My Weightloss Diary by mum_of_one :) !!

Well another hot day looms. Hate it. Visiting a friend today and I bet she makes loads of food :( she knows the stuff I like too so really got to be good. Going to be hard.

I shall have a very light breakfast and tea this evening.

Have a good day everyone

hello you, fantastic to see you back on WW again :) be good at your friends, you can do it! :D love to you and littl'un xxx
Hiya Trash, lucysmom and Rach!

Thanks for lovely messages. I was so good!! I phoned my friend ahead and explained about my points situ and said I really would rather she made me no food so I bought in M&S a chargrilled veg wrap and some fruit salad. You lot proud of me?!!

Hope so!

How hot is it. OMG I cant take it!!!!! My friend is 9 months preg and is due on Sunday on Archie's bday. Ah.

Anyway over and out guys xxxx
Weighed in this morning and I have stayed the same which I sort of expected as last wed before my last weigh in I ate for england so I knew it would even out at some point. At least I didnt gain.

well done on sticking to the plan vey proud of you :)

omg your friend must be extra hot will being pregnant as well, i couldnt sleep last night at all


well done on sticking to the plan vey proud of you :)

omg your friend must be extra hot will being pregnant as well, i couldnt sleep last night at all



I feel shattered today. Did not sleep well. Got this big party today for Archie and got so much to do. Feel stressed.

Will try to stick to points but its gonna be one of those days of eating when I get the time so it might not be good!

Oh well.

Yes pleased I stayed the same hopefully see something better next week. After today I doubt it though. Sorry about your little gain. You will get if off again cos you are a good ww'er!

I normally have good losses. First week I did this a while ago I lost 9half pounds in first week.

Will post later on this eve. Have a good day xxxx
Just thought i'd pop by and say hi - hope the party goes well - try not to be stressed, although I think I would be with ya on that one - sunshine and a garden full of 3 year olds & scrummy foods - hmmmm - I'm getting stressed already lol

You will be fine I'm sure - have a fab day !

Bev x

I feel shattered today. Did not sleep well. Got this big party today for Archie and got so much to do. Feel stressed.

Will try to stick to points but its gonna be one of those days of eating when I get the time so it might not be good!

Oh well.

Yes pleased I stayed the same hopefully see something better next week. After today I doubt it though. Sorry about your little gain. You will get if off again cos you are a good ww'er!

I normally have good losses. First week I did this a while ago I lost 9half pounds in first week.

Will post later on this eve. Have a good day xxxx

wow 9.5lbs is amazing - in saying that i have heard of some people losing over a stone, wishful thinking for me haha

hope you are having a fab day hunni

Hiya hunnies

Thanks fitz and lucysmommy for posts.

Been AWOL as shattered. Had the party and all went well. Been dreadful with food and only just got back on wagon today. Oh dear.

How is everyone?

good to see you back, was worrying we wouldnt see you again!

glad the party went well, you have done what i did last week lol had a mental week to get it all out your system hehe

good luck hunni for getting back on track

Hi Tracey

Glad the party went well hun, never mind about over eating you can soon pull it back!

I had STS this week which am a bit fed up about as worked real hard with exercise and kept to points. So this week I'm doing my first ever trial week on the UNIT diet see how I go. First day was yesterday and I done ok even carried some units over for wk end!

I'm keeping a tracker for both Unit diet and WW'ers to see how the food I eat compares points wise - should be interesting. Love the fact that lots of breakfast cereals are free plus all fruit and veg ;)
Hiya guys

Trash, let me know how the units go? I am very interested doll to hear how it goes.

Life ok today. Been feeling very tearful and down of late. Not sure why and its probably hormonal. Diet going ok I guess but really dont want to weigh in. I feel like I am getting nowhere. Argh!!!!!

Lucysmommy, you aint getting rid of me that quickly lassie :) he he he he

How is everyone?


good to see you me lovely

im fab, but not looking forward to weigh in tho, not sure why!

aww chick i hope you are ok and feeling a wee bit more upbeat

Hi guys

Only just had a chance to log on. I gained a pound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHH at least its only a lb.

Awwww bless ya

I'ts only apound though I know it feels like sooo much more - just forget it - tomorrow is another day - heres to a good week xx