Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Evening Susie... Not sure of all my plans next week ... Once I get through tomorrow and Friday and Saturday... And Sunday - I'll collapse on the sofa in a heap! Lol xx

Definitely aim for next week! :)
Morning all

Well I SHOUD be in my PJs posting you from home - but no, the boss sent me an email with loads to do and no time to do it in - and then went on holiday. Great, thanks very much for that...

So, am in work but should be able to get away by 2! Will catch up later xx
I know Bren, I complained to anyone who would stand still long enough :D

But looking on the bright side, the job (and another big one) is done and I am now at home, watching a Midsomer rerun and about to pop the heating on, yaye :D

Eleven days off - heaven!
It's a great feeling isn't it Susie! :)
Thanks for your card Aunty Rosie!xxx
put the heating on,i envy you,no heating for me
until tomorrow,the gas checker man shut my boiler down today.:eek: hopefully bringing a new valve tomorrow.
Morning Susie, I think Linz has flipped, she's posting happy Christmas eve everywhere, and she's a day early. LOL.
And a happy Eve of Christmas Eve to you all :D

Lovely sleep in this morning and felt happiness settle over me as I realised I didn't have to go near the shops today :D But do have a couple of parcels to pick up from the post office and previous experience tells me that will involve a loooooong queue, so I might need some retail therapy after that.

Plan for the rest of the day? Nothing. Zilch. De nada :D

Lainey love sorry you haven't got any heating, at least it's a bit warmer out there this year!
Morning susie, so pleased to hear you are finally off and relaxing:D
Have a fabulous christmas and looking forward to seeing you again in jan
Thx guys - glad to report there was no queue at the post office, so got my parcels ok, prezzies from NZ yaye.

Also in the process of rescuing the upstairs neighbour who can't get in the communal door - and has to be at Euston for a train at 5!

Postscript - well think I have earned some more goodwill brownie points - I called the locksmith, I waited for him and I paid for it. Cheeky minx disappeared and turned up 20 minutes after I rang her! Still, the landlord will pay me back :)

And relax....
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You're a good Samaritan Susie!! Hugs to you :) xx
Thanks hun - she obviously felt a bit guilty because she popped a Christmas card through the door thanking me :) So, all good!

Off to bed with my e-book and maybe another sleep in, happy days :D

Have a great night, all xxx
merry christmas susie and orbit...enjoy your long lie x
Morning all

No lie in for me this morning - noisy neighbour, and a big hayfever attack. Made some calls to NZ and am about to have brekkie, then back to bed with a book :)