Missing Maddie..Lets all pray for her safe return.

Having seen first hand how some police major incidents are run Im quite sure theres LOADS going on behind the scenes that we're not privvy to, and probably wont be.

The UEFA Cup Final is on in Glasgow tonight apparantly theres going to be posters etc at the stadium and also on the large screen in the stadium to help raise the awareness in Spain
was thinking that when i go away I am going to print off 30 or so posters and ask bar owners to put them up, i know she is not likely in greece but people from all over the world visit there so if it gets just 1 person in each country talking about her it has to be good, can i suggest anyone going abroad on hols might do the same,
any little thing we can do will surely help
nat x
So what do you think about the news today about the possible sightings in Malta....?
If I was tourist and saw who I thought was Maddie, I think I would have taken her to the nearest authority..... I was talking with Lucky this morning at school and we would both have done the same thing......better to be safe than sorry.
YES ITS oops true sonks, I thought the same thing, but then maybe people are scared that if they are wrong they will get in trouble
just re read what i said about taking posters to greece but i was very happy to see that there were already posters up over there, even in the small village we stayed in the local shops had them up....was quite surprised about that tbh
Its all so sad.

Assuming they are innocent - imagine how it must feel to be suspected of having a hand in the disappearence/death of your own daughter. It would drive me mad.

Praying for all of them :cry:
I think that the Portuguese police are just trying to close the case and to get rid of the press intrusion.

The whole police suspicion is bizarre to say the least.

In the UK the parents would have been considered to be suspects immediately and cleared immediately.

I tend to think that Madeleine is no longer alive. All the fuss and press coverage would make it nigh on impossible for them to take Madeleine out in public and she would become a liability to the abductors.

Only time will tell, of course.
I don't think the parents had anything to do with their daughter's sad, unknown fate.

They made a mistake that night. They'd made the same mistake on previous nights at that holiday complex. On those occasions nothing bad had happened. Their friends were checking on sleeping children, too. Their kids came to no harm.

That awful night little Madeleine was not so lucky. Her parents have to live with it forever. I truly pity them. We must feel compassion for loving, devoted parents who made the wrong decision and have as a result lost the little girl who was the light of their lives.

If it should turn out that they are responsible I will be amazed. I just don't think they are. Many suspicious characters were observing children all over that resort, slyly filming them on phones and in one case being chased away seconds before leading away a shopkeeper's four year old blonde daughter.

I, too, fear that Maddy may well be dead. This thought has haunted the living nightmares of her parents and family since the night she vanished. God help them. And her.
Really how could you leave them at that age and go out for dinner , I think they did that most nights when they was there , but there were baby sitters to use . There are times you think i just need adult time but unless you get a sitter you just can't have it . I don't think kate and gerry did it , but i'm wondering if the police will ever get to the bottom of this sad story , poor maddy where are you ?
Sheer madness to leave three children under four years of age alone in an apartment with the doors unlocked too.

They will have to live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives.

What astonishes me is that Gerry McCann, even now, says that he and Kate see nothing wrong in what they did and that they were not responsible for Madeleine going missing!!!!
If it happened here they would have had the twins taken away from them. That may still happen.
I agree absolutely that they should not have left those children alone. I wouldn't leave children double that age, or even older, alone, anywhere.

But any here who go to UK holiday camps will find that leaving the tinies asleep is very common. Even in chalets with gas cookers and electric heaters and all kinds of dangers. The parents go out drinking at the bars and late night shows without a thought. The 'chalet patrols' where young Redcoats etc walk around and 'listen' for the sound of crying seem to me to be woefully inadequate. Things may have been updated and tightened now. These resorts are targeted by paedos who can observe and even interact with children quite easily and openly, on beaches and at the play areas.

Worrying, isn't it?

The McCann resort was middle class and very family and child-centred. They wrongly believed they were safe and secure. Yes it was madness and even negligent to leave those children. They know that now. Perhaps other parents will take more care in future. You can't leave them for five minutes.
I remember when James Bulger was kidnapped from my local shopping centre, my son was a few months younger than him. I was and still am a very regular visitor and whenever I went there with Chris (and subsequently Amy) I always made sure he and she were strapped into a buggy.

When they were old enough to want to walk around I'd have a wrist strap around mine and their wrists as well as holding their hands. Not once did I let them walk ahead of me. Not once did I leave them outside the shops in their buggy. Not once did I take my eyes off them for a second.

It was very hard trying concentrate on my shopping and keep my children safe, but I'm a parent and that's what I HAVE to do isn't it? I have to look after my kids until they are old enough to take care of themselves, until they are old enough to make their own decisions. But that doesn't mean that I'll never worry about them because I know I will until the day I die, because that's what parents do.

For the first time ever this year I took my two on holiday alone. Just me and them, no one else to help me look after them or help me keep them amused and safe. We only went to Haven and stayed in a caravan, but they never left my sight once. Chris is 13 and Amy is 6, I trust Chris to be sensible enough to look after Amy, but I'd never leave him alone with her because he's still a child even if he is a mature 13yr old.

We managed to go out every day and enjoy ourselves and each evening we went to the various Haven clubs together and went back to our caravan together. It wasn't hard, I didn't feel like I needed some adult time on my own even though I'm a single parent and regularly feel like locking myself in a padded room lol. :D We went on holiday together, so we stayed together.

I have every sympathy for the McCanns and their family and I hope that Maddie is found safe and well and taken back to her parents. But I have absolutely no sympathy (or understanding) for their decision to leave those children asleep and alone in an apartment with the patio doors unlocked and I am torn between feeling utter sorrow and complete anger towards them at the same time.

I apologise to anyone who may be offended by this reply (please PM me if you are and I will ask for it to be deleted if that is the case), but I just couldn't understand how the McCanns could think that their children would be safe. :confused:
No Carol you do not need to delete your post. I totally agree with you.

The McCann twins will not be removed from the parents as they are middle class . If they had been from a council estate Social Services would have been down on them like a ton of bricks.

Sorry if this offends anyone but that is how it is all too often
I really do hope that they don't have the twins taken away by social services too. I tend to think that it's those 2 little angels that are helping to keep their parents sane and focused and if they lose them who know what would happen to the parents? :confused::sigh:
This is a very tricky and delicate situation which everybody of course has an opinion on. Obviously as a parent, losing a child in any way, is the ultimate nightmare. I have looked at my boys on numerous occasions while receiving media updates and just been so thankful that they are safe and with me.

I, like us all, I have no idea if the parents have had any responsibility for the disappearance and I guess time will uncover the truth one way or the other. In the interests of belief in mankind, we need them to be innocent.

My only real observation is the way the Portuguese police have almost been demonized by essentially our media. I believe and trust that the police do have more information than they will obviously release and are not as inept as they are being portrayed on a daily basis in sensationalized double, treble and even quadrupled page spreads.

Our media, in no more than a crude attempt to sell more copy is trying to whip up the public in to a frenzy and generate the debate of guilt or innocence, while pretending to take the supportive and public favoured high ground for the parents. If they could shift more copy tomorrow by turning on these parents, they would not give them a second thought.

These type of sickening cases touch us all and bring to the forefront our own fears for the safety of our children. Like everybody, I want a happy ending and truly wish that is what happens.
Just watched Sky News and they are saying that Madeleines blood was found in the boot of the hire car that was hired by the family some 20 days after the dissappearance ??????

Very strange!! Not a reason to say they did it but how the heck did it get there!!

Much more to this story than we know me thinks.

Hi, Brad.

Sadly, whatever sells newspapers is good for the industry. The horror that has befallen the McCanns is generating serious money. That's just how it is.

As you suggest, those who support them now could just as easily turn on them in future. This would sell even more newspapers.

I too long for a 'happy ending'. I am wary of totally condemning frail human beings whose lack of judgement resulted in a tragedy. Their twins need them more than ever , as they in turn need those twins. The parents were complacent, warmed by atmosphere, past experience (i.e. no complications on previous trips where they checked on the kids half-hourly) and cheered by good food and wine and by joyful company. They were winding down from stressful and demanding jobs. Madeleine, bless her, said that very day that it had been her best day, ever.

Who could have foreseen the desperate times that lay ahead? Hindsight is 20/20. Please consider this when you judge these people. Their world was one of achievement, of success, of having borne children thanks to medical technology; it was a world of faith in the practical, of faith in their abilities and in the comfortable life they had worked hard to secure. That world came crashing down around their ears on May 3rd. They are now condemned to eternal misery and guilt.

I personally do not feel 'qualified' to cast stones, however wrong I may feel they were to leave those children asleep.
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It is an awful situation they must be in, I myself as a mother would never leave my children alone while I went out, if they dont have a babysitter, I dont go, Simple.

The turmoil they must have been through since May doesn,t even bear thinking about, and I hope and pray after recent events that they had nothing to do with the disappearance of Maddie.

I live 10 mins away from Rothley where the McCanns live and pass through it frequently, it has been quite solemn the past month but now it is like a media frenzy with tv crews and paparrazi,

I hope and pray on a daily basis that Maddie is returned safe and sound but I have to say I,m finding it harder to believe she is still alive after so long.

Nikki x