Sleek_Chick's diary

Hi Sleek
I've been trying to find a thead to comment on that rings true with me, and also that is current. I have found quite a few started with good intentions and I can only assume gave up after a bad result at weigh in, which we all have!
Your weight loss is fantastic.
I think certain people, not in our situation, think food addicition is a made up condition, but if I don't reign it in constantly, who knows how big I'd end up. And it is a daily battle. My weight takes over my life!
Please keep us updated, it really is inspirational.
Sounds like it's going well so far! I think if you are planning on drinking at all, you need to be out of ketosis first, by reintroducing carbs at least a day in advance as the combo can be really dangerous.

Carla xxx
Aiming to be a size 14!
Hi Sleek
I've been trying to find a thead to comment on that rings true with me, and also that is current. I have found quite a few started with good intentions and I can only assume gave up after a bad result at weigh in, which we all have!
Your weight loss is fantastic.
I think certain people, not in our situation, think food addicition is a made up condition, but if I don't reign it in constantly, who knows how big I'd end up. And it is a daily battle. My weight takes over my life!
Please keep us updated, it really is inspirational.

Thank you so much for your lovely post! I completely agree with you. I constantly think about my weight and it has impacted greatly on my self-esteem. If I wasn't constantly on a diet, I know I would end up weighing much more. It's quite scary. Sometimes, I don't even savour the taste of what I am eating, as I eat so quickly and I do get grumpy when I cannot eat the things I want. It is difficult and a lifelong battle, but I am determined to conquer it.
Thank you for you advice, Bob and Moopies. I am still undecided. The thing is, I am not a drinker - I have not had a drink since February! I don't enjoy drinking and would say I am a social drinker. When I usually go out, I would probably have a 3 drinks at the most and stick to soft drinks. As I am not drinking a large quantity, I think I will be fine if I low carb. Decisions, decisions...
3.4lbs down this week. I am really happy about that. I have been very pleased with my losses lately; I start my new job soon, so have been shopping for new clothes. I feel so much better; I know I still have a while to go, but I am pleased with the way my clothes are fitting. I don't feel that fat. I am going to have to move to WS for a while, so I don't draw too much attention as there will be lots of events. I will continue TSing once I am settled.

I thought about bringing one of the Exante meals for lunch and putting it in a container - hopefully that way, it just looks like soup or something. We will see.
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I haven't updated in a while. I started my new job this week and there have been many social events, making it difficult to stick to the plan. I have eaten fairly healthy, but have not 100% stuck to WS. In that time, I have managed to gain 2.8lbs taking me to 13st13lbs, which in the grand scheme of things is not so bad. I am starting TS again today; it should be easier to stick to, since all the social events are out of the way.
I've just read your diary from the start, you've done brilliantly! Don't worry about the gain you can soon lose that in no time :) x
I've just read your diary from the start, you've done brilliantly! Don't worry about the gain you can soon lose that in no time :) x

Thank you, Katie - I hope so!

Third day 100% TS. Work is hectic; I didn't get the chance to have my carbonara for lunch, so had to munch through a bar. I am hoping that I can manage 100% TS at least until Sunday. I have a birthday dinner, so will need to eat for that. Then the week after, I have another birthday. It is so annoying; I am never tempted when I am TS, but eating something seems to open up a can of worms. I am hoping that I will be able to buckle down soon, but there are so many events at work, which make it difficult to stay 100% without raising suspicion.
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[...] I have let my weight get in the way for all these years and I am honestly so fed up. I will not do another VLCD again. Once I reach my goal weight, I will sign up to my local gym and start weight training. I have yo-yoed up and down - that alone must have put so much stress on my body. Yes, being overweight/obese is not healthy but neither is yo-yoing and binging.

[...] When I reached goal, some years ago, I was slim, but I was not happy with my body. I loathed it - hated my arms and still had back fat. I want to be toned and decrease my percentage of body fat, and I know weight training will help me to achieve this.

Hey, I have just read through your diary and I wanted to say you're doing great! There are so many things that you have said that I feel like I could have written myself! I have just started Exante again and I am trying to make sure that this time is different by looking at a long term plan instead of only concentrating on losing the weight.

I have never reached a goal weight on the numerous diets I have done and I think part of that is to do with my brain taking a longer time to catch up and I still felt just as insecure. But, the other part of it is that while I could appreciate I looked better than before clothed, without clothes I just felt like I was a smaller version of the same body.. and hated it.. does that make sense?

I was looking on Amazon last night at various books for how I want to live / eat when I finally get to goal and I came across a book called 'Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building The Ultimate Female Body'. I wasn't sure about getting it, but I think you are spot on with the weight training so I may just grab a copy and have a read up. Have you come across it, or have you read something you recommend?
Hey Phoenix, thanks for your lovely post. I understand how you feel completely. With regards to books, I have not heard of that particular book but I have heard that 'New rules of lifting for women' is pretty good. I have a copy, but have never used it. I would also head over to the bodybuilding forums and peruse their threads, especially the women's section. It has great resources. They generally advocate 80:20 principle - eating wholesome foods such as proteins, vegetables and wholegrain carbs most of the time, and occasionally treating yourself. I hope that is helpful; if you have any further questions, feel free to post :)

I have not stuck to the diet this week, but managed to lose 3.6lbs this week. I have been doing a combination of Exante and low carb mainly. I will hopefully be able to get back on track on Monday. I feel in control, which is a good thing, but I am desperate to get back to 100% TS!
Thanks for that, I'll check out the forums :)

3.6lbs is great! You definitely sound like you must have been in control and made good choices, which is fab. Eating may also give you a boost in your next loss. Well done!
Hi SK. Well done on your loss. I've been doing a combination of exante and calorie counting since coming back from holiday but am planning a TS day tomorrow too. Dont know if I'll manage it though. Also, I joined the gym yesterday and went to a spin class and had my induction today.
That's a great loss, well done a Sleek!
Thanks Katie!

Last week was so busy. I had two birthdays and went to two buffets, so it was difficult to stay on plan. I gained 4lbs, but have lost most of that now. I am quite proud of the choices I made, whilst being off plan. I restarted on Monday and have been 100% since then. Work is so stressful and busy. I never have time to eat. I suppose that is a good thing. I have no events for a while, so I can crack on with 100% TS. I hope everyone is well.
Well done on getting straight back to it, that can be the hardest part, hopefully you'll get a great loss at your next weigh in :) x
Thanks Katie and Phoenix! I am glad I managed to get back on the diet. Scales have shown a nice drop so far (around 7 lbs), but that is expected as I gained 3 lbs from the Chinese, which must have been due to water retention. So close to having lost 3 stones and I am no longer obese! It is nice to finally be in the almost lower 13s. Looking forward to reaching the 12s.
Hey everyone,
I have been MIA. I had lots of social events and a chest infection, so haven't been TSing. It is so hard to get back on track once you break the diet. I restarted Thursday and have been 100%. I have two gatherings next week, but I am aiming to stick to low carb. I am so determined now. Feel back in the zone; I know I have said that before, but I would love to be 11 stones by January next year. Here is hoping I can finally get out of the 13s and into the 12s. I would love to be in the lower 12s by Christmas!
Hi Sleek Chick! Welcome back!

Good to see you back on track and here's crossing my fingers that you see those 11s!

I'm also wanting to see the 11s by January and I'm in the 13s also. Just had the weekend off for my birthday and back to it til Christmas tomorrow!

We can do it!