Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Lisa! That's exactly right!! And naps rule Susie!! I say more naps needed ! Xx
Morning all

Cracking day out there, looks like summer has arrived :D

Slow start to the day, but will time to get organised soon - wash hair, get my last lists sorted, then off to get the walkie talkies - then bed at 8pm!
Busy day Susie!!! Lots to think about but make sure you bask in the glory - once in a life time experience so WALLOW in it ! Lol xx
Morning Susie!!!!.....have a fab day x

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LOL Di - I'll do my best.

I've delegated like mad so hopefully it won't be too manic, but am already getting flutterings of nervous excitement!
Well what an annoying afternoon...

1. Missed my bus going to work
2. Had to wait ages for the house manager to give me the walkie talkies when he could have done it in five minutes
3. Missed two coming back (complete with teeth grindingly annoying children at the stop)
4. When the bus did finally come, my Oyster card had no money left on it
5. Then a man's really heavy suitcase fell off the rack and banged my leg.

Enough already arrrgghhhhhhh!!!!!

Hopefully all this icky stuff today means no icky upsets tomorrow...

Am compensating with a pear cider and some crisps....
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Evening Susie!! Bah humbug day! Sounds horrendous but hope that means plain sailing for you tomorrow xx

I'm completely stuffed now and feel like a cross between a walrus and a whale! Xx
Good luck Susie.. Night night xxx
Groan. It's now 11.45pm and am still awake, thanks to massive noise from the Tescos next door, where they are still doing work - generators, hammers, water!

But just had a mini rant to the night manager, and it seems to have gone quiet. Cross fingers!

On a happier note, I posted on Trusted Housesitters this afternoon for someone to be Orby's slave while I'm away in September and already have six responses! :D One is from a friend of the lady who looked after Orbs when I went to Provence, so think she and her partner will be perfect. Such a great website.