Ruth's GI Diary

Food for today:
B- usual porridge/jam combo

S- 2 x oatcakes with light philly chive and garlic spread. Satsuma

L- Campbells wholegrain minestrone soup with 30g added cannelloni beans

S- NF yoghurt. 5 x roasted pistachios

D- cooking as we speak- lemon myrtle and macademia crusted gummy shark fillet with mash (half lowGI pot/half beans), broccoli and mangetout.

After dinner snacks- half an apple, 1 x oatcake with philly.
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Goodness, Ruth, your dinner sounds very exotic. I'm assuming gummy shark isn't made of the same thing as gummy bears, gummy worms, etc.?

How do you find the half potato/half bean mash? We made all-bean mash one day and it tasted very... (don't laugh, I know, I know) beany. I think it would taste less so if I made some dried beans from scratch as I find the ones in tins have a stronger taste but maybe half-potato is the way to go.

As a fellow muffintop (sufferer? victim? creator?) I also love a long floaty top but I can't quite get away with skinny jeans - maybe a knee-length top would do it for me.
hehe- wouldn't a knee length top in fact be a dress :D?

I'm not sure the fish would bake well if it was made of gummy bears :). It's just a species of shark- in fact shark is probably the most common fish here- a bit like cod in the uk. When my folks were over for our wedding my Mom wouldn't believe that the fish in the fish and chip shop was shark- she thought I was having her on !:D
So it's a bit less exotic than it sounds...

I make the half pot/half bean mash by boiling the pots as normal (obviously half the amount as you'd usually need) but for the last 5 mins adding half a tin of cannellini or butter beans. Then mashing together with skim milk, seasoning etc. Tastes almost identical to normal mash. Even OH will eat it without any complaint :)
One of the big supermarkets here has started stocking these potatoes called Carisma, that were specially cross bred to be low GI. I don't think they're available outside Aus, but they're awesome- GI is only 55, compared to 80-90ish for most other pots. Yay! Another species of potato called Nicola (available in UK too I think) is also pretty low-GI compared to others = 59, that's what I used to use until the farmers started producing Carisma.
hehe- wouldn't a knee length top in fact be a dress :D?

LOL I was hoping nobody would spot that. Dress+skinny jeans, maybe not my new signature look although my reflexologist pulls it off quite well!

I've now got a mental picture of sharks trying to gum their food to death - if they're not made of gummy bears then the name must come from somewhere? How fun about the fish and chips. Sharks and chips has a nice ferocious ring to it!

I will look out for the lower GI potatoes here, that would be a bonus! It's funny, I do like beans very much, but meanie mash just doesn't cut it for me.
Omg Ruth your food sound so good. You're making me hungry!

Gummy sharks, hehe I imagined them to be like the Swedish fish candies. Hehehe. Shark sounds so exotic!

I read about Carisma potatoes on the low GI news site. Unfortunately they are only available in Australia. Maybe oneday we'll get them over here in Europe.

Have you tried califlower mash Plum? I made it back in my LCHF days. I imagine that with some mashed beans could taste quite yummy.
Gummy sharks, hehe I imagined them to be like the Swedish fish candies. Hehehe. Shark sounds so exotic!

Have you tried califlower mash Plum? I made it back in my LCHF days. I imagine that with some mashed beans could taste quite yummy.

I hope the Swedish candies are fish-shaped and not fish-flavoured. :eek:

I usually roast cauliflower with spices if I'm going to have it. Does it go watery when you make it into mash? I have that problem with it sometimes. I know you can also grate it into 'rice' if you're so inclined but I've never tried it!
The candies doesn't taste like fish at all. Hehehe, I think they're more popular in the states than in Sweden though.

I've never tried to make califlower rice, I thought it was too bothersome to try to make fake carb foods. They never really tasted like breads, or potatoes, so to me it was like why all that effort just to be dissappointed. The califlower mash was actually good. I boiled the califlower, drained them, and mashed them up. They weren't watery at all when I used to make them.
Ahh maybe I'll try cauliflower mash one day then. :) I am tempted to make some of Patrick Holford's mini cake recipes to see if they are an acceptable cake experience (I agree with not making 'fake' foods that won't satisfy), I even bought the small tins but when we moved they disappeared into a black hole (aka a cupboard) - I'll have to dig them out.

"The gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus, is a shark in the family Triakidae. It is a slender grey shark with white spots along the body and flat plate-like teeth for crushing its prey :D. It has a maximum length of between 157 cm (male) and 175 cm (female). It feeds on crustaceans, marine worms, small fish and cephalopods. It is found in the waters around southern Australia, from Shark Bay in Western Australia to Port Stephens in New South Wales to a depth of 350 m"


I'm thinking the second guy got a better catch...;)
Maybe that's why it's called a gummy shark, because of its teeth. If I ever get to Australia, I will make sure to try out their shark fish and chips.
Yep Ruth I can see why the first guy looks a little sour. Loving the fish and chips storefront! And thank you for the edifying information. Is shark meat similar to swordfish I wonder? The few times I've had that it has been a really meaty fish and I loved not having to worry about bones!
Cali- the flat teeth are indeed why it is called gummy I have discovered :)

Plum- it's not really as meaty as swordfish (another popular fish here), I'd say its actually fairly similar to cod believe it or not :)
Very interesting shark. Thanks to Ruth, I've now learned about a new fish, I have never heard of, and now will want to try to eat if ever given the chance :)

Is it expensive to eat gummy shark, or is it fairly inexpensive?
it's the same price as other fish, if that makes sense? And its the cheapest fish in the chippie (in fish and chip shops here they have the raw fish (of different types) on display in the counter and you pick which type of fish you want and then they batter and fry it for you)

B- porridge/jam combo
L- scrambled eggs with boston beans and spinach salad
S- satsuma, be natural berry trail bar, 1 x weight watchers chocolate brownie - not at ALL low GI (first ingredient on list was sugar, but at least low fat and low cal. Was craving brownie all day, so at 7pm after putting off craving since 10am, figured if I still wanted a brownie that much I should have one, but at least not a super calorific one!)
Dinner- mexican chicken casserole with barley/basmati rice mix, green beans, mangetout and salad.

Will probably have 1 x pure blonde beer later on :)

I've started tracking calories on MFP over the last couple of days. I'm finding lowGI great, but I think my portion sizing is probably waaay too big, and there's too many little snacks, and that's one of the reasons why I'm not losing much weight.
I figure if I'm stricter with calorie reduction for the next couple of weeks whilst staying lowGI then that should
1. boost the weight loss again
2. get me on the right track with judging portions after a couple of weeks of weighing stuff out.

MFP works my daily calorie allowance out at 1520, but I'm trying to keep under that to compensate for the overeating last weekend, plus I've got another boozy party coming up this weekend too :D

Yesterday: 1293

Today:1130 sans beer (1237 with beer)
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Food sounds good :) I haven't had boston baked beans in ages. Makes me miss eating it :)

I wish we had a chippie place around here. I used to love eating them in the states, but we don't have chippies there. So I'm sure they weren't as good as the stuff you can get over there.

I noticed being strict or not on calories doesn't make much of a difference as being strict with low GL. I noticed when I do mostly strict low GL, I see better results on the scale.
Ahh yes, but you haven't seen my mega-sized portions : )

I was suprised though that my daily cals (when watching portion sizing) were coming up at around 1200-1300 - I remember it being much harder to stick to that amount back in my pre-GI days a few years ago. Now I'm suprised that that's all I've eaten. I think you feel so much less hungry on low-GI; plus its REAL healthy food, rather than prepackaged low cal ready meal crap.
From I learned this weekend, is that high GL foods contain a lot of calories. Also I the high GL food isn't filling as when I eat low GL foods.