My Weightloss Diary by mum_of_one :) !!

you too, enjoy your morning! x
Im growing strawberries too in a basket but not a hanging one, its my first time, they are already flowering so hopefully they will turn into yummy fruit later on!
As I coming back I thought I would start up my diary again! So its going ok at moment. More later.... bit early!
yaay welcome back!!!
Well had my first weigh in and have lost 5lbs. So pleased! Lets home I can stick to this now. Also woken up and Archie has chicken pox. I am living in the house of pox! Poor love. Best he gets it now... I am shattered, been up all night with him.
Hey hun WELL DONE ON YOUR FAB WEIGHT LOSS THAT IS BRILLIANT!!!! Now keep up the good work!!

Poor Alex.. I hope he feels better soon, you are right better get that horrid illness out of the way!! Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight xx
Hi guys, its Archie not Alex LOL ha ha

So another day over and still being good!! Woo hoo got 9 points left over. I am in bliss cos it means tonight is chocolate time!!! Yeah baby. I love my chocolate. Waiting for my shopping to be delivered as I am currently quarantined to the house cos of the pox so once its delivered I can sample some delights haha

Thanks for all the support everyone. Really nice being back.

hi there

thought i would just say hello and look forward to reading your diary

i hope archie is feeling better soon - poor wee mite

also well done on your fab loss

hi there

thought i would just say hello and look forward to reading your diary

i hope archie is feeling better soon - poor wee mite

also well done on your fab loss


Thanks hon. I will try and make it interesting!! :) What is your diary called? Will have a search

Good luck with your journey too
Well I have officially had 2 hours sleep. SOOOOO tired so got to make sure I fill up on low point filling food as when I am tired I get the munchies big time.

Nice big bowl of porridge for brekkie I think then a big bowl of fruit.

Poor Archie covered today in hundreds of spots. Bless him. Have good days everyone. Will be back later to update my diary some more

Well still being good which is amazing me, considering how exhausted I am. I have had only 3 hours sleep in 48 hours as Archie cant sleep for scratching. I am so tired. I really want naughty food today so gonna have to be careful.

Hope everyone has a nice day and has a good WW day.

oh i remember when we had the pox it was aweful. Olivia wasnt too bad but then Rhiannon and i had afterwards-never had it when i was little- Rhiannon was only about 18months old and just didnt understand what was going on. I deffo recommend having it as a child cos for an adult it was really unpleasant, but the worst think was we both had to miss Olivias 5th birthday party.

anyway enough of my ramblings have a good day-hope you get some rest
Hiya all

Poor you mommyb. I tell you its a living hell right now with these spots. Its driving me bonkers. I feel so sorry for him. He does not know what to do with himself. Have dozed today and literally picked and picked all day grazing but have only gone over my points by 3 so thats not too bad. I am finally full up HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So I shall snatch those three back tomorrow.
Thanks hon. I will try and make it interesting!! :) What is your diary called? Will have a search

Good luck with your journey too

oh my i have just seen this, my diary is called lucysmommys diary, im not sure its an interesting read tho lol

im away to read your latest post

well done on only going over by 3points

its a nightmare when wee ones are ill, it totally throws everything out the window

hope you have a good day tomorrow and that archie is better soon

Hey Mumof1 You are so good keeping within (or a little over) your points with the amount of sleep you've had.. I would have just thrown in the towel!!! How is Archie today? I remember my mam used to put calomine lotion all over us when we had the pox, horrid stuff when he dried but it did help with the scratching!
well done with ur weight loss so far, i start ww tomorrow wish me luck hope ur little boy gets better soon, my little girl whos 3 next month has'nt had chicken pox yet so i still have them to come.
Hi guys

Lucysmommy, tanyab and lumpyroo... what great names!!

Well I am a b!tch when tired out. I just want food all day bloody long so I have to just graze on veg and 1pt or half pt foods but because I dont eat any meat or fish alot of my vegan/veggie food can be high so its difficult.

Today so far had:

250ml Orange juice
25g goji berries
1 box of raisins
2 slices of toast with a sliced tomato on top

Also cos I am confined to the house which is my worst nightmare as I love going out and doing things as does Archie its hard. I just get bored and tired with no sleep. I had more sleep last night. Its easing now slightly. Tanya have to be honest this is the worst illness he has had yet! Its been hideous!

I wonder if its ok to walk Archie down our little cul de sac. Its a dead end and quiet during the day? I need some air!

Check back in later with update on my food blog! :) XXX

Thanks guys for posting. Going to have a look at your diaries now ;0
Morning Tracey.:wave_cry:
Im sure it would be ok to go out with Archie,i think its ok once they have scabbed over abit ???not sure but a few kiddies have had the pox at school and came back with a few scabby bits still.
I hope you have a nice day and try and get some sleep..Thinking about you and poor Archie(bless) xx
Morning Tracey.:wave_cry:
Im sure it would be ok to go out with Archie,i think its ok once they have scabbed over abit ???not sure but a few kiddies have had the pox at school and came back with a few scabby bits still.
I hope you have a nice day and try and get some sleep..Thinking about you and poor Archie(bless) xx

Hi fuzz :)

Yes I think it would do us good to get some air outside. Just half an hour does wonders in the fresh air. I suppose I am embarrassed as his face is like the surface of the moon. Its shocking!!!

Thanks hon for lovely message
