Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hey misses... good luck for today, hope they don't cancel on you again! Take care. xx
Morning all - oh sorry, make that afternoon :eek: Slept really badly (awake from 2-5am yuck) then crashed until midday...such is the life of the lazy :D

Ankle is on the mend, thx Flutter, I'll be doing the 100 metre sprint by Monday :D
thought you had int today hon?
No, they haven't sorted out the rescheduling yet, won't be until Monday or Tuesday at least. I'm actually relieved, because hopefully I'll get an interview for the other job before then (and avoid the situation of getting the lower level job and then being offered something better and not being able to take it :()
ah ok :D whats your plans for the weekend?? ooh i know what you are doing tonight ;)
Not going out, too worried about slipping and hurting the ankle again. So will stay nice and warm indoors :) It's bitter out there, just went out for a ciggie brrrrr

What about you?
No, they haven't sorted t the rescheduling yet, won't be until Monday or Tuesday at least. I'm actually relieved, because hopefully I'll get an interview for the other job before then (and avoid the situation of getting the lower level job and then being offered something better and not being able to take it :()

Lady Susie it's cut-throat out there if you get offered the lesser job then the better one unfortunately you will have let the lesser employers down ....
Glad to hear the ankle's on the mend look forward to hearing your time for the 100m sprint ;)
LOL thx babe, just heard the interview is rescheduled for Tuesday, so let's hope the snow eases up and they turn up this time :D

Will report back on the sprint hehe x
LMAO you lovely girl :)

Am sitting here bawling my eyes out after two glasses of wine and watching DIY SOS (love Nick Knowles, there must be pills for that).