Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Oh god where has that 3 weeks gone am so excited you are coming back this weekend bet kids and HB have missed you loads too!

Dont worry about how much the scales say when you get back as like you say its 'exceptional' circumstance as at the moment and if you were at home you wouldnt be eating like you have to at the moment because of work and am sure once you get home your determination will see you through to get to the weight you want to be!

cant wait to have you back properly on here - last weekend was a nightmare and a half without you to kick me up the bum and give me a serious talking to

have a safe trip home
Have a safe trip home :) xxx
:welcome2:Home Katy.

Hope the sun is shining in Dumfries & Galloway for you.

It sounds like you made very good food choices during your trip.
on train coming north... net on train... woo!!! Can' wait to catch up with everyone! I am pretty wrecked though, 21 hour flights... not good!!!

Welcome back! Yay!!!! xx
Welcome back, hope you had a good trip and that the travelling didn't take too much out of you! pop in to the hour by hour thread if you get a chance tomorrow! x
Hi everyone... thanks Sarette, Sleepy, Laura, Trip, Jess, Angela, Serena and everyone else who has been there for me while I was away on the other side of world without my CD safety blanket! You've been fab, and checking in occasionally has helped me to stay focused. Lost yesterday to jet lag & still struggling, have been up since 3.30 and browsing minis... oops! But so lovely to catch up.

My last week away was hard food-wise as there were a lot of work dinners and lunches and my energy levels were running low, can't recall now the choices for every day, but chose as best I could. I know I was well over my cals for some of those days and it took me three hours after getting back home before I dared to get on scales. And when I did...

GULP. I didn't put on. I didn't even stay the same. I LOST!!! Just a weeny bit, but I am amazed and awed and just about ready to start building a shrine to CD, blinking astonishing!!!! I know I have used up a lot of energy while away, with only two days off in three weeks, very long days and lots of mental/emotional & physical energy being spent on the actual work... but still. I cannot wipe the jet-lagged grin off my face. And I know without CD & the weight loss, I'd never have coped with such a gruelling trip, so full-on... I swear, I would sing the praises of CD to anyone who'd listen. And of minis, of course.

One blip (timtams moment) in three weeks, but lots of scary food... pasta... cheese... risotto... and I am still here to tell the tale. I can see how much I have changed, that it doesn't feel nice any more to eat once I am full, that it's OK to leave food on my plate, that I don't need a pudding even if the pud option sounds great... but that I can have one, if I want to... just that I don't, usually. And that even a dodgy choice (timtams) doesn't have to be the end of the world. I just feel... well, more normal around food. I never thought I'd be able to say that, as I haven't been normal around food for as long as I can remember!

I don't know now whether to step back onto 1200 or 1500 or try to just 'be normal' but so, so happy & relieved. And so grateful. Big hugs again...

Morning Katy and that is absolutley fantastic news Im SOOOOOOOOOO proud of you losing whilst away and being able to have all that control around food. its just wonderful - I cant wait to be like that


and 3.5 below target is just ebtter than great


Lovely to have you back - bet you have enjoyed being on minis for the last 3hours!!!!!
You are amazing and I am so very chuffed for you and proud too!

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Wow katy thats fantastic news! You go girl. Just shows your head is in the right place and you have complete control even when you are in different surroundings . Well done lovely x
:happy096: Well done Katy that's fab!

This is just my opinion but it might be worth considering going back into something structured like 1500 or even 1800 for a couple of weeks or so because with all that distraction and rushing around whilst away you might need to establish what your calorie needs are in "normal" life if that makes sense?

On the flip side I suppose it also depends on whether you're happy in your mind that you've completed the maintenance steps - if so then you don't want to be going backwards unecessarily.

Just as long as you don't have that niggle of unfinished business in the back of your head otherwise it might come back to bite you at a later stage...

Sorry I've probably confused the issue :eek:

Well done again xx
Thanks Serena, that makes sense to me. I generally do make good choices when I am working away, being at home (usually work from home) is where I flounder. I don't feel I have completed the steps and don't quite feel ready to let go of CD yet. And I know I need support still if that makes sense.

I am thinking today that I have been very lucky, but also that because of the long & busy days I didn't notice so much when I skipped a meal for example, and equally, burned it off when I didn't. Already today I have eaten without needing to eat, just because I could. So lots of lessons not yet learned.

I see my CDC on thurs and but 1500 sounds do-able for now, CDC hasn't done the steps herself as such so not sure what she will advise. I think my cal needs may be about 1700 as I am mostly sedentary apart from walking dog & occasional swim... so my energy burned levels will be dropping now too. Not sure what 1700 looks like, so need to get the cal thing sorted. Still pretty tired and not thinking straight, but 1500 sounds good.

Trip... complete control? Noooo! Felt out of control most of those three weeks, but made myself not panic about it and know I ate a lot less than I would have done in past. In fact in past I'd have been comfort eating the whole way through to ease the stress.

Sarette & Jess, thanks for the support too, feels like you have been with me every step and that has helped so much.
