period help :-( TMI


Full Member
I've been on exante for 12 days now. I'm usually very regular with my periods - every 28 days like clockwork. I'm on day 17 of my cycle so only finished last Sunday.. Just been to the loo now and I'm bleeding again, bright red. Not enough to be in my underwear just when I wipe. (sorry TMI)
I've never had spotting before, is that what this is? If so is it because of exante?? I know it says you can MISS periods but haven't read anything to say this would happen.

Am worried as I've always had a big fear of cervical cancer and am too young to be allowed a smear.

I'm not sure LVP, I am on the pill so my periods haven't been effected although I have had period problems in the past. I have heard that VLCDs can mess up your hormonal balance which in turn messes up your time of the month.
It does sound like spotting. The first time this happened to me I was really worried! It's always a shock when you're not expecting it.
Sorry I've not been of much help- I'm sure there will be someone along soon that has experienced something similar. I would say that rather than take someone's word for it, if you are worried then go to your GP and demand a smear test. If you express your concerns they should do one. Don't take no for an answer!
I have a mirena coil so haven't had periods for months but within 3 days of starting exante I had spotting that lasted at least 10 days!! Diets can mess with your hormones, especially vlcds-if in doubt I agree get your doctor to examine you, but chances are its all connected (I keep telling myself it's a small price to pay for losing all my excess baggage!!!) :0)
Hi when I first started exante I think I came on 5 days early but I'm due on next sund/ mond and haven't come on yet.
Oh good so its not just me! Hopefully its a sign the diet is working lol. Have done the scarsdale diet before and was about 3 weeks late.. Kept doing pregnancy tests haha x
Hi, I have the implants and haven't had periods for years- 3 weeks into exante and I've had two periods! It's normal x
yep hormones are released in fat and mess up your cycle, I am on implant AND mini pill and I had a period first week into vlcd...after years of none.
I came on 5 days early, no warning she just appeared :)
Or....... It's implantation bleed? If you're not using contraception it could happen around this time. You won't know until day 28 though.

Just a thought? x
You have to have sex to get pregnant!! Lol only kidding but we're really REALLY careful. I will not be happy if I am!!