Sarah83's New Diary

Thank you. I've got a scan this afternoon - midwife was concerned yesterday baby's head hasn't moved down far enough so got a scan to check all ok. Eek worried now
Hey, yep everything is fine and baby is still hanging in there!!
My midwife is coming over tomorrow to check me over, then I've got hospital weds where I'll get a date for them to induce me next week if baby doesn't make an appearance by then...
I'm hoping for baby to come on Sunday for a really cool birth date - 09/10/11... How cool would that be?!
My mums was 5/5/55 which I always thought was cool. Hey we'll see!
Hehe yes come on baby!
Well I've been booked in to be induced weds so if baby doesn't come on it's own before then we'll definitely have a baby by next weekend!
sarah83 said:
Hehe yes come on baby!
Well I've been booked in to be induced weds so if baby doesn't come on it's own before then we'll definitely have a baby by next weekend!

Good luck honey, so excited for you xxx
Well hello!!

I am pleased to announce the arrival of baby Isabella at 11.19am mon 10th October weighing just 6lb 5 at 10 days over!

Photos and full birth story to follow but at the moment I am a very happy mummy to be home as a family finally tonight.
She is amazing and I can't get over some of the emotions I'm feeling. We've had a few probs feeding - I've got an amazing supply but latching on has been more of a problem so I've been expressing a fair bit. Hopefully we'll crack it soon though.
:bestwishes: Oh wow CONGRATULATIONS Sarah and Mr Sarah! Isabella is a beautiful name! xxxx
Here is a photo of gorgeous Bella, snuggling into me


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I am officially jumping back on the wagon on Wednesday!
It's the day hubby goes back to work... Which I am really not looking forward to :-(
Not sure how I'm going to cope on my own... But I guess I'll have to find a way!

So I've got a tesco delivery coming Tuesday and I'm going to make a list of meals, but they're going to have to be quick and easy as I haven't been finding much time to cook (or eat for that matter!).

I'm not exclusively breastfeeding anymore as Bella is a hungry hungry baby, and I simply couldn't keep up! So I'm breastfeeding her in the mornings, and also expressing through the day. So the SW guidelines are for 3 extra healthy extras for breastfeeding mums, so I'm going to allow 1 extra, and if I'm doing extra easy I'll make sure it's an A choice to have extra calcium.

Everything is going great with Bella, she is already developing a cheeky personality! Her habit at the moment is to be an angel in the day but a monkey at night not sleeping! So it's taken some adjusting for us!! She's gorgeous though, and although I don't want to rush these precious days, I can't wait until she's a bit bigger and really develops a personality!
Glad things are going so well Sarah, don't put too much pressure on yourself at this early stage and enjoy all these precious moments before she can say no and throw tantrums because that time will be here before you know it ;)