Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Morning girls, just to check in and let u know that in week 1 of my 7 week challenge, I have lost 2 lbs! Very pleased, especially after a terrible start last weekend with food and drink, so looks like I managed to pull it together and get back on track!

Roll on week 2! xxXXxx

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Evening ladies! Apologies on being MIA for the past couple of days! Was working yesterday, and then off work sick today :( I really think it's all to do with the new pill the nurse has me on, so think I'm going to make an appointment to go see her about it!

Kassy - i know! Michael McIntyre!! :D The seats aren't too bad - but they're not as good as the seats we had for the Lee Evans show! We could very nearly touch him!! lol That doesn't sound too good with your cat - hope she's ok?

Katierose - keep strong and like Kassy said, ignore that devil!! Unfortunately he's been too strong in my head - I can't seem to hear my angel anymore!! But don't give up - you can do this, and we are here to support you!

Bin - cross stitch is going well - with me being off today and not really getting out of bed much, I managed to get it nearly finished. All I have to do now is do the snowflakes around the border, and the outlines. Here's what I've done so far:


Can you guess what it is yet??? lol!!
I understand how you feel with your self-esteem bin - mine seems to just vanished these past few years since splitting from my ex-fiance. I haven't had so much as a date since then and that's also had a knock-on-effect with my esteem. I was also bullied in school for being fat :(

Bella - That's one good thing I am not good at organising - games!! The one I have that comes to mind would probably not be suitable for a pub!!! lol But it's one that made us laugh when we played it! It's the one where you have to pass a balloon along a line of people in between your legs! lol I'm sure you will all have a great time though :) You really are going to be a busy bee for a while!!! I hope everything goes ok though!

Oh, and well done on losing 2lb for the first week of your challenge!!! I weighed myself on Thursday and I had sts since last week, which isn't bad considering I haven't been great again!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!! I have just sat down to watch Titanic (after watching Harry Potter), and hoping to get a nice well earned good nights sleep tonight!!! xxxx
Thanks, Stacy. Feel really good for it, although feeling a bit down tonight. Went to my mates house this evening coz she's going out for her birthday and I decided not to go because 1) I have £4 to my name until payday on Monday and 2) I have a 2 hour walk to go to tomorrow. Anyway, didn't want to let her down so decided to go to her house and of course had a great time and really want to go to town now but have come home and really wish I was going with them all! I know I've done the right thing mainly coz I can't even afford to go out, but I keep telling myself I need to get out more and meet people and have turned my back on it this evening. I'm so stupid sometimes. For some reason, I was a bit nervous about going out with them all, but they were lovely and it would have been a great night! *sigh*

Anyway, I have so much to do tomorrow and my head is spinning with everything so I'm probably better off being on my own! lol

Well done with the cross stitch, looks brill! xxXXxx
Thanks, Stacy. Feel really good for it, although feeling a bit down tonight. Went to my mates house this evening coz she's going out for her birthday and I decided not to go because 1) I have £4 to my name until payday on Monday and 2) I have a 2 hour walk to go to tomorrow. Anyway, didn't want to let her down so decided to go to her house and of course had a great time and really want to go to town now but have come home and really wish I was going with them all! I know I've done the right thing mainly coz I can't even afford to go out, but I keep telling myself I need to get out more and meet people and have turned my back on it this evening. I'm so stupid sometimes. For some reason, I was a bit nervous about going out with them all, but they were lovely and it would have been a great night! *sigh*

Anyway, I have so much to do tomorrow and my head is spinning with everything so I'm probably better off being on my own! lol

Well done with the cross stitch, looks brill! xxXXxx

So sorry to hear that Bella, but try not to feel too bad about it - you had a reason for not going, coz you couldn't afford it. It's not like you just didn't want to go. I do feel your pain with being skint - my wages have gone from last month, and me and the family are supposed to be going to the racing on Tuesday! I have like no money to go with :( I'm sure if you organise another night out with your friend when you have some money, it will be great! :) And I'm sure she understands xxx
Yeah she does understand, it's just so annoying! I actually feel better after letting it all out here. I'd only buy drinks on my credit card and that's bad enough as it is. I need to focus on paying that off, not getting myself into more debt. The good thing is I'll be moving in with my mum soon and that will help a lot as I'll be able to use my rent money I currently pay and put that towards my credit card instead. I've sold a few things on ebay this weekend which is nice as I'm using that money to get stuff for the baby shower so it's working out nicely! I'm keeping the rest in my paypal account to see if I can build it up a bit over the next few months! xx
Only me again, girlies! :) Ok, first off, sorry for the silly moan last night, had a moment on weakness, but am so pleased I stuck to my original plan and didn't go out because I went walking with my mum today and we tracked 7.45 miles in 2 hours 13 mins, and there's no way I could have done that had I been drinking last night!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, I've spent this afternoon cleaning my house as got an agent coming round tomorrow to view it so wanted to make sure it was tidy...don't think it could be any clean now! lol xxXXxx
Morning yous lot. Just been reading over your posts from the weekend. Now time for a good old catch up :)

Firstly though, my good news... I lost 4.5lb last week. yey! I was buzzing when I got on the scales. Plus, its the TOTM so I as expecting to be carrying alot of water retention. Celebrated last night with a few vods and a cocktil kebab from te indians but back on track again today hehe. I must say though, it was extreamly yummy and I enjoyed every mouthfull. Other than that I have been good this weekend. So now am down to 11st 9.5lb. Another 1.5lb and thats a 4 stone loss for Miss Kassy. Maybe I will reach my target of 11st for my holidays afterall :)

Bella - Well done you. 2lbs is great. If you keep on like that every week you will be flying. Wow, over 7 miles. Thats amazing. In such a good time too. Mega proud of you. You are turning into a professional walker haha. I'm right with you on the Chris Moyles thing... I think as he's sooo funny it makes him attractive. I'm the same with Michael McIntyre and Jimmy Carr hahahaha. Goes to prove a man really could laugh a woman into bed haha.

Have a look at these websites to help you plan your baby shower, but sounds like your doing great already.


Hope they help a bit.

Stacy - Sorry to hear you been feeling a bit under the weather. Hope you have perked up now. Defo tell the docs you think its the pill. They may want to try you on another one. I take Dianette and that agrees with me well. Lovin ya cross stick. TIGGER!!!!! hehe. Youve got quite a talen there.

Bin - Thats awaful that you were bullied. I agree with Bella. Dont let the past affect your future. Plus, I believe Karma will turn around and bite those girls in the arse! What goes around comes around. When the Adonis first started seeint me his ex was real nast about my weight, said how fat I was and how much weight I had put on. Now I'v lost most of it and she has piled it on!!!! I do believe what you put out there comes back on you threefold. So hang tight and they will get their dues and eat there words when you are slim and fabulous!!!!!!! You are a lovley person and should compliment yourself everyday! xx

Katierose - How have you done last week? Cant wait to hear. Did you fight that Devil off all weekend?

Ive had a canny weekend. We went t see Mr Poppers Penguins on Friday night. Then Saturday put a few best on the gee gee's. Didnt win anything like. Also had a good gym session. Then Saturday night we had a few drinks and went into town for a bit boogie. I was raving away on the dancefloor like a proper loonatick. Must have burnt some calories off haha. Then Sunday had a mega long lay in (was rough off the night before), then had a few vods last night and watched the new Planet of the Apes movie on copy DVD. Its amazing. Such a good film. I highly reccomend it.

Weather is alopt better here today, so i'm in quite a good mood today.

The Adonis and I are skint too. So its a green week on slimming world this week as thts the cheapest option. Lots of beans and baked potatoes for me this week haha. Oh, and omlettes. mmmmmm

Off to do some work now but speak soon xxx
Hi Ladies xx
Well I spectacularly fell off the wagon :break_diet::break_diet: put on 2 pounds on my starting weight.. So today is Day 1.. I had a long think about things and have decided not to look back only forward! Normally i would be running away from here.. but not this time :D
Well done Miss K on your weight loss 4 pounds!! :D:D
And Bella 2 Pounds fantastic x
And Bin the devil won this weekend :mad:
Stacy - Love your cross stitch I also like to cross stitch and I knit as well
Speak soon ladies :D
I feel like I ve let you all down.. :mad::mad: but Will get through this
You havent let us down Katierose. We have all been there so know exactly how you were feeling. Its so hard starting off again. I was the same when I first started. Kept telling myself I'll start next week. But sounds like you have your head into gear now :)

VLCD's are great for quick losses but I fiond they can make the urge to binge appear more as yiu are having ro restrict yourself. I swear by Slimming World as you can eat loads and fill up. Why not give it a go for a few weeks. We can al give you inspitrtion on here what to eat. I love the fact that you can have cheese and bread and all sorts.

Today I had a bannana and custard muller light yoghurt with some wholegrain oats poared in, 2 babybells, beans on whomeal toast with light darylea cheese, strawberries and 2 necterines and for tea am having spanish omlette. Maybee with beans. Thats a trpical green day and you can have as much fruit, vedge, pasta and potato as you like :) xxx
Thank you MIss K as always for your kind words xx:D
I will definitely Do SW when I get nearer my goal, As I have sooo much to lose (8+ stone) I need to see results and have been to my GP for their approval.
I tried healthy eating / calorie counting a few weeks ago and my big problem is alcohol so I dont trust myself at the moment.. So I'm thinking if the weight comes off I'll be in a better place mentally to cope with food, my issues for drinking too much if that makes sense?? xx
But I really apreciate your kind words xxx:D
Hi everyone,

Katierose you have not let any body down as Kassy says we have all been there and know exactly how you feel. I too fell off the wagon on Saturday attacked a packet of shortbread, Sunday I wi had stayed the same:mad: but today is a new day and back on track. Don't listen to that little devil this week pesky little thing!:)

Wow Kassy that is brilliant 4.5 this week fantastic, bet you were buzzing:D You are right about what goes around comes around, I often wonder what they are like now and what they would say if they saw me as I am thinner now than I was when I was 13. Fancy the Adonis's ex being nasty about your weight obviously jealous because you are with the Adonis.

Loving the cross stitch Stacy does not take you long does it I would still be trying to thread the needle!:D How are you feeling better I hope, have you made an appointment to see if you can change the pill they have put you on?

Gosh Bella you are doing well with the walking 7.45 miles in just over 2hours :D
Hope all went well with the house viewing today. How are the baby shower plans going?

Tomorrow am working until 11 then hubby and I are going to Ipswich to watch football, we are booked on 1.30am ferry back weds morning! I love going to away games the atmosphere is great.

Does any one know when Shelski gets back? bet she is having a lovely time:)

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow take care xx
Evening ladies!

Thank you everyone, I am feeling much better today! Haven't made my appointment with the nurse yet, but will hopefully do that tomorrow.

And thank you all for your comments on my cross stitch :) I'm still learning to do it! lol That was only my 3rd cross stitch! Started a new one today - a Me to You one, so that was keeping me busy today - was actually very relaxing :)

Kassy - well done you!!! 4.5lbs is brilliant!! :clap: Sounds like you had a good weekend too! And your celebration treat was well earned!!!

Katierose - sorry to hear about your gain, but don't let it get you down! Well done for sticking with us, and you have definitely NOT let us down! We are proud that you are here with us on our journeys :)

Bin - Hope you have a good day at the footie tomorrow! We are off the horse racing tomorrow :) But it's supposed to rain all day :( So we really hope it's not called off, because we've had it planned for a while!

I can't remember how long Skelski said she was going away for. Sure she's having a blast!!!

Bella - well done you on your walk!! Thats brilliant! Bet you were really pleased with yourself after that?

Morning my beautiful slimmy slimmersons :)

What retchid day weatherwise. I am sure I have that SAD disorder thingy. I used to struggle with depression really bad but with alot of hard work have it under control (most of the time haha) but in the winter and on wet days like this I just want to climb back into bed. Guess thats a normal feeling really though. No one likes being out in the rain and cold. Ugh!!

Annyhoo, how are you all? Did you all start the week off well yesterday and be good? I had around 4.5 syns which is canny.

Katierose - The Alcahol is my biggest let down. Back in the gloomy days when I was down all the time I used to drink a 35cl bottle of Vodka everynight then have a full takeaway to myself. At one point I was really dependant on drink (it used to mask my feelings) and my doctor even referred me to a special counceling place as I was on the verge of becomming an alcoholic. So I totally know where you are comming from. Now, I only drink on a weekend. But I dont think I could go a weekend without it haha. Habits are hard to break but they can be broken. I have all the faith in you. Like I say, if I can come this far, anyone can!!!!!!!

Bin - Have a great great time at the footy. I Pray it dosent get called off for you. Let us know how your team gets on.

Stacey - I love me to you bears. How cute.

I'm not sure when Shelski is back. I cant remember ifshe is away for 1 week or 2????? Hope she having the best time.

Well, its just a quicky from me as have loads of work to do but speak to you all soon my lovlies xxx
Morning Kassy!!

I think I suffer from SAD too! I really notice the difference between how cheery I am on a sunny day and how utterly depressed I feel when it's miserable outside! I too would prefer to just lie in bed all day when it's miserable.

It's dry at the moment here, but is supposed to rain all day. We're hoping it doesn't get too bad since we're going to the races, and really don't want it called off!

Back to work for me tomorrow and Thursday, and then Saturday :( but I shouldn't complain cos I'm then only working 2 days next week! :D

Have a good day lovely ladies!! xxx

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Thank you ladies for your kind words xx Stacy, Bin and of course Miss K xx:D
It s not easy admitting you have a problem Miss K but I know I defintely do with alcohol I dont want to think of a life totally without it, just need to get it under control :D
So Day 2 for me, going well
Hope you all have a lovely day despite the weather
Hello to Bella too xx
Take each day as it comes Katierose and I promise it gets easier. Then, before you know it, you are back to only drinking on weekend and are a few stone lighter. You'll have slips, we all do, but stay strong, remain focused and grab that bull by the horns and thrash the life out of it!!!

Howdie doodie ya'll

God, I hate TOTM. I feel soo loacking in energy and hungry! Boo hiss. Feel like I ate loads yesterday (eventhough I stuck to SW and had around 7 syns) and I didnt go to the gym. Gonna try and go tonight tho.

I'm filling up on loads of free food and the healthy extras on slimming world and not going over my sysn but I feel like am eating too much. I'll be consuming more calories than I was am sure, so if its still a loss i'll be chuffed and love SW for ever haha.

Like yesterday, I had:

Muller light yoghrt
2 necterines
4 x babybells
2 whomeal tast and half tin beans
1 x jaffa cake
1 x spekial K bar
SW chips with 2 eggs and beans
1 x refresher ice lolly

Can I really lose weight eating all that? we'll see this wekend at weigh in.

How are the rest of you doing? xxx
Aw Kassy I feel your pain! I'm only just starting to settle down after my episode with my pill! Was like one constant totm! Was awful! Keep topped up with water, and your obviously sticking to ur SW menus, so you're still doing brilliantly! I just want to reach for chocolate when it's my totm!! lol

Currently on lunch at work. Had a cheese roll and a little packet of chipsticks. And working my way through my bottle of water too! I'm hoping to use my kettlebell DVDs from tomorrow again!

Hope the rest of your day is good :) xxx

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Hi girls

Really quick check in with you all - have been mega busy this week getting everything ready for the baby shower tomorrow so have been a bit of a stress head and losing sleep over it....literally! So tired it's unreal! (I'm such a perfectionist!)

Anyway, will come back and have a proper chat with you all over the next few days and fill you in with how it went.

Before I go, Kassy - I bet you do lose this week! Also, are you synning your special K bars? If so, did you know you can have 2 alpen light bars as your healthy extra b?

Katierose - hope you're ok honey. Don't be hard on yourself. We all know it's the tortoise that wins the race in the end so pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again. I have a serious issue with chocolate. I need to eat it everyday and as a result, it has hindered my weight loss efforts in the past. Take each day at a time, and you'll get there!

Speak soon my lovlies xxXXxx
Afternoon Bella! Aw I bet you've been running around like a headless chicken getting everything sorted for the baby shower?? I do understand though-I'm a bit of a perfectionist at times too!!! :D think Monica from Friends!!! lol

I hope it all goes well and everyone has a great time! :)


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