Panic Button! Post here before eating what you know you shouldnt be eating!

Wat a gr8 idea. I'm on LT but moving to exante in the next day r 2. I wish I had this thread over the last few days as I hav picked. I'll bkeepin a close eye on this 2 try give support. Good on u 4 thinking on this and gr8 title x
Great idea! I haven't read all the posts on this thread yet, but I'm subscribed now and happy to give encouragement and lend a virtual ear if I see a fellow VLCDer in need! :) x
I'm hungry :cry: Long day at work, so busy that I didn't get to have my shake that I'd taken with me. I ate the bar about 1:30pm and then had the shake when I got in about 30mins ago.

Walked into dh making tea, chicken wraps for the girls and lined up were ciabattas topped with feta, waiting for the chicken to go in the oven. I could devour them, he's saved two for later, they're in the oven. There's leftover chicken looking at me, just told dh to give it to the dog.

Just finished a bouillion, trying like mad to distract myself. Can't go off and do anything as I've just got in and the kids need me to spend time with them. Hence posting here to distract myself. I am on TS and don't want to ruin my 100% run, I'm only day 5.
I'm on day 5 too Smallerme - keep yourself distracted... you are doing so well just now - well done for the willpower so far - keep going, don't give up. Is Wednesday your WI day too, like me? Just imagine how chuffed you will be with yourself on Wednesday with your loss xx
Yes I think I'm going to weigh in on Wednesday, swapping from a Monday so I get a full weeks results. Sat with a second cup of boullion, thinking of it as soup. Think I'll go wash up in a minute or bath the kids. I do have another shake left for today, just didn't want to drink two at once.

I wonder if it's partly emotional, because I don't get a break at work I rarely have time to eat so I normally get in and get food as I'm starving by then.
Emotional or it could be habit as well - your body is used to getting food at that time, when you got in your head automatically said, right time for food.

I pretend that bouillon is soup too - I actually quite enjoy it and when I was lagging after my lunch during the week I had one - it defo made me feel better.

Just keep focusing on Wednesday WI and how over the moon you're going to feel after the hard work you have put in this week.
Help! Im on day four and am really struggling today my husband is cooking and its driving me mad cos its making me hungry, all i keep thinking is as soon as he sits to eat Im gonna have me bar, i really wanna pinch some from him
thank you i just drank a whole pint of water made me feel better, ;)
MrsJoyce, you could go for a walk while he eats (weather permitting) I find this helps. I have to keep reminding myself this isn't forever :)
hi, yeah i took the dog for a walk made me feel better getting some excerise, im only on day four so am still finding it a bit difficult, but im likeing the packs and really love the chock and orange bars mmm
i just keep telling my self i can to have a nice meal with him in the evenings lol
The first week is the pitts, the biggest thing that keeps me from cheating is not wanting to feel like that again! one day at a time and before we know it we'll soon be seeing results ;)
tell me about it lol x
Oh god please someone stop me! I really really wanna eat the bag of chocolate buttons that are stareing me in the face have had a really tough day and feeling low i just want chocolate :-(
mrsjoyce said:
Oh god please someone stop me! I really really wanna eat the bag of chocolate buttons that are stareing me in the face have had a really tough day and feeling low i just want chocolate :-(

Don't do it chick, take how ur feeling now and multiply it by 1000 and that's how bad you'll be if u eat them!
Have some water, and extra shake if u gotta but stay away from the chocolate.
Get up and put them in the bin, u deserve to lose weight, u don't deserve to feel miserable after eating crap xxx

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Pheww i didn't do it! Had a hot chocolate shake instead i threw all the chocolate out! To my husbands dis may i told him never being it in the house again x