Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hello Susie... Sounds like a lovely day although I'd get freaked if it was me and Orby decided to growl at that time of night! Lol I get very skittish at night which is a pain! Lol :)
Morning Susie love, sounds like a nice weekend
Morning all

Had a terrible WI this morning - 8lb gain :eek::eek::eek::eek::cry:

It has left me wondering what the next step is, as I was pretty good on food - just one small blow out and some wine on the weekend, neither of which should account for such a huge gain. Also had barely any cheese, no cream and hardly any FFs - but am almost back to where I started.

I've chatted with Vicky about maybe doing Exante to kick start me into losing again, but am really worried about getting hungry.

I also wonder if I should try red days on Slimming World?

What does everyone think?
I agree with Leanne, only fluid retention can cause weight gain that quick.....could you try something like water balance, or waterfall for a few days and see if it makes a difference before taking a more drastic action?? xx
yes plenty of water suze but if you feel you need a kick start with exante then we will all be supporting you. red days on sw are just low fat low carb arent they?
thanks for your replies all - but it just seems like a lot to gain, even though I still drank 2 litres of water each day on the weekend.

I am really leaning towards SW at the moment. Yes V it is low-ish carb and low fat, but I'll keep using coconut oil.

There's a meeting 10 houses down from my new flat, and there's one tonight so think I might go along.
You could always join me on my super complicated low-carb, low-gi, high gi collaboration! lol!

Its more of a game than a diet! :p
Oh Susie, you must be really fed up with that, but it cannot be true weight gain, not in that time - and you know if you do try Exante I will help you as much as I can - whatever you decide to do we are all with you xxxxxxxxx
yes why dont you see suze :) go to the meet x i did find when i did ww it did help to have the meetings. just remember you cant leave the atkins board ;) xx

or if not i can always help you with my lowish carb low cal low fat diet :D
Thx you are all so wonderful - supportive and forgiving, so big hugs (((((my lovelies))))).

LOL@ Claire and Vicky - don't think I could do something that complicated, imagine my name mix up and multiply, I wouldn't know what type of day I was on! Simples is best :D

I just can't bear these dramatic swings, so it's time to try something else for a while. But look on the bright side, thanks to Atkins -

- I haven't eaten a ready meal for 12 months :eek:
- I cook all my own food - from scratch :eek:
- I have removed salt from everything :D
- I'm down to 1-2 caffeines a day (from about 6-8!)

All of which means a much healthier diet.

I know what to expect from SW, I did it about 8 years ago with my ex and lost well, but I believe it has been 'updated'. Will report back!
yes they have an extra easy thingie now :) let us know suze. But if it is just this water gain thats putting you off then remember its just water ;) x
It's really tough when yu have to make a decision like this so I feel your pain. My plan is very similar to SW red days. MFP has been really helpful and I set it to 1200 cals 40 % carb 40% protein and 20% fat. It would work a treat if I gave up drinking lol.
mine works too - 1200 cals and under 100g carb and try and stay to under 13g sat fat x
Hi Susie, sorry to hear you got such a shock:eek: but as the others have all said this cant be real gain but just water. But understand your frustration too - hope you can find something that long as no danger of you leaving us! We will stalk you otherwise;)
LOL@ Claire and Vicky - don't think I could do something that complicated, imagine my name mix up and multiply, I wouldn't know what type of day I was on! Simples is best :D

Hehe! But think of all the extra weight loss from thinking - brain exercise must burn loads of calories!

I think I've got the hang of mine:

2 days lower fat atkins
2 days lower fat atkins with loads of fruit and legumes
2 days low fat with breads, pastas, rice etc

One day of whatever I fancy.

At least, I think thats what I'm supposed to be doing! :p