JanD's Maintenance Diary. Into the 2nd year :o)))

Yeah - that DJ was extremely 'up himself' as you say and I'm very sorry no way he isn't GAY!! Nothing wrong with that so why deny it??? Probably thinking he'll disappoint his female 'fans' ?!

What was funny was that Kate forgot to buy the edible sparkles & things so just put ordinary (inedible) glitter on everything! (which was why she then didn't want to eat it!) She's a hoot! :D xx

Tuesday 23rd November

Breakie - Blueberries & ff from frais

Lunch - Left over cauli & half tub of cottage cheese

Alpen light bar

Tea - Baked smoked river cobbler & stir fry

V&Cs xx
:rotflmao: i did think it was a little weird that she didnt eat her own stuff!!! lol x
Adding pkt cheese n onion hula hoops xx
Wednesday 24th November

Breakie - Blueberries & ff fromfrais

Lunch - In Sainsbury's, Onion & stilton soup & chunk of crusty bread - ate the crusty left the doughy middle & didn't butter it


Tea - Baked chicken breast with philli light & rasher of bacon, cauli & leek & carrots.

Work - chicken & cottage cheese salad, 2 satsuma & small banana xx

Editing to add a shape yoghurt with few blueberries.
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You left the doughy part?!!! thats the best bit! I love it when you can squeeze bread into a little dough ball :drool: lol x
I must admit I do too Tan - but do you know that's a sure fire way to tell how processed bread is? If you can mould it it's very processed, if it falls to bits when you try it's not .... all the nice things eh? ;)

I must admit I've been trying to point up a few things to see about what's in what I eat. I'm going to try to point my tea - which was 180g chicken, dessertspoon of Philli light (30g?), rasher of bacon (fat removed) cauli, leek & carrots with a sqeeze of vlf salad cream.

Then what I'm taking to work is 100g chicken, 100g be good to yourself cottage cheese & salad, sm banana, 2 satsumas .... so I'll see if I can find/work out the points for these & see how I feel about it. xx
Right so I'm thinking the chicken would be 6pp, bacon 1pp, salad cream 1pp - not sure about the philli light?? 2?? making my tea 10pps

Then for work - chicken well it's 3.5 but you don't do halves do you so 4pp & cottage cheese - dunno - & satsumas & small banana are 0pp I do believe .. will go & look for cottage cheese NI & point it on the calculator xx

Well it appears to only be 1.6 therefore 2 so work meal is 6pps

What I find strange is that you don't put calories or serving size into that calculator .... hmmmm strange .... ANYWAY, that makes those 2 meals 16pps. I can't point the soup coz I've no clue what was in it - or the bread. Breakfast would just be the points in the ff from frais ...... Oh I'm really not sure I can be bothered with all this working out - I can't even be bothered going & looking a the NI on the fr frais when I've just been out to look at the cottage cheese! LOL!!! Lazy or what!!??!! xx
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LOL Jan those points are right. 30g of light phili is only 1point.
In a way in the calculator you are putting in the serving size as youre putting in the amount for say a 30g serving or 100g serving etc :)

Yeah - guess so :D xx Thanks for the philli pps xx
Hahaa, you make me laugh Jan........I keep a little notebook and jot down points, saves you looking them all up again, and we tend to eat the majority of things over and over, its a doddle when you get into it chick.
I'm gonna have another l'il nosey round the WW forum & see what they're all saying ... I'd feel better if I had the paperwork & calculator too xx
Thursday 25th November

Mum's - Little piece off a crusty loaf with clover (really tiny) (guess at 5pp????)

Breakie - Piece Seeds & Oats bread with philli light (would this be 4pps IF I was counting ;))
small banana (these are gone now - if I have bananas in I eat too many so I only get them when the children are coming - inevitably they don't eat them!)


Tea - Slow cooked beef - didn't weigh it but I had quite a lot, I'd guess about 200g with cauli & leek and half a tin of ratatouille (1pp) - chicken seems to work out to about 1pp per 30g and pork a bit more so I'm guessing beef will be a bit more again. If I estimate 10pp for the beef??? I think that should be enough ??

Work - Chicken (4pp) & cottage cheese (2pp) salad (0pp) - small pear & satsuma (0pp)

Now see this would give me a total of 26pps for the day .... so of course I'm thinking ... what else can I have?? :sigh: ... still dunno what to do!! :eek:

I think I'll see how I go on over the weekend - see what the point totals WOULD be with me l'il tipples etc ;) and also see how I've got on on Monday - I haven't had too bad a week up to now xxx
I'm not sure on the beef either Jan.
Thinking what else can I have is the hardest bit - bad habit to fall into xxx

I've just 'allowed myself' an asda smart price choc chip cookie - worked out to 1.5 so has to be counted as 2 .. however that meant that 2 are 3pps - so I almost guarantee I'll have the other one as well! :eek: xx
HaHa - just been reading someone's diary on WW forum which reminded me I had a shape zero after tea so that's another 2pp ... head like a seive - good job I didn't have the other biscuit. xx
Yes girls, the 'what can I have to make up my points' is a bad thing to get into, mine was 3 vodka's.........lol.

Good week for you Jan, keep it up and I am sure you will lose your small gain from last week.
Vodka is better than food.......... ;) lol
Friday 26th November - gonna try & point again

Mum's - Teensy weensy l'il bit of crusty bread with clover (2pp?)

Breakie - 2 weetabix with 1/4pt skimmed milk, splenda & blueberies (4pp)


Tea - 130g chicken breast (4pp) with stir fry (1pp for fry light), shape zero (2pp) (7pp total)

Exceedingly small banana at mum's (3 bites!)

Work - chicken & cottage cheese salad (didn't weigh but if anything chicken AND cottage cheese are less than the other nights) (6pp)

2 small satsumas and a tiny pear

Total - Now this only adds up to 19 ...... ?? If I'd worked it out at home I'd have brought a piece of bread to put some salad on. I MAY be able to pinch one here but if I can it'll be white and thick which isn't ideal .... we'll see xx

Edit - Go Ahead yoghurt break - 2 slc pk 4pp
Edit2 - 2 'dead heads' I'm guessing at 4pp - No way they're more than the equivalent of half a creme egg (which is 6) so I'm sure that's enough .. total now 27pp xx
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Food looking great jan :) are ya still undecided about ww? Did you win the paperwork and calculator on eBay?xxx