My Diary ...size 10-12 here i come xx

sts at WI this week so got away with all the wrong doing ive done
really hated the feeling of failure so am really trying this week
although personal situation it may be a little difficult but we can always find reasons why not to diet so hoping it wont scupper my efforts this week
kids are all finishing school and so the next 6weeks of madness ive got to try and stay on plan and on target

on a happier note my mum (who joined to support me) thinking she wouldnt lose more than half a stone has got awarded her 1 1/2 st award on tuesday and im so happy for her its benefitted her health and confidance so much.
she was a sceptic and now a believer!:)
Hi hun, sorry to hear you had a blow out, don't beat yourself up over it though, we're all human and it happens. Well done on the STS too, fab work x
i am sick of my own whining now its monday again night before WI and worrying about how i've been sooooo bad
well i know there is no turning it around and just got to see what the scales say
have got to start bucking up my ideas if im serious about shifting this 3+ stone i want gone.....
1st gone not enough and i seemed to do it so effortlessly now gotta work for every lb and i am going to week on week ive been seeing a pattern gotta hold myself accountable and please guys pop on and kick me up the ass :pray:
and so my freash week starts xxx

mullerlight x2
tuna pasta with 1tblsp el mayo
rice, chicken
thanks lou im not hopeful its * week too so it wont really be a true figure i dont think, but hey that means next week should be great as im kicking myself into touch :) hope your ok now with your elbow healing xxx
another week staying the same C suggested mixing my food up a bit and completing a food diary gotta show her next week
just gotta have a loss next week or i may just scream
i know its all better than a gain but thats 3 weeks running now and its getting tedious x
shouts at self kick up bum xxx grrr
having a good start to the day when i go all fall on my cocyx sp? and by god does it kill , i bit my tounge as i fell to the floor in an almighty heap and grazed my arm along the way it hurts to eat to much so maybe that'll be a blessing but i am struggling to lift my baby up for cuddles and as for walking far impossible.....
i hope it wont take too long to heal up and i know it'll feel worse in the morning so paracetamol on hand but here's to such a fantastic start hey?!
Aww hun, you poor thing, have you been to hospital to have it checked, sounds like you did it in style!! I prescribe a warm bubble bath and ibuprofen, hope it's not too painful tomorrow.

Oh also - in relation to STS, are you doing green, red or EE? Try having a straight red week and see what happens, its good to shake it up a bit and shock your body (by food not falling over!!) xx
yeah thanks lou , yeah just soft tissue bruising so could take up to three weeks to heal, cant take ibruprofen so paracetomal only and water spray from hot shower should do it and maybe a hot water bottle but hey ho plod on thanks babe for kind words
im actually on ee
tried a red week and gained last month and i was planning on upping the exercise (which i know does it for me) but now i think ive ruled that out for at least this week :(
New refreshed start pure guts determination

thats it ive been looking at my journal and diary and book and i dont like waht i see, im slacking off and trying isnt working ive got to commit!!

so here i am
new plan
new start

have gone through the book and am going to try and focus this first restart week on the following

hexa milk (350ml skimmed)
hexb ready brek +1 dark rye ryvita
or 2 alpen light bars
all below super speed foods
pollack/ cod ( all ss)
Peas Petit garden mushy (all ss)
Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries (all ss)
baked beans(ss)

other free foods
tuna, chicken, beef, lamb
rice, pasta, jacket pots, sw chips, new pots, salads stuffs.

i can mix and match enough so i dont get bored

try to limit syns to 10-12 a day
and record every wrong item consumed!
even going to stop having sweetner instead of sugar in my tea
drink more plain water or nas squash
so todays food
milk skim-350ml (hexa)
2 alpen light (hexb)
2 smoked mackeral fillets
jacket potato
el mayo (0.5)
nice biscuits(4)
shape zero yogurt

bread (4)
nuttella (1.5)

so 10 syns
funny how the minute you set out to do something, along happens a muddle so get distracted from wht it is you're trying to accomplish...
anyway so its now monday and im here again feeling like i need to still get my head in the right place .
ive been ok this week not as set out to but not a complete disaster either.
hope the scales are kind on tuesday night WI
i just gotta keep cracking away at these numbers got to stop looking at the big picture and focus day to day
too uch pressurenis nt wah ti need right now xx
Hi hun, sorry to hear you've had a "muddle", hope things are ok again now. Just take it week by week hun. x
well back again after a while not posting ..............

ive had a piss poor time of it but this week im on a 'first week refresher' hehehe

im doing ok now i think had 3 good days and syns are in touchm making sure im measuring my milk and everything that needs weighing is being weighed!

doing exercise and back on the wii
walking again and have ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to give a go being only 20mins a day for 30 days if those on Biggest loser can spend 5-6 hrs a day in the gym im sure i can cope with it andapparently its really motivational Jillian pushing you on when knows it mught be getting toughm it arrives mon or tues so weirdly cant wait to give it a bash

a scary thought when my stats show my hips(40") are smaller than my waist(41") think need to work on my middle paunch i think that classes me as an apple!!

anyways hope to come back and journal more frequently xxxx
Well anyone reading this is going to get a warning, it will be long!!!
i decided to come on and write down everything about my my group and my weight loss efforts at the moment,
about 10 weeks ago our Consultant god bless her Marie had to give us (her group) over to a cover consultant, this was because after 20+ years as C in our area she finally had to give up . you see she was suffering with Cancer and had been battling for a lonnngg time.
she had been very poorly but yet carried on coming to teach us all and keep us in line and on plan, yet behind the scenes was desperately suffering, time came that she started having bad seziures and had to call it a day.
since then we've had Libby our replacement C for a few weeks, unfourtunately Marie has got extremely worse and was informed that had a asecondary cancer that was inoperable and was only a matter of time. progressively gt worse and sadly a couple weeks ago passed away last week we went to her funeral (very Marie) she was life and sole and even to the point in her euology reminds us if we wanna get drunk just remember DIET coke!!! her life was SW and so many have succeeded thanks to her i had only the pleasure of knowing 6 months or so and she had inspired me immensly, just wish she were here to give me the kick up the ass i need.
so Libby has done a wonderful job during the sad times and kept us jogging along
now its time for all Maries gear posters and little ways at meetings to fade into the back ground too. we get a sad tuesday this week when yet another farewell is to be made to Libby and hopefully start a refrehed new start for many of us when our new C Vicki starts on the tuesday after xx
i think its there start i very much need an a good boost to those in our group that are struggling and need a boost. those that havent liked change have dissapeared from group and they are also changing times so hopefully more people will return or start
hoping to get my 1.5st award by xmas so 8lb to go seems alot but the way ive been ill be lucky at that
thanks for listening had to get it all off my chest and breathe a freah and hope now Marie is at peace the weigth will start dropping again with the support of my nes C

Lyns x
Aww hun, i'm sorry to hear about Marie, she sounds like a very special lady. She sounded very inspiring and the perfect consultant, love the diet coke comment, hehe. Sure it must be hard for you to carry on as every time you go to group you'll be reminded of your loss, but you can do this hun, you WILL get your 1.5 award for Christmas..... also - woop woop, only half pound away from your stone award, are you going to treat yourself to anything? I've been buying pandora charms for every stone I lose (they're looking very lonely on the bracelet).

Great to see you back hun and thanks for your support on my diary too xxx


jacket tat
mince b choice1

tuna b choice2
mayo el 0.5syn

caramel dessert 3syns

milk 250ml s/s a choice
1oz shreded wheat bitesize 5.5syns

9 syns today :)

JM30DS day3 :checkmark:
1hr walking
30mins Wii

milk skimmed 350ml
breakfast: shredded wheat bitesize 28g 5.5syns
milk from hexa

lunch lettuce ham tomato wraps ff vinegrette

tea :- 227g jacket hexb1 , 142baked beans hexb2, bacon
carrots, cauli

snacks mullerllight and hard boiled eggs melon banana strawberries

2 fruit shorti biscuits 4syns

syns for day 9.5
right ive come to sorting out my year ahead despite what i may lose between now and dec 31st i aim to lose 1lb a week from Jan 4 (first WI of year) to my birthday and will be almost at target!!
if i make 5lb a month September will see me at 10st 4.5lbs, 1lb off target!!!
working in anything lost or gained over the next 11wks its certainly doable.
sorry to ramble on just had to get it out there ive got it all written down in my big red book and all little equations working it out and i have 3months that have 5 weeks and the other 5mths have 4weeks and then first two WI 's of september so its a long term plan and with a minimum of 1lb a week you cant exactly call that pressure can you!!!??
here i go only xmas week wont count which at out group is WI 28th Dec as of the bank holiday falling on a mon and tues to make up for xmas being in the weekend

sorry rambling again
bfn xx
so no WI on
gained a lb this week and basically im pissed about it ....arghh:mad: i felt like telling C to :kissass: but gotta keep on pushing on i ve seen this plan work for my mum first hand so i just dont get it why lately im on a stall ive gotta get past this hurdle.
New Consultant, New food Diary, New attempt at getting things back on track.
had a hexb cereal and part hexa breakfast, a syn free 'fry up' for lunch and syn free curry from '7 days to success booklet' for tea
12 syns of ketchup , bisuits and snacks.
and im done for today!!!