"Normal" measurements?

Wasted Ink

Full Member
Hope this is in the right thread, I wasn't sure where to put it since it relates to fitness and weight loss. I've started taking my body measurements around every 1/2 stone. I record:

My waist measurement
My hips/rear
My upper arm
My upper leg
My bust

I have a basic idea about the measurements I'd like to get to - however, I do know it's an individual thing to some extenet, so obviously I have nothing set in stone. But I was wondering whether anyone knows the kinds of measurements that would be classed as "normal" so I know what I should be aiming for long term.
I think we're all such different shapes that there's no such thing as normal! The 2 other bits I would measure, (because I didn't when I lost 2.5 stone last year and kicked myself!) Just under your bust, and your knees! I can't believe how much I lost from my kees but I have no record :(
The other thing I did was take a photo as well.
Well a true hour glass figure is 10inches between your bust and waist measurements and 10 inches between your waist and hips.

Mine currently are:

Bust: 42
Waist: 33
Hips: 41

So I'm not far off. I weight 15 and a a half stone.
Hope that helps.
Oh lucky you! My bust is 36 and my waist is 34, but my hips are absolutely massive. I hate them. :( I'm never sure whether I'm measuring correctly - I always measure around the largest area of the rear. Is that correct?

judimac - thanks for the advice, I will do that. :)
I was always taught to measure the hips at the front of the pelvic bone and again at the largest part of the rear. The waist also can be deceiving because there are several methods for that, since some are short-waisted and some long.

I'm long, so I measure in 3 places: at the smallest part (right at the bottom of my rib cage), at the umbilicus (right below the navel), and just above the hipbone. I tend to notice the most change at the umbilicus.

Measuring calves also is a good idea for tracking all-over body change.
I had never heard of the 10inches between your waist and your hips for an hourglass figure!

I am definitely not an hourglass in that case, a mere 4.5 inches between mine :(
bust 44, waist 35, hips 44 lol

Agree with honeyishrunkme though! wish i had measured my calves before i started! as before i couldn't buy boots with zips as they just wouldn't zip up! now they do! and with room! :D