LL September Starters/Re-starters

I'm a total newbie to LL - having watched the lbs drop off my friend i decided i needed to do something similar. So, i started today! I had my class yesterday evening and collected all my packs. I had the vanilla shake this morning and have to say i was surprised i quite liked it! *fingers crossed* my lunchtime banana shake will be as pleasant!

Not struggling too much at the moment, apart from with the odd tummy rumble and constant internal thoughts about food!....i assume those will reduce as i get used to it.

I have to admit i had a bit of a diet coke addiction and i am more worried about the caffeine withdrawal than i am by not having food! I am expecting the mother of all headaches to appear within the next day or so....but i am prepared for it, and know i'll be better off without diet coke!

Good luck to everyone who's started in September, and congrats to those who have already managed to loose weight! I look forward to getting to know everyone and seeing the weight fall off!

I have to admit i had a bit of a diet coke addiction and i am more worried about the caffeine withdrawal than i am by not having food!

same here :rolleyes: i love diet coke and i miss that more than i do food :eek:
Hi Kim and welcome! Doing LL could ve the best decision you would ever make. You're doing well so far and by next week you'll be loving the changes your body will go through.

Yes diet coke is a favourite of mine too but if you suffer from caffeine withdrawals just have a black coffee! That's still allowed :)
hi kim26 and a very warm welcome! you will get to know all the people on here im sure, they are all lovely and we all help and support each other.....its such a great site I couldnt be without it!
best of luck in your journey, stay focused, positive and look forward to seeing the amazing results very soon x
Thank you! Well i tried the banana shake at lunch and i really liked it - so at least i have 2 i like lol. Strawberry for when i get home!

I'm so glad i am not the only one who is worried about the diet coke thing! I am not a fan of tea or coffee, but i am thinking i may need to develop a taste for it to get my caffeine fix!

I have a question - are you able to use sweetner on the porridge? I got 2 packs of it to try but i am not sure i can do porridge without sweetner at least!? not sure if the sweetner would bring you out of ketosis?
hi kim, yes you can use sweetner no problem!
I used to really love drinking tea, strange though as since starting LL ive gone right off tea cant face it, but gone over to coffee, your taste buds do change
Hi Kim and welcome! You can use tablet sweetener but not powder. The bulking agents in the powder can take you out of ketosis iirc. Taste the porridge before you add any though as it is very sweet and you may find you don't need any more on it. Best of luck!
Tracy - I used to have to have my big mug of Tetley to face the day but am finding it too bitter without milk. I'm trying different leaf teas at the moment. My kitchen looks like a whole food shop!

Well... Off to my second pop in tonight and feeling very low about it after Friday. Where is my "positive mental attitude" when I need it?!
spangly how did you get on?
3lb - which means 8lb in 11 days! (am quite relieved and happy!)
YAY! to Mags & Spangly on your losses this week :D

Hi Kim, Welcome to LL - I'm sure you'll do really well!

Before I did LL the first time round i used to drink a fair bit of diet coke. Even after finishing abstinence it was about 12 months before I was even tempted to ty it again ..wierd!
I hate coffee & can't do black tea so am on the peppermint tea for now if I need a hot drink ...who'd have thought I could function without my morning cuppa:p
Had my first weigh in today and I have lost 11 lbs. Very pleased :)
wooo, well done Cereal!!! xx
Just read a few pages back.. welcome to all the newbies.

Kim - I was completely addicted to pepsi max and I can't say I've missed it really. The porridge is one of my fave packs (the other is the veg soup) and I think its really sweet without having to add anything. A lady in my group (who has lost 10stones in 9 months) adds a lil bit of ground nutmeg and cinnamon (they're probably illegal) but I do that now, and its really really lovely.

Good luck with your first week... I have my first weigh in tonight and I'm so excited!

Hope you're feeling warmer Kathryn.

C xxx
Well done, Cereal. That's amazing! and good luck CharlieLou!

Thank you Spangly... how are you doing?? xx
well done spangly and cereal great! :)
Thank you and good luck to everyone! :)