Ria's Diary = 18 4 now - 12 stone 13lbs!

Fruit and jelly very good! lol Camping is such a great idea I am so jealous hope u have a good time.

Well I was supposed to be going to the pictures last night with sarah and jackie and I kinda messed up as we went to see the 9.30 showing of SATC 2 but ended up the last showing was actually 8.30! lol so we missed it and ended up going to the pub instead and shared 2 bottles of rose with Sarah, Jackie was driving.

Good luck for the interview on Monday sounds better for you, couldn't imagine having to travel 35 miles in the morning to work! lol xx
Thank hun, i did it for my uni placement and it was tiring but well worth it as it was a wonderful job, i dont know what ill do if i get offered both jobs :| i suppose as most things it will come down to the money
ooh camping sounds like it will be fun, hopefully the weather will stay as nice as it is now for you too. dont worry about having a splurge when you're on your trip, every now and then everyone has to relax a little, and it will probably actually help you in the long run because mentally your body will know you're not denying yourself anything.

good luck with the job interview too! 35 miles is a long way to travel each way for work. when i was job hunting i found one a similar distance away, in the end i was actually glad i didnt get it because due to rush hour traffic it would have taken 1.5hrs each way, screw 3hrs travelling a day! lol. new job is 13.5miles away so not bad at all, and the free time i gained i can do something productive like work out :)

hope you're having a good weekend! i'm gonna make some suger free jellys later! they must have hardly any calories so thanks for the inspiration!
hah yeah Jellies are good, my dad has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so mum is careful what we have, has helped me quite alot as that means there is no longer and chocolate or cakes in my house lol
Bad for your dad, but kinda good for you, lol. I have a little brother so my house is full of lunch box foods like crisps and choc bars, bad times man.

Ooo, good luck with the interview! 35 miles is a bit of a mish, esp first thing in the morning! What kind of job is it?

Its for a childrens social worker, just finishing my social work degree :)

Well ive just done 20 minutes on the wii fit then 20 minutes on my exercise bike because i couldnt be bothered going to the gym lol

I've started using bio oil and some nivea cellulite gel out of interest.. along with some firming cream, lets see if it helps lol
Oh awesome, I knew you were finishing your degree, it's great that you got a job in what you were studying straight away though. I've got mates that went to uni and have ended up in crappy supermarket jobs n stuff.

Oh lemme know about the bio oil, I'm always so tempted by that stuff. I've tried the coacoa butter whatever it is stuff, but it dried my skin out.

Don't blame you for not wanting to go to the gym, too freaking hot today man! Well done for getting off you're arse n doing something though. I feel inspired to go bounce on my trampoline now, lol.

B - shreddies
L - small chicken roll and mini ryvitas
D - 2 small jacket potatoes with a tin of tuna and tea spoon of light mayo.
S - Handful of nuts/apple/melon

Jacket potatoes were awful and dry without butter or lots of mayo but these are the sacrifices we make to try and look and feel better!

know what you mean about the jacket potatoes, on the very first day of my diet i had some and without butter and cheese and mayo etc they were bloody awful, lol
I treated myself to 2 squares of chocolate last night as i was aching from some of the yoga on my wii fit, did not realise the kind of positions your body can get in to lol.

Today ive been to the gym
25 minutes xtrainer
13 minutes bike
10 minutes treadmill
arm weights.

I need to start doing some toning for my stomuch as im so worried im gonna have horrible baggy skin when ive finished :(

Yesturday's food -
B - shreddies
L - Small chicken roll with mini ryvitas and raddish's
D - 2 small jacket potatoes with a tin of tuna, teaspoon of mayo and chopped spring onions

S - Apple/Handful of nuts, 2 squares of lindor's dark chocolate with ginger

B - one slice of toast with marmalade
L - Roast dinner
D - Malba toasts with philli

S - Orange/slice of melon

Not looking forward to this week at all, I've got 600 words left to do on this chapter and really want to get 500 - 1000 words done on the next one before thursday night so then i have nothing to stress about on fri/sat/sun when I'm camping, also got an interview 2moro then the nurse on wednesday.. im looking forward to that though because i havent seen her since december when i was weighed in at 18 stone 4lbs, i reckon she will be pretty damn impressed that im on 14 stone now! xx
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urgh, that brings back memories of looming essay deadlines and all nighters, fun stuff! stick at it and im sure you'll get it done in time. when i was stressed with uni work i found that my way to get through it was food, id just sit with a bag of chocolate on my deck and snack while i worked :/

ooh and i was meaning to ask, what on earth is melba toast? i've heard the name before but was never sure what it was!
they are little crackers that look like small pieces of toast lol. think they are something silly like 8 calories per one, makes a change from putting philli on ryvitas!

Im getting through this by taking my stress out at the gym, so thats quite good. Whats even better is i just did 100 words so ive got 500 to do then can start on my next chapter, will probably go and spend the whole day in the uni library on tuesday and get it done as much as i can by then
Wow, the nurse is going to be amazed!
The manic cramming is always worth it when you get to ahve a few blissfully free days!
Best wishes.
I'd pay good money to see the nurses face- I bet she checks your notes for your previous weight twice when she sees your current weight! You are doing so well Ria, I love reading your diary each night. Did something suddenly change for you/fall in to place to start your weight loss, or did you start slowly and build up confidence and skills on the way?
Wear all black to the nurse appointment!
Really it was a combination of things that got me to start. First one was that nurses appointment! When i got on the scales and saw it shoot up to 18 stone i was horrified. i though i was about 16 stone, still not ideal but 18 seemed so huge, in my first year at uni i lost a stone think i was about 16 stone then do i knew i could do it. I pretty much decided when i got home that i wanted to get rid of my weight. That was 30th december, i had a cracking new year then went to the gym on the 2nd January which was the hardest thing ever as i thought everyone would be staring at me! It all carried on from there really. my confidence started to build as soon as people started to notice! x
Ria, you are doing fantastic, I have read your diary and you are very motivational. Can't believe how much excercise you do - the dance machine sounds like fun. Anyway good luck with your job prospects. xx
You're so brave for joining the gym! I'm waiting until I've lost some weight and gotten a wee bit fitter, I'm just not as brave as you lol.

I agree with shazzamataz, you are pretty damn inspirational.

Let us know if the nurse says anything! ;)
thanks guys,

luckily pink (sorry i still dont know your name!) i was already a member, joined about 2 years ago with a friend so the induction and that was already done! just meant i need to get off my arse and get motivated to go there!

Ok so today -

B - shreddies
L - 2 poached eggs on one slice of toast
D - Spaghetti mince and tomato sauce

S - melon/Apple/Orange
I dunno when im going to fit in the gym this week! think i may have to go wednesday and thursday afternoon as want to spend 2moro at uni (45 miles from here!)
Food diary looks good for today Ria! :) xx