Jules LL Diary

Good luck xxx
I have a bar most days - I like to have something non-liquid.

Well done for staying strong in the world of food!!

Hope your weigh in went really well!! xx
Just caught up with your diary Jules, really enjoyed reading it. Enormously impressed with the abstinence in the face of such temptations , events ... weekends away :worthy:

Keep up the comitment.

Onwards and downwards.
Hey Gracie how r u xx
Hi there,

Sorry for not posting sooner, off work and its been busy, but lovely. I'm off this week too woop woop, its fab spending time with my daughter!!!:D

Firstly thanks ladies for your posts, your soooo lovely and thank you Clara for your post. Didn't realise your in South Wales too like me and JulesLynne. My name is Jules also but my minimins name is Gracie Lou after my dogs who are Gracie and Lou Lou (sad I know lol), good job really as I think t would be even more confusing with me and Jules L. I'm looking forward to catching up with your diary, hoping your ok with the dog situation ...cant imagine how you must feel. Chin up lovely x

Lost 4 lbs last week, quite surprised as my water intake was below par, but I did do a lot of walking, so I've decided when I go back to work next week I'll be walking in - as long as the weather is dry! Otherwise I'll look like a frizzball if raining...not pretty lol.:eek:

I've been good, had a 1st birthday to get through this weekend - I love party food! but I stuck to water and ate a bar. I just talked my way thrugh the afternoon to take my mind off the food, I'm good at talking hahaha.

Off to Torquay this weekend to see hubby's sister, she knows I'm on LL and is very supportive, which is a relief. Like my hubby her hubs is an excellent cook, so another test. I seem to have had a test every week. Cant believe how determined I am ...although I did lick my finger's when I made my daughter toast and nutella this morning. ooops......but i did it out of habit, not even realising what I had done for a few mins. Felt quite guilty, how silly is that.

I'm lucky I don't have to do the cooking hubs does it all, however while he took the dogs for a walk yesterday I made Ch.... and Pot... pie.....OMG how hard was that. I SO ADMIRE ALL YOU LADIES WHO STILL HAVE TO COOK FOR THEIR FAMILY - NOW THAT'S A REAL TEST, not my weekends!!

Hope you've all been enjoying the weather ...just hope this isn't our summer!!!

Right off to catch up with all you gorgeous ladies and your diaries. Promise to put more time into minimins this week. I have missed you all.

Hiya Welshy hunni.
I've gone to ground this week too hunni. I blame the nightshifts lol. Antisocial ******* they are. Have a fab weekend, hope the weather holds out for you. I'm off to turkey on sat. Can't wait. My BF is already out there I've missed him. Speak to you soon hun. Xxxxxxxx
Hey chick,

Nightshifts ...umm must be hard huni. Are you a nurse ??

Turkey, I love Turkey, went 4 yrs on the trott when Hubs and I were younger and before our little one was born. OMG just realised its been nearly 20 years since we first went. Let me just pick myself off of the floor !!!!! I feel old!!!! We went to Gumbet which then was a small fishing village but great location as Bodrum right next door. When we went back 8 yrs ago, boy had it changed !!! Still have a place in my heart for Turkey although you either love it or hate it.

Have an awesome time hunni...will miss you xx
Yeh. I am a nurse. It's been really difficult week jul as the weather's been so fab. Don't sleep as well. More hours in the day to think about food :-( but I have coped. Weighing tonight. Fingers crossed.

We stay in icmeler. OH has an apartment out there. It's fab. Xxxxxxxx
I think my Uncle has an apartment there too! Ah lovely Jules ...you'll have a fab time, can you put me in your suitcase hahaha, c x

I havent many regrets in life, but not doing my nursing when I left college, well thats probably my biggest one! I always wanted to be a nurse then I thought maybe a social worker, but my year tutor made me promise I'd never become a social worker. She said I'd prob end up being arrested for taking matters into my own hands lol!:D She was prob right. So I took a year out to decide but started earning money, which meant more to me at the time ...big mistake! I was 41 last Thursday and I still regret it:sigh:

I bet days like these are a nightmare ...I'd prob be out in the garden in the sun rather than sleeping lol. I have a friend (another Jules lol) who is just in the 2nd yr of her nursing degree, she's 36...I'm so envious of her, but I dont think I'm academic enough to do a degree lol.

I do think the caring is being taken out of the profession with the need to do a degree but I guess now nurses are doing more of what the docs used too.

I bet your a fab nurse Jules, you come across as a very caring, genuine person ;)

Awe thanks hun.

I'm the same age as you. I didn't start my training till I was 30, they were still doing a diploma course then thank god. I do sometimes speak without thinking if I'm honest. If I were to say my weaknesses, that would be one of them but I can empathize with difficulties of having a weight problem as I have nursed extremely large patients. My heart goes out. X

Oh hun, your welcome in my suitcase. Lol. Xxxxxxxx
Omg. Loving the photo of you with Gracie and Lou Lou. Awe soooooo sweet. Xxxxxxx
This is Jodie on a walk by the river. Xxxxx


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I'm dreading it. I hope she settles. Fay at the kennels is lovely though. She assures me she'll be fine. Xxxxx
Aw loving catching up on your diary, cute dogs are taking over this forum lol xx
Where are you living again ? May have to engage in a bit of dog napping lol
Not been on here for a while. Been off work for nearly 2 weeks, enjoying the weather. Went to see family in Torquay. Had lovely time and sis-in-law very supportive of my weight loss, she's slim sp was quite refreshing, which was great. Brother-in-law is an awesome cook so had to be extra resistant to food. But didnt eat it just sniffed haha.

Found it hard to drink the water while away as worried i wouldnt find the loo in time haha. Back in work and back on track with the water.

I'm lucky as I have had no issues in this area but one of the ladies in my class is really having toilet troubles (sorry) and not going for days ...nearly a week. She's tried Andrews thingy but doesnt totally relieve the symptoms....anyone else had troubles like this, if so what did you do to relieve it. I felt so sorry fo her last week her tummy looked so swollen.

Only lost 2lbs last week, bit gutted so hoping for a better loss tomorrow.

Right off to catch up on diaries
