The diary of Pink Princess - Weigh in result 1 :D

Thank-you :) I'm relieved I didn't put on and undo the work i'd done previously, so a STS is fine with me :D xxxx
is Lynn doing okay? uve both been really quiet! x
Glad you're doing okay and STS having had a few days off. Great that you're motivated and straight back to counting those points today - Here's to a good week :D Hope Lynn's okay :) xxx

Lynn is ok too :) We've just been really busy, so have not had time to do any updates. Had another busy day today, popped out to tesco to get some essentials. Cleaned up the doggy poop from the garden (eww) and mowed the lawn (freeeeeeeeeezing outside!) have also done loads of washing and hoovered the whole house. Am now off to make some princess cookies to take to my placement tomorrow at it's one of the m/w's last day, and then write out a million Christmas cards! xxx
Glad you STS :) Well done
Well Done on STS! :) xxx
Hey everyone! :)

Sorry have been rubbish at updating this recently! Had such a busy week last week, with the exam and starting placement and sorting out loads of other shizzle. Hope everyone is ok :)

PP xxxx

Well done about STS. Hows the work placement going? x
Hope the placement is going ok! well done on STS! Hoping for that this week, dont want to leave the 14s! lol
Hi everyone,

Sorry again(!) for the lack of updates etc! It's been a pretty huge week for us both! We had a massive heart to heart this week and decided we don't really like living in Bristol and miss Hertfordshire/London where our family and friends are. Lynn is going back to work at the unit she trained in and I am leaving the course. I'm tired of being a student, being poor, and don't actually want to be a midwife as much as I thought, I just want a normal job where I can go home at the end of each day and not have to worry about having loads of essays to write, exams to revise for etc. We are looking for a new house back in Herts, and a job for me when we get there! We also don't want to have to wait 3 years for me to finish uni to have a family, and now i'm off the course we can bring those plans forward (yay!) Loads to think about and sort out but just wanted to fill you in on what's been happening really. Food wise have been ok, had some bad stuff, some good stuff too, who knows what WI will bring..Had some oats so simple this morning, the apple and blueberry one - soo nice!! Am having some chicken and salad now for lunch/tea type thing. Will get back to strictly counting points as soon as my head is a bit more together :)

Love Amber xxx
Good luck with your WI tomorrow and of course for your new plans!
Hope everything works out for you...and good luck for your WI! xxx
Hiya hun

Sounds like it's been a crazy week for you its hard to stick to your diet when you've got lots going on with your personal life. Me and my bf broke up this week so i'm in that boat too! Hope your wi goes ok tomorrow.

Sarah xxx
hey! good luck to you both for today xxx