose a kitkat - I had 1 finger :eek:
(Just to update, she's been in quite a lot of pain and 'down' all day but is much better tonight, thankfully :))

Breakie - strawberry mousse


Tea - Pork loin steak & about 12 large prawns with salad & el salad cream
Later on had some berries with some neapolitan ice cream :eek:

Work - MRB & 2 boiled eggs xx
Aww your poor Mum, it must have hurt her much more today.

I hope she manages to get a good sleep and feels much better tomorrow.

Oooh 3 days and hollybobs, that has certainly come around quickly. 24 sleeps for me yet :(
Hmmmm - But just think - mine'll be all over and tan fading & you'll just be on your way .... :eek:
Is this the 3 week one? Or is that next year? xx
3 week one is next year, this one is for 15 days.

So you go on 4th till 18th?

Thats the problem when we return, that tan starts to fade, but a good thing we have the memories though and photo's.

I gave up on FV today, as it was taking too much time, so I dedicated the spare time to cleaning up the drawers. Took me hours to eventually find my charger for my camera, I had to use my camera phone on the last holiday - cant really say I trust Phill with my camera, he just cant work a touch screen! Good old Hitachi coming back this holiday.
Okay I'm being really thick now .... FV? I know I'll kick myself ... but .... ?

John's no good with touch screens either - isn't it funny? He can't cope with the touch mouse on a laptop either - he ends up swearing at it. He's just too heavy handed and leaves the hand that's not using it hovering too near which just confuses it.
He's going to be hopeless with this new one of mine because the mouse is even more sensitive :giggle: ... good way to keep him off it! :) xx
Oh and yes, 4th -18th .... :fingerscrossed: the threatened greek air traffic controllers strike doesn't come to anything. Just our luck for them to be threatening it 2-6pm on sunday when we're supposed to be arriving there at 3.30pm!! :sigh: xx
And forgot to say - thanks for what you said about mum earlier :) xx
Oh dear, those inconsiderate AT Controllers - how dare they!

Some people are so obsessed by things like this though, that could actually believe that this was some sort of omen, you know and even cancel a holiday. Sheer coincidence - I must be tired, I am really waffling now :)

No probs about what I said about your Mum xxx
OH!!! HaHa!!!! I'm glad you put the last post in because on the 1st one i can only see a little red cross :)

OF COURSE!!! It's been so long since I gave that up as a bad job!.. It's not even on my radar now :) xx
Just had a rotten crunchie ... dang holiday mode is creeping up on me - I can FEEEEEEEL it!!! :eek: xx
Didn't realise you were going away so soon. Hope the strike doesn't affect you too much. When we flew they were on strike but we were only delayed at Bristol by hour and a half but the pilot made good time and we landed an hour late. The day before we landed the bus and train drivers were on strike and whilst we were there the taxi drivers went on strike. None of these affected us thankfully.

Would never put me off going back though, absolutely love it there!!

Hope your mum's OK after her rough day yesterday, sounds awful.
Hahaa, forgot it was so long since you were farming Jan ;)

Oh my, those crunchies are appearing like a bad apple, my dream yetsterday and now you ate one.

My craving today is Cointreau, can you have a small one of those with ice for me too please?............. :)
BLEURGHH!! Sorry Mary - not even as a favour :(

However I did manage to put away everything else in sight this morning ... dunno what came over me. I can only blame the crunchie for setting me off or holiday mode - or a combination.

Mum's - 3 little pieces of homemade bread with clover & peanut butter, a banana, 3 or 4 chocolate covered biccies, a kitkat chunky (but this was only to see if it was red inside in case she'd won £10,000 or whatever it is ..... she hadn't, but of course I had to check right from one end to the other ;)) .... I think there was something else but I can't remember. Had to go to tescos on the way home, so while I was there I got an individual tub of golden syrup oats so simple and a vanilla danish which I had when I got home. :(

Tonight I had a small tin of pilchards in tomato sauce with salad and at mum's a slice of ham, 3 cherry toms and a small banana.

I won't be getting weighed before I go after that lot!!

I've brought a MRB and 2 boiled eggs to work and I'll TRY to stay out of the kitchen :eek: xx

Mum's much better today and noticing that she can see more of the tv than she could before, so hopefully it's all gonna be worth it in the end! x