MWWWD (or Moonwatcher's Weight Watchers Diary!)

moonwatcher said:
Waiting for sports bra to arrive - sold out of my size/colour, then there was a problem with the website. Not moaning though because the woman was so helpful. She has sent it today. Depending on how long it takes to get here, I may wait until after the job situation is sorted - if I get an interview on 2nd October I don't want to be sitting there in pain and thinking about nothing else! Spent this afternoon updating my CV and finishing the application form. I'll know next week if I've got an interview, so then I can decide on a start date for the jogging. In the meantime I'll just keep up with the other exercising.

Aw ok,yes best to wait and see what happens job wise.Least the sports bra will arrive soon enough :0)
Hi Moon,you're very quiet,all ok?
Hi Daisy,

Yes thanks I'm OK - just been busy with work and was out all day yesterday at a music/poetry festival. Not gone today as I have a stinking cold and feel really rough. :( It was so cold there yesterday - had layer upon layer of clothing on but was still freezing - don't think I have ever felt so cold for so long! Hubby has popped out to it for a few hours and I'm sitting in bed with tissues and catching up on dairies etc! Will update my food a bit later. xxx
Ooh! Looks great! :) Plenty of exercise done too! Well done Miss Moon! x how was the pizza?

It was pretty good! Although they are quite high on the points, mix it with a good pile of salad and beetroot, and it's not bad for a plateful!
Well done on the exercise MW. Be careful with those knees..don't want to do too much and make them worse.

Thanks Emm. Yes need to watch the knees - as long as I avoid twisting movements I seem to be OK with them. The cartilage one feels a lot better for getting it moving again.
Not updated food for three days, so here goes.

Thursday 20th September

Breakfast - Sausage Pie at 11.15! - Total 9PP -
left my cereal bars at home in the hall, so had to get something from the canteen at break-time. Went for this small piece of sausage pie and left some of the pastry - going for 9PP

Lunch - Feta Cheese and Olive Sandwich, Banana - Total 6PP -
2 slices W/M Bread (4PP), 1oz Feta (2PP), 3 sliced Olives (0PP), Banana (0PP)

Dinner - Chilli on Jacket Potato, Melon - Total 12PP -
Homemade Turkey Mince Chilli with veg - most ingredients zero PP apart from the 4oz Turkey Mince (4PP), quarter can of Beans (1PP) and tspn Olive Oil (1PP), 7oz Jacket Spud (4PP), half oz Cheddar (2PP), slice of Honeydew Melon (0PP)

Snacks - none

Drinks - Green Tea, Water, NAS squash, one Coffee with Cream (2PP)

Totals for the day - 29PP
Weeklies remaining - none
APs earned 2 for 30 mins walking - to work, and down the town in the evening
Total APs for the week 26
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Friday 21st September

Weighed in this morning - half a pound down. I seem to have officially moved from the pound a week queen to the half a pound a week queen. Would have liked more, but in the right direction again. I have finally got to my 15% though, and also 1.5 st lost since starting WW (37lbs in all)

Breakfast - 3 Cereal Bars - 6PP - remembered them today!
One Cranberry and Yogurt, one Chewee Toffee and one Special Berries one (similar I think to a Special K berries one), spread them out from 8.00am to 10.00am

Lunch - Cheese Triangle and Plum Chutney Sandwich, Crisps, Banana -
Total 12PP - 2 slices W/M Bread (4PP), 3 Cheese Triangles (3PP), level tbspn Plum Chutney (1PP), packet Crusti Croc Chicken Crisps (4PP), Banana (0PP)

Dinner - Battered Sausage and Chips - 20PP!
What more can I say! Yum!

Snacks - 2 Pepperami style sticks (7PP)

Drinks - Water, NAS squash, Cup Coffee with Cream (2PP)

Totals for the day 47PP, 29 dailies and 18 weeklies
Weeklies remaining 31
APs earned today and for the week so far - just 1 for walking to work
Hi Daisy,

Yes thanks I'm OK - just been busy with work and was out all day yesterday at a music/poetry festival. Not gone today as I have a stinking cold and feel really rough. :( It was so cold there yesterday - had layer upon layer of clothing on but was still freezing - don't think I have ever felt so cold for so long! Hubby has popped out to it for a few hours and I'm sitting in bed with tissues and catching up on dairies etc! Will update my food a bit later. xxx

What a shame that you have ended up with a rotten cold MW!
Do hope you soon feel much better... (((Hugs)))
Saturday 22nd September

Out all day (and originally planned for all night too), at a local Music/Poetry/Comedy Festival, so this was always going to be an interesting day foodwise. I had planned a weekend off, but we sat there mid afternoon and I thought, well why not jot down what I'm having and then see if it's possible to do this week within points anyway, so I did. After only losing half a pound again, I couldn't face the thought of gaining next week after a weekend splurge.

Breakfast - Total 12PP - one Cereal Bar (2PP), and two and a bit small Sausage Rolls (10PP)

Lunch - from the BBQ - one Chicken Skewer and Salad, third of a Corn on the Cob - Total 5PP -
one BBQ'd Chicken Skewer (4PP), Mixed Salad (0PP), third of a BBQ'd Sweetcorn (1PP)

Dinner - we came home at 8 o'clock in the end, not 11 o'clock, as we were freezing cold, the loos onsite were full (eeeuuurgh!) and I felt awful with this sore throat and cold, so we had Chilli with Bread and Butter to dunk in - Total 9PP - small portion of Thursday's Home-made Turkey Chilli (4PP), one slice W/m Bread (2PP), 3 tspns Butter (3PP)

Now for the snacks and drinks!

Snacks - Total 20PP - one packet Cheese and Onion crisps (4PP), one Peperami style Salami Stick (3PP), 1.5 Fun-size Mars Bars (4PP), 2 Lyons Coconut Mallows (5PP), 10 Fruit Pastilles (4PP)

Drinks - Total 12PP - Water, NAS squash, 2 Lattes (4PP) each with good sized tspn Sugar (2PP), can of Strongbow (6PP)

Totals for the day - 58PP!!! 29 dailies and 29 weeklies
Weeklies remaining 2
APs earned - just one for 10 mins walking
APs for the week so far 2
moonwatcher said:
Hi Daisy,

Yes thanks I'm OK - just been busy with work and was out all day yesterday at a music/poetry festival. Not gone today as I have a stinking cold and feel really rough. :( It was so cold there yesterday - had layer upon layer of clothing on but was still freezing - don't think I have ever felt so cold for so long! Hubby has popped out to it for a few hours and I'm sitting in bed with tissues and catching up on dairies etc! Will update my food a bit later. xxx

Sorry to hear you are poorly,resting up is definitely the best idea!
Yea my feet feel pretty cold circulation is naff!
Shame you felt so cold yesterday,never a good feeling.
Hope you are feeling a bit better now. I was really cold last night I had to put the heating on for the first time in months! Xx
Bleeeuuuggghhhh! Chest is really tight this morning, so not good! Generally feeling pretty bleeuuuggghh really. Doing some extra days at work this week - 4 days instead of 2, as we are really struggling in the office (not enough bodies basically!) and as this job I've applied for will be back to five days a week (although shorter days, better breaks etc.,) I didn't really feel this was a good time to say no to extra days, even though I have felt like crap all weekend.

Anyway, still don't know if I have been shortlisted for an interview. Typical really, they always shortlist really quickly, as they work to a pretty fast time frame, but yesterday the Head of Department was out so they didn't do it! Caught sight of the spreadsheet for the applicants (about 40!) and there were degrees all over it (not next to my name!) so am not feeling very positive about it now tbh. What makes it worse is now people know I've applied they're saying 'Oh you'll be brilliant at it,' which is lovely of them to say, but kind of makes it worse when I don't even know if I'll get any further. Then it occurred to me that they may give me an interview just because they sort of feel they have to give internal applicants an opportunity, even if they don't really think I'm suitable.

Probably better I just don't think about the whole thing at the moment to be honest. Last night's food was pretty bad too - am now minus 22 PP so far for the week - still got three days to go, so going for damage limitation today - on the third cup of green tea, more to come, and loads of water too. Will list the gory details from last night in a moment.

Really. just. want. chocolate. :(
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Thought I'd already entered Sunday's food but apparently not, so here goes...

Sunday 23rd September

Breakfast - Maple Pecan Greek Yogurt and Choccie Biscuits - Total 11PP -
3.5 oz Greek Yogurt (4PP), tspn Maple Syrup (1PP) sprinkling of Maple Pecan Cluster Cereal (1PP), 2 McVitie's Chocolate Digestives (5PP)

Lunch Coriander and Lemon Houmous with Crackers, Sesame Snaps, Banana - Total 8PP -
1oz Lemon and Cordiander Houmous (2PP), pack of 4 WW Wheat and Oat Crackers (2PP), 4 Olives (0PP), Tomatoes (0PP), Banana (0PP), pack of 3 Sesame Snaps with Yogurt (4PP)

Dinner Beans and Sausages on Jacket Potato - Total 8PP -
one 5oz Jacket (3PP), half a can of Heinz Beans with Pork Sausages (5PP)

Snacks - 4 Chocolate Truffles (6PP)

Drinks - Water, NAS squash and Green Tea, one Coffee with Cream (2PP

Totals for today - 35PP, 29 dailies, 2 remaining weeklies, 2 APs,
PP deficit = 2
APs earned today - none
Morning Moon,are we allowed to know your first name?i know not everyone likes to share or some like their 'fake name' anyhow(like me ;0) )
Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather more so now and typical that you have to be working extra shifts whilst so poorly! I hope you soon feel 100% better.
Erm I don't mean to be rude but really stop the negative vibes with the job Hun,that won't bode well in the interview as if you think you don't deserve it or the interview is 'only a favour' you won't be at your best and giving it your all!
Don't mean to nag,am trying to be helpful :0)
Monday 24th September

Breakfast - 2 Chewee Toffee Cereal Bars - Total 4PP

Lunch - Cheese and Pickle Sandwich, Banana - Total 8PP -
2 slices W/M Bread (4PP), 1oz grated Cheddar (3PP), tbspn Plum Chutney (1PP), Tomatoes (0PP), Banana (0PP)

Dinner - Burger King Big King, Fries and Shake - Total 34PP -
one BK BigKing (17PP), one small portion Fries (8PP), one small Strawberry Shake (8PP), one portion BBQ Sauce (1PP)

Snacks - Lyons Coconut Mallow (3PP)

Drinks - Black Coffee, Water, NAS squash, one Coffee with Cream (2PP)

Totals for the day - 51PP, 29 dailies, 2 APS, deficit 20
Total PP deficit so far this week - 22
APs earned today - 2 for 25 mintues walking - used above.
Morning Moon,are we allowed to know your first name?i know not everyone likes to share or some like their 'fake name' anyhow(like me ;0) )
Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather more so now and typical that you have to be working extra shifts whilst so poorly! I hope you soon feel 100% better.
Erm I don't mean to be rude but really stop the negative vibes with the job Hun,that won't bode well in the interview as if you think you don't deserve it or the interview is 'only a favour' you won't be at your best and giving it your all!
Don't mean to nag,am trying to be helpful :0)

Morning Daisy,

Yep, my first name is Pat, no problems about comng out of the minmins closet!

I was just thinking that I'm pretty certain that this is the first cold I have had since I started SW/WW nearly a year ago, so that's pretty good, especially working in a school where you tend to get exposed to plenty of germs. I definitely used to get them a lot more often.

Yep, you're right about kicking out the negative vibes. I do 'interview' well actually - I know some people suffer and are really nervous, but I've always been lucky there. I think it was just that while I was walking home thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to me that they may feel 'obliged' to give me an interview, and that would be worse than not getting one! But I did then think well I wouldn't know either way, so I would just give it my all and make them see that they needed to take me on and lucky they didn't let me slip through the net!

I'm usually a pretty 'glass half full' kind of person, so don't know why I'm letting this get to me. Think it's an accumulation of the whole year so far.
moonwatcher said:
Morning Daisy,

Yep, my first name is Pat, no problems about comng out of the minmins closet!

I was just thinking that I'm pretty certain that this is the first cold I have had since I started SW/WW nearly a year ago, so that's pretty good, especially working in a school where you tend to get exposed to plenty of germs. I definitely used to get them a lot more often.

Yep, you're right about kicking out the negative vibes. I do 'interview' well actually - I know some people suffer and are really nervous, but I've always been lucky there. I think it was just that while I was walking home thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to me that they may feel 'obliged' to give me an interview, and that would be worse than not getting one! But I did then think well I wouldn't know either way, so I would just give it my all and make them see that they needed to take me on and lucky they didn't let me slip through the net!

I'm usually a pretty 'glass half full' kind of person, so don't know why I'm letting this get to me. Think it's an accumulation of the whole year so far.

Hi Pat *waves* :0)
It could well be because you've had a lot gone on this year plus you're poorly so things do tend to feel worse or we feel lousy anyhow so could be a mixture of things there!
Sounds like you will do well in the interview then.
And well done for not having a cold in a long time considering you work with children that is pretty good going!