Luv2BSlim's Slim & Save Diary

Hi there iv just read your diary, your doing brilliant. Really inspirational.

Hope you have a good day xxx

Hey luv2bslim just wanted to pop on and say ur doing great and reading ur diary is def keeping me motivated

Aw thank you both so much! xx

Well done on ur loss hun :)
Hope you have a lovely day and happy birthday to ur lil doggy ;) xxx

Hope your doggy had a nice bday :)

Where are ya?? Xx

Thanks Stef and Rebekah xx

I haven't been able to get on much the past few days but am back! ;) xx

I didn't realise exercising might cause gains :s bit of a scary thought I suppose that all the benefits of exercise will outweigh the disappointment of a potential gain though. I wish you luck for you upcoming weigh-in! your doing so well :)

shouldnt cause gains unless you dont up your water hun.... the gain is caused by being dehydrated and you hold water!!! If you up your water you'll be fine!!!

:) X

Thank you Pen87

Yeah re the scale gain when I start exercise, well, I initially did a Google search on it and saw this: so was going by that :p :eek:

It's all good, I think I could handle it if it does happen! I am hoping to go down and sign up to the gym middle of next week after the holiday.

Ahh! I must have been typing up my post when you posted your last comment Rebekah. Thanks for checking in on me, all good here still on plan and going strong! Hope you are ok and are having a good weekend so far xx
Enjoy the gym :) distracts me from going in the kitchen!!

Enjoy the bank hol weekend Xx
Week 10 complete!

So that is week 10 completed!

Weigh in day this morning and I lost 2 lb this week which now makes me 13st 10.75lb. It feels like it's taking me forever to hit that 2 stone mark... but, I think there's a possibility I could make it by next week weigh in.
Well done hun your doing ace :)

Yes I'm having a nice weekend at parents. :)

Slowly slowly for us but its coming off and staying off!!

Wahooo well done week 10!!! And well done on your loss :D You will hit that 2 stone mark in no time!!! xxx
Well done hun your doing ace :)

Yes I'm having a nice weekend at parents. :)

Slowly slowly for us but its coming off and staying off!!


Thanks Rebekah. Glad you had a great time! Oh that's what my mum says to me, at least it's coming off! xx

Wahooo well done week 10!!! And well done on your loss :D You will hit that 2 stone mark in no time!!! xxx

Thanks Stef :D I can't wait!
Day 73/74 now in week 11

I haven't been drinking much water for the past few days, mainly Coke Zero! I am being really lazy with it. Really dunno why I fail at it so much.

I think I must have had more than 3 bars per week because when I made my order I ordered enough to have 3 per week but now don't have enough left :confused:. I seem to have LOADS of porridge so there are gonna be some days where I'll have to eat 3 of them, which weeks ago I'd have been like oh yes! but I think I'm starting to go off them which is not good! I've gone off the meals so now only have bars, shakes and porridge, soon it will just be shakes and bars eek! Hmm, in a way I'm glad I'm having a week off in a couple of weeks... a part of me hopes it will make me like the porridge again! fingers crossed.
I'm terrible at gettin enough water, going to make a real effort today

Got a litre sports bottle and carried it about over the weekend, this did help!

Your doing great hunny Xx
I'm terrible at gettin enough water, going to make a real effort today

Got a litre sports bottle and carried it about over the weekend, this did help!

Your doing great hunny Xx

Thanks Rebekah
Yeah I try to drink at least 4 glasses (they can hold about 500ml) a day but am failing big time! lol. I keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow but never do it xx
I'm wide awake, can't sleep. Got up out of bed in the end and thought I'd come on the laptop for a little while and try go back up to bed to see if I can sleep soon.

So yeah still failing with the water! :mad:. TOTM still hasn't arrived :confused: as of tomorrow it will be 8 weeks since I last had a period. Hmm seems I am having the total opposite to most of the other ladies on this diet. The thing is, although I haven't had a period I am having the symptoms and they're certainly hanging around! been around for nearly 3 weeks now. Sore nipples/breasts. CRAVING like mad. Oh and the worst, PMT and it's probably the worse PMT I've ever had (and I suffer with it quite bad normally). I dunno what is going on it's driving me nuts. I mean, if TOTM is coming hurry up already! if not then why the heck are these pre menstrual symptoms hanging around so long. Ok period rant over and sorry if you're reading this and it's TMI.

Really not liking the porridge anymore :( the smell alone is making me want to gag, what a nightmare as I have lots left and don't want to have to just live on the damn shakes. Ok I'm gonna go, feeling grumpy! lol
Hope you got back to sleep hunny!! Pmt is mega annoying especially when it won't arrive!!

Have a good day x
I forget what day I am on? I think it's about day 76...

Anyway, I'm chuffed at something which is going to sound totally weird, and, well... gross! I managed to go for a number 2 yesterday without any help! (haven't taken a laxative since Friday). WOO hoo! hopefully this will happen more often so I don't have to rely on those damn dulcolax. I will still take one tomorrow before bed though because I like to go just before I get on the scales in my weekly weigh in. I did manage to go by myself earlier in the week, or it might have been mid last week, I can't remember now... but it was absolutely awful :( it was SO painful. I haven't had that happen for years now. When I was younger I suffered with constipation bad and would only go once every 7-14 days, so when I did go it was very very painful. I do not want that to happen again! it was nasty. Sorry TMI again :giggle:

Will have to eat a pack soon, I haven't eaten yet today and I feel rather hungry. I might have a bar first then either 2 porridges (yuk) or 1 porridge and a shake and then my 2 boiled eggs! yum.

Cravings are driving me insane, like they are so bad I keep considering eating something I shouldn't... which really hasn't been a problem in my 11 weeks on this plan because I somehow got some motivation from somewhere! I am going to put it down to my PMT and hope it will pass eventually.

Well I guess that's it for now. Weigh in on Saturday and on Sunday I'll have started week 12, where did that come from?

Hope you got back to sleep hunny!! Pmt is mega annoying especially when it won't arrive!!

Have a good day x

Hi Rebekah yeah managed to get back to sleep, just as well because lack of sleep makes me grumpy... that on top of PMT would be awful :giggle:xx
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lol the above post made me giggle its funny how peeps on here talk about such things, I never see that on most forums :p I haven't had to use laxatives at all on this diet :/ in fact the packs seem to disagree with me.

Its amazing that you've nearly been on this plan for like 3 months now, its def an achievement I cant wait till I can say the same thing! Are you looking forward to having a week off? I am always looking on here to see what people plan on doing during that break, wether its sticking to the official guidelines or to have a few treats.

I hope you start to feel better and that the porridge starts looking yum again! and wish you all the best with your pending weigh-in :)
LOL your post made me laugh. I haven't had any toilet trouble, if anything it helps!! I do eat a lot of veg mind!!

Cravings are a pest!! I find I crave greens, meat and chocolate.. all of which can be solved on plan LOL

Hope the pmt eases hun!! Xx
lol the above post made me giggle its funny how peeps on here talk about such things, I never see that on most forums :p I haven't had to use laxatives at all on this diet :/ in fact the packs seem to disagree with me.

Hehe :eek::eek: I was so shocked to go without any help. Really? oh well I wish I didn't have to take these damn laxative, the belly ache sucks big time!

Its amazing that you've nearly been on this plan for like 3 months now, its def an achievement I cant wait till I can say the same thing! Are you looking forward to having a week off? I am always looking on here to see what people plan on doing during that break, wether its sticking to the official guidelines or to have a few treats.

I hope you start to feel better and that the porridge starts looking yum again! and wish you all the best with your pending weigh-in :)

Honestly the first couple of weeks felt like they dragged. But having just completed 11 weeks it really doesn't feel like I've been doing it that long. I think once we get into the swing of things it kinda becomes normal and then it doesn't feel so bad. Being totally honest, I am really looking forward to my week off... not sure if that's a good thing and I am worried about getting back on plan but just gonna go with it and try my best. I will probably have another break after the next 12 weeks but I am not sure if it will be an S&S break that time.

Thank you :D x

LOL your post made me laugh. I haven't had any toilet trouble, if anything it helps!! I do eat a lot of veg mind!!

Cravings are a pest!! I find I crave greens, meat and chocolate.. all of which can be solved on plan LOL

Hope the pmt eases hun!! Xx

Lol I am blushing here! but glad it made you both laugh... Honestly how sad am I getting chuffed over being able to go for a number 2 without any help. You and Pen are lucky! although if the packs disagree with Pen then maybe not :(

It's funny you should say that I crave meat like crazy! mainly beef for some reason. I've also been craving gherkins, haven't had any for a few weeks now so will have to get some!

Thank you and I think I can say my weigh in today helped my PMT lol :p x

How you doing hun???

Hope your ok!! X

Hey Deezer! doing good here thanks. Can't believe tomorrow will be the start of week 12! eeeeeeeeeeek. Hope you are all good? I'll have to stop by your diary to come catch up x
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Just checking in real quick to log my weigh in today... I lose 4.75 lb!!! omg I have no idea how I did that! I had to get on the scales 7 times to make sure it wasn't lying LOL but nope, I am now 13st 6lb woohoo. I am soo happy
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Congrats! that's awesome :D
Well done hun :) thats ace stuff.... I hope I get a decent loss again next week..want to ditch a stone before holidays, feel it may be a tad ambitious!! lol (2nd July)
