Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Wow, you've really got these DD's sussed by the sound of it - I am in awe!:D

Good call on making your own food on UP days - much better than shop-bought IMO. Though having said that, it's nice that JUDDD gives you the option to go for a few "cheats" if you like, for occasions when you just don't have the time to cook (and we all have those!) :)
Afternoon all

Working from home today, woke up with a huge swollen eye - no idea why, but it's coming down now! Just had a cup of tea and water so far, am never really hungry in the mornings, so in that way DDs are easier for me.

Bren - WI is Sunday. Feel like I might have lost a bit - but will wait and see :)
Afternoon Susie!!! Just had a catch up up of your diary......

Looking forward to seeing your Judd results, I really need something to kickstart my metabolism again and my food choices are becoming rather boring thanks to the stomach problem a few weeks ago as I'm too scared to eat much at work!!!

Fingers crossed on the job front!! xxx

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Thanks Jo

Am trying not to think about the job just yet, and it hasn't been advertised yet. Am really dreading not getting it and going through all the drama of 2010...:(

Time to think positive!
Positive thinking is the way forward Susie!!!!! It attracts positive things :) x

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Thanks Jo :)

All good here, had my soup and a lovely wrap with ham, cheese spread and lettuce. Saving some cals for a bit later, I always get the munchies before bed :)
Morning all

Had a sneaky WI this morning and have defo dropped some pounds - but will wait and see until Sunday for the official verdict :)

UD today but off to a healthy start, with yoghurt and berries. Busy so will catch up later xxx
Great Susie, especially after coming off from another plan. I too had a sneaky WI and lost half pound but will wait until Sat for my official one.

Soup rocks! really filled me up yesterday.

Enjoy your UP day. I'm doing much the same healthy eating. :)
Morning Susie!!! Fantastic news on the loss and I've been following your menus avidly!

If I stick this week I might try and jiggle things up ...

Just need will power !! Could you send some over in the post today! Lol xx

The job front sounds stressful and uncertain - not sure what they're playing at! Hugs xxx
Thanks all, lovely getting your support, even though it's not low carb xxx

It's SO quiet in here, 2 of us in the office instead of 10! So thought I'd sneak back on :)

Enjoy your day, the sun has come out yaye!
Hiya Susie, Sun?????? Dark and dismal here with the most horrendous downpour a bit earlier - send us the yellow thing for a bit will you? xxx
You've been doing so well on the juddering Susie, you and everyone who swapped over deserve a great loss.

Suns out here! Lovely day in London.
clouds gathering here,
good luck with the official WI sounds like it will be a nice reading. xx
Afternoon all, and thanks for your lovely comments - will see what happens on Sunday :)

Sorry if it's yucko weather where you are but here - it's a boiling hot and humid 28 degrees! Am seriously considering gelato for tea...Can't believe it's flooding in Shropshire.
Morning all

It has cooled down here today, thank heavens, I'm not a fan of hot weather :)

DD today so nothing to eat this morning, just lots of water with lemon juice, then two types of soup to have later - carrot and coriander, and courgette and spinach, and maybe some courgette spaghetti with tomato sauce or a salad for later.

Enjoy your day xxx
I like medium weather. 70 degrees but not too sunny is ideal for me. I freeze if it's much colder and am a sweaty betty when the sun is full on.

Hope it's a good day today susiexx
Morning Susie:)
I think everyone was moaning yesterday (we are never satisfied) - gosh that was sweaty:eek:
Have a good DD and soon it's the weekend:)
looked at the weather in cypress 103df :eek: makes here today seem freezing.
i'm off there in 5 weeks time lol
hope you have a good DD.