Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Hey Katy I am so proud of you for making good choices while away and feeling happy with them as another poster has said this is your normal now and I bet you looked like jess rabbit in your swimsuit!!!!
Keep it up adn I will start reading your books to get me on track with all the MIND stuff - head not been in right place with PMT this last week but now these tablets I have taken have sent me into orbit with positive mood - so watch out!!!!

Hugs and safe travelling
Lol Jess. I'm not so much of a Jess Rabbit kind of girl as a female bugs bunny, but it is a nice thought!

Lelly, definitely a lack of sprouts out here... I experienced the same sprout nirvana during 810 and keep a bag of frozen spouts in freezer back home... to the family's dismay!

Crazy, vegemite is deffy on my souvenir shopping list!

Chels, you look SO different, your legs look longer and even in a 'loose' top there is a real hourglass figure there! But most of all, you look younger... just very sparkly and fresh. So see it, and be it, and be proud! Gotta love CD, it is the best diet ever.

Sat May 23

OK... today is my day off, and very strange thing happened. I am a bit surprised and a bit horrified, but hey.

Brekky: 2 x scrambled eggs, 1 piece toast, 4 cherry tomatoes, skinny latte
(2 hour walk around Brisbane)
lunch: feta salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber & lo-fat greek yog with some cooked apple & cinnamon
(fell asleep for 2 hours in middle of day)
packet of TimTams from mini bar. Choc fingers with ginger filling?

I am quite perplexed by this. I had said I would never eat choc again, but I wanted something and didn't feel like going out in search of something. So I ate them. And I don't know how I feel... not ashamed, not panicky, not scared, not happy either... just not very impressed, actually. With myself, or with them. The pack says 870 Kj (that CAN'T be 870 cals??? Can it?). Whatever it was, it wasn't worth it. Hold on, just found a site that converts, it is about 207 cals I think. But not worth it in any way.

Just feel vaguely disturbed that I did that... and thought it was OK to do it...

I am also surprised I fell asleep in my room, but guess I am tired after a week of very long days and lots of energy output. Maybe I thought chocolate would help, although I know it never ever does.

Confession over. It's still only 4 o clock, eek.

I had said I would never eat choc again,

Ahh. Never say never ;) Blimey, couldn't imagine life without a bit of choc. Notice I say 'a bit' :D

So I ate them. And I don't know how I feel... not ashamed, not panicky, not scared,

Excellent. We have progress :clap:

Hold on, just found a site that converts, it is about 207 cals I think. But not worth it in any way.

That's all you need to remember. It wasn't worth it to you on this occasion. Another great lesson learnt Katy. Wow! You're a star.

Isn't it wonderful to be able to have some choc. Just 207 cals worth and for it not to turn into a massive pacman episode :cool:

You need to try this again at some point :)
Oh and BTW. I love vegemite. Get it from ASDA. Yummy
I've not tried vegemite! I love marmite though...

You are doing so well, and also learning at the same time! Bravo!!

Lol Jess. I'm not so much of a Jess Rabbit kind of girl as a female bugs bunny, but it is a nice thought!

Lelly, definitely a lack of sprouts out here... I experienced the same sprout nirvana during 810 and keep a bag of frozen spouts in freezer back home... to the family's dismay!

Crazy, vegemite is deffy on my souvenir shopping list!

Chels, you look SO different, your legs look longer and even in a 'loose' top there is a real hourglass figure there! But most of all, you look younger... just very sparkly and fresh. So see it, and be it, and be proud! Gotta love CD, it is the best diet ever.

Katy, thank you so much for the nice words. It is strange because I have got used to how I now look, over the past few weeks and suddenly I feel like a fat bird again...doh!! So it was good to see the two pics to compare them. I can't believe how dreadful I looked!!! It also makes me realise that I have changed and that I am not a fat bird anymore!!
hey katy, just popping in to say hi wherever you may be!

Also popped by to say hello :) xx
Thank you... have been in New Zealand and without net connection, just back in hotel in time for head to touch the pillow & I've been out like a light. Early starts every morning too, 4.30 one day... eeek. Also had work dinners several nights on the trot and another tonight and tomorrow... I am not as scared of that now. I know it is 'exceptional' if you know what I mean... it's not usual to be eating restaurant dinners, and I am making the best choices I can.

Thank you KD for making me feel better about the TimTams... I did expect to feel awful and I didn't, just felt a bit confused, and there has been no repeat... just don't WANT choc especially now. Long may THAT last. Seriously, SUCH a trigger food for me.

Thanks all of you for being there for me through the last few weeks... three days left now and I will be on the way home on Sat afternoon... home Sunday... am back in Aus now, Melbourne, and schedule is crazy for these days but Do have net so will check in when I can.

Have lost track of meals lately, but still trying to choose well, and loving the choices, and feeling OK about it. I know I will have gained in these three weeks away but I will be back to the steps when I get home, and probably looking for advice on which step to start from... depends I guess on 'the damage'!!!

Hugs all,

Nice to hear from you Katy, what a whirlwind you are at the minute!
Keep going with the choices and enjoy it, don't regret a thing and have the time of your life. Keep safe xx
you were in Brisbane! that's my hometown! i love it and miss it so much :(
Counting down the days... Eyseon, Brissy was fab... think I've fallen in love with every place I've been. But missing OH & kids... almst there!!!

Hey Katy glad your enjoying your tour, not long now and you will be back with your family..and the rain;)