spyro's exante diary - LOOK WHO'S BACK

Oh, I'm really sorry your not well!

Hope you feel much better soon.
Hope you're soon feeling better ((hugs))
thanks everyone im feeling a bit better today the sickness has gone but i was a wreck yesterday what an awful bug i now really feel for the kids when they had it. ive still got stomach cramps, a headache and feel very week but am glad i can actually get up and walk today without feeling like i was gonna drop dead.
its so hard when you literally cant get up and the house is getting messier each minute and my oh just isnt one to go and tidy up well until i nagged him, he then got the hoover out and just hoovered up the crisps that my 11 mth old had squashed into the carpet i was so proud of him until i realised that he only hoovered up the crisps which means he left the backroom which is joined to the front room and the hallway and kitchen so i thought what was the point im gonna have to go back and do it. oh well it looked a tiny bit better.lol.
anyway good news is ive lost the 2lb which i put on the other day when i ate plus another 1lb so im weighing the same as oh which is my next mini goal nearly done to be less than him hopefully by monday. theres just one thing yesterday i only had my morning shake and nothing else all day as was so ill but today im not sure what to do shall i have a shake as normal or not have anything im just scared if i have it then i might start being sick again so any advice would be great. thanks again everyone.
hi thanks yeah i decided to have a hot chocolate but with half the water i usually have it was yummy and so far i feel fine.
thanks for the rep whoever it was.
hi everyone ive had my 2 shakes today and still have 1 left which il probably have a hot choc later as am gonna watch a film so at least il have something in my hand. i came on today which explains the eating of choc the other day but theres still hope for next month, ive just been told about some tablets from h&b called chromium Picolonate which helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and therefore helps control appetite. so ive bought these as theres 30% off at the mo too so am hoping i wont get these cravings next month so will let you all know if they work.
Hi ive found your diary thank you for your reply last night and glad to hear the scales are moving for you this week all ready.

fingers crossed for us on monday x :)
yeah thanx hun i was a bit worried about this week as i had a 2 day binge yuk but have to blame it on the totm lol. lets hope we both have good results monday. how are you today?
im ok i did look at the scales this morning but did step on, im just so bored but will call on and keep busy today.

meeting friends tonight, how are u?
yeah im fine today feeling much better ive just had my first hot choc shake i used to have it at 9 when the kids have left for school but since being ill yesterday and today ive managed to hold out til 11am which helps me for the rest of the day as im an evening eater also i was having 4 packs before as i couldnt get through the day so im hoping ive changed my routine as it was save me money just having the 3 packs.
with regards to the scales im an everyday hopper lol. i really cant help it when i get a good reading i try and not weigh the next day or 2 if i can. i jumped on today and i was lighter than my oh which is my next mini goal ticked off for monday.horray
lol good to hear meaning lighter than your oh!! lol i am a daily weigher too. but this morning i didnt feel like it at all strange really.

yeah try the 3 packs i agree on saving money lol do u have bars too?

im in love with these always want another one after ive finished.

glad your better today x
no my bars have finished as i got the mixed bumper pack first month then decided on the shakes this month as i was having the bouillon as my savoury fix so i didnt fancy the soups. i found it hard the first few days after my vars ran out as i was the same i couldve eaten 2 or more lol but am getting used to it now. i reafd some people could only eat half a bar or they took ages to eat it and i couldnt imagine how as mine would be gone quickly and couldve easily eaten another. lol
lol and meeee half a bar ...... no way ive started to break bits off so it lasts a bit longer. i could easliy eat 2 bars a day lol x
thats what i used to do lol break little bits off and try and be like everyone else but id still polish ot off in about 3 or 4 mins lol. have a great day hun ive gotta go and play connect 4 with my dd mmm interesting. and shes counting down for me to get off the comp.lol
very cold hun. our weigh ins tomorrow but the scales werent kind today i was more than yesterday so probably water retention as totm. lets hope they go down again by tomorrow. hows you?
Yeap hope so too for ya..im drinking my fennel tea then will have a banana shake afterwards.

then need to pop into town to change a dress ive got.! its very cold out but will sit around at home later on. i did have a stomach ache this morning gone now thou.

what time u weighing tomorrow?x
i wake up get the kids ready for school then as soon as theyre out the door il go loo again just incase i can get rid of an extra lb lol, then come down and do the deed with my 11 month old hanging on to my ankles.lol. what about you?
LOL @ you're 11 month old round your ankles, I get my OH to hold my youngest while I jump on the scales, it's the damn cat purring and doing circles round my ankles which is the problem ^.^

Hope you're feeling better now and good luck with tomorrows weigh in xx