Operation: Wedding dress!

Awww him sorry you are struggling :( how are you? X
Right guys I've made a decision....

My relationship with Exante has well and truly lost its spark and from tomorrow healthy eating and exercise is the way forward.

I keep thinking that Exante is the only diet that I'll lose weight on but as it turns out I'm not losing anything however good my efforts are during the week I ALWAYS f**k it up at the weekend.

These binges are just not healthy and something I had never done before Exante came into my life.

Also I'm fed up of not cooking anything, I give OH and kids the easiest meals ever just so I'm not tempted and that's not fair on them.

I'm so grateful to exante though, not only has it enabled me to lose 3 stone and get from the obese to overweight category, it has also taught me portion control, what's good nutrition wise and most of all to be thankful for the simplist of foods.

Even more grateful to all you lovely lot for listening and supporting me all the way. How anyone does this diet without minimins is beyond me!

Feeling relieved with my decision and my fridge is stacked high with fruit and veg all ready for tomorrow.

Also decided I'm not concentrating on the scales anymore as I'm getting obsessed with them again and the slightest increase makes me miserable so am just going by clothes and how I feel within myself. My dress is arriving tomorrow and I just know I won't be able to get into it so that's my first goal.

I'm not going to move my diary if that's ok as I'd miss you all too much but probably won't be on here regulary anymore, just every now and again.

I wish you all the best of luck with the rest of your Exante journey, wish I could have just got my head down and got on with it to goal but when your hearts not in it I guess your heads got no chance!

Thanks guys xxxxx
Ah bless, I wish you well on your continued journey, I understand entirely where you are coming from.
My husband complained to family that now I am not eating he gets none of the nice things anymore. :( I found that hard as I have been making him healthy choices, like chicken and boiled potatoes, as he is someone who doesn't eat veg, fruit, cheese, salads but would live on chips sausages, etc etc.
I have found the diet easy, but when he is home he is always eating, chocolate, crisps, biscuits all the things I have not had since January 5th

Good luck in the future


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DustQueen said:
Oh I'm going to miss you :( hope it goes well for you x please let us know how it's going xxx

I think I'll miss you more tho ;)
Your doing the right thing babes xxxxxxx
I miss you still..... xx
Haha you crazy b!tches do make me chuckle ;)

Well guess what......

I'm coming back...tomorrow to be precise...phahaha that didn't last long did it!

Healthy eating just does not float my boat. Don't get me wrong I'm much happier on it but I've got too much choice and variety and I need structure, routine and discipline as the weight ain't shifting. Will be great to maintain on this but I need to shift the excess junk in my trunk first and foremost.

I've got a month's worth of shakes left and do long as I do it properly there is no reason why I can't get into the 10's within that time. After that I will consider where to go next to shift the last little bit.

This is it girlies...it really is...I swear!!

I do have to have the 18th off as its mothers day oh and the 21st as it's mine and a certain other someone's bday on that day ;) But other than that I am going to be the perfect example of an Exantier ;)

Will try to catch up on all your essays later ;) xx
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Haha you crazy b!tches do make me chuckle ;)

Well guess what......

I'm coming back...tomorrow to be precise...phahaha that didn't last long did it!

Healthy eating just does not float my boat. Don't get me wrong I'm much happier on it but I've got too much choice and variety and I need structure, routine and discipline as the weight ain't shifting. Will be great to maintain on this but I need to shift the excess junk in my trunk first and foremost.

I've got a month's worth of shakes left and do long as I do it properly there is no reason why I can't get into the 10's within that time. After that I will consider where to go next to shift the last little bit.

This is it girlies...it really is...I swear!!

I do have to have the 18th off as its mothers day oh and the 21st as it's mine and a certain other someone's bday on that day ;) But other than that I am going to be the perfect example of an Exantier ;)

Will try to catch up on all your essays later ;) xx

Woo hoo :D

Maybe you just needed a wee break. I think, no in fact I know your gonna ace it. You've really got no choice with us all back on the wagon with the biggest amount of determination we've had in ages!!!

Oh your birthdays the 21st, really!! Lol
See this halo... :angel09: I plan to stick to TS (do we still call s&s TS?) that day!! I've only got 88 days after today :D

Im glad your coming back. I've missed yah chick, I've missed you more than Carly has, before she jumps in with *really childish voice* I've missed you more blah blah

Pmsl. Love her really but shhhhh lol xxxxxx
Little-Miss-Perfect said:
Woo hoo :D

Maybe you just needed a wee break. I think, no in fact I know your gonna ace it. You've really got no choice with us all back on the wagon with the biggest amount of determination we've had in ages!!!

Oh your birthdays the 21st, really!! Lol
See this halo... :angel09: I plan to stick to TS (do we still call s&s TS?) that day!! I've only got 88 days after today :D

Im glad your coming back. I've missed yah chick, I've missed you more than Carly has, before she jumps in with *really childish voice* I've missed you more blah blah

Pmsl. Love her really but shhhhh lol xxxxxx

Damn it why are you always so right. LMP in every way eh?! Speaking of Miss Dustface she has a new diary and has selfishly neglected to tell me what it's called! ;) Care to share?....
Hehe :D

It's DustQueens 16 weeks.... Something or other lol xx
DustQueens 16 weeks to slim xx
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Haha you crazy b!tches do make me chuckle ;)

Well guess what......

I'm coming back...tomorrow to be precise...phahaha that didn't last long did it!

Healthy eating just does not float my boat. Don't get me wrong I'm much happier on it but I've got too much choice and variety and I need structure, routine and discipline as the weight ain't shifting. Will be great to maintain on this but I need to shift the excess junk in my trunk first and foremost.

I've got a month's worth of shakes left and do long as I do it properly there is no reason why I can't get into the 10's within that time. After that I will consider where to go next to shift the last little bit.

This is it girlies...it really is...I swear!!

I do have to have the 18th off as its mothers day oh and the 21st as it's mine and a certain other someone's bday on that day ;) But other than that I am going to be the perfect example of an Exantier ;)

Will try to catch up on all your essays later ;) xx

Wooooo hooooooooo so glad you are back and not on healthy eating, don't care if that makes me a bad person lol ;)
Little-Miss-Perfect said:
Woo hoo :D

Maybe you just needed a wee break. I think, no in fact I know your gonna ace it. You've really got no choice with us all back on the wagon with the biggest amount of determination we've had in ages!!!

Oh your birthdays the 21st, really!! Lol
See this halo... :angel09: I plan to stick to TS (do we still call s&s TS?) that day!! I've only got 88 days after today :D

Im glad your coming back. I've missed yah chick, I've missed you more than Carly has, before she jumps in with *really childish voice* I've missed you more blah blah

Pmsl. Love her really but shhhhh lol xxxxxx

:O B!TCH!!!!