The epic journey begins!

Woooo :) we're doing so well! Fingers crossed we both get our stone this week :) onwards and downwards :)
Thanks Wilma ! Day 13 today and it's going it's deffo so much easier when hubby's not here! Bless him! I read on a FB page today someone who'd lost four stone saying if you tell yourself this plan is easy then it becomes easy..if you tell yourself 'this is really hard' then it becomes near on impossible to follow true is that! So from today I'm telling myself this is easy!!
I did it! 6lbs off! One stone and 2lbs in total! Totally delighted and has spurred me on...bought the mix a mousse and three bars to mix it up a bit for the next seven days! Day 14 today and feeling positive!
Day 15 today and hubby is currently scoffing a Dominos pizza for's his birthday so I ordered it for him as a treat but am feeling v hard done by :cry:I tried the mix a mousse with my strawberry shake at lunch , it was 'ok' made me feel a bit bluergh...maybe it'll be better with a different flavour! I've got a chewy bar to try tonight as well so may go grab it now whilst he's eating.....only thing that's stopping me is that it's a bit too early...I normally don't have my shake till 7:30-8pm and then I don't feel so hungry later on....! I've got no doubt I'll stay strong I'm just incredibly grumpy and feeling sorry for myself!
Day 16. It's lunchtime and I'm feeling so hungry today, proper gut wrenching hunger so I'm cooking myself two hard boiled eggs incase I feel weak later! I'm going to try and stay strong tho. I popped into new look this morning to try on some clothes.....haven't quite moved down a dress size inbetween a 16/18. But saw some lovely clothes that right now......I could not get away with wearing but a size 14 could so that's spurred me on a bit to keep going!im being ambitious and aiming for 5lbs this week. A huge task as week 3/4 is usually my nemesis but I'm hoping by drinking a ton of water it may make a difference!
Day 17 today....I devoured my hard boiled eggs goodness they were heavenly! I enjoyed every single mouthful!! And I managed to have 4.5 litres yesterday *pat on back*!

I woke up up grumpy this morning....third bad night in a row with Jacob, and both him and Freddie woke at 5am so I was a grumpy zombie for the first few hours and whilst ironing at 6am my inner voice was telling me how rubbish this diet was and how I had nothing to look forward to this weekend! Didn't help that hubby was moaning he was hungry.....seriously?!

So anyway, I've had to endure sitting in the car whilst hubs and my daughter ate their bacon rolls from Maccy D's and sit through them all eating a KFC lunch *pffffft* they sound like a right unhealthy lot don't they?! But it's only on weekends...that's why I used to love them so much! Never mind....on no plus point we viewed a house to rent this morning in the same village as us and check this out.....there's a hot tub in the garden!! Suddenly after that I was all focused again on my diet!! Can't be a beached whale in the hot tub!
Heyy Sophie - I've been following your thread and thought I should introduce myself rather than be some weird cyber stalker. I started the diet 5 days after you and Love your posts - all exactly how I feel just a couple of days before so I know I'll pull through (those first few sleepless nights where my stomach just felt so empty I wanted to quit but you seemed to feel better after a while and so I stuck with it!)
Anyway just want to say you're doing SUCH a good job avoiding temptation! I also lost 10lbs week1 (ahhh! Go us!) but had no one around. This week I went out more and temptation (in the form of alcohol) had broken me every time! I don't know how you do it every night! I have my next weigh in Tuesday and doubt I will have lost 6lbs like you but hope I can get 3 or 4lbs gone. Good luck! Only 11 more days till you hit that 4 week mark!
image.jpg Ha ha, this was me yesterday!
Hi Amanda! :wavey: nice to know someone's reading it!! Lol. Oh good luck for your weigh in on Tuesday! Not long to go ! I'm having another down day where I'm tired ( another bad night with Jacob) I keep thinking of hatching plans to eat...not so good....but maybe it's these delusions that are keeping me going! Was hoping hubby would take me to ikea and then I could have one of their amazing breakfasts! But alas no, we're not going! And he didn't even know about my plan!!

losing 10lbs is fab isn't it!! Here's hoping you get your first stone this week!! Xxx
Haha d'ya know I didn't even think of it in terms of stone! Can't believe I could lose a stone in 2 weeks!

Anyway I know how you feel about the food delusions: I keep having dreams that I'm eating pizza and chips and burgers but then I wake up and feel mildly guilty like I've actually eaten them, then I remember I haven't and I feel all motivated for the day. I think you just have to take everyday at a time on this diet and sometimes you just need a bit of chicken or tuna or an egg to stop feeling like all you ever think about is food and dieting - but honestly I don't know how you cope with a toddler and a baby!

I am going to visit my parents and little brother next Saturday and am using that as motivation - hopefully they'll notice a change - and that has worked quite well: every time I want food I think "Oh Amanda you're so close to seeing mum and dad, just hang on" and then the next day I don't even want the food (well, not as much). I'll pop back on this thread to tell you how I do on Tuesday but until then good luck as always x
Good luck Amanda!!! Will be thinking of you tomorrow!

End of day 19 today...struggled with the water intake...have gone over my 2.5 litres but I really like to have 4.... Think I'm going to have to buy a lot of tetras on Wednesday..I've had quite a few choccie ones this week and now whenever I've had a powdered one the after taste is awful! Bluergh! Roll on Wednesday!
In a bad, BAD mood this morning.....awful night with Jacob (he'll be three end of June) , he woke up 7x last night, all nicely spread out throughout the night! And then Freddie (who is five months today and thankfully sleeps through) woke up at 5am, instead of his normal 6:30....the first thing I did when I heard he was awake? Cry :cry:That's awful isn't it?! It's not his fault. I think where I'm surviving on 600 calories and just not sleeping I'm beginning to feel the scales haven't budged at all in almost a week, which I know isn't a biggy as everything can change in 24 hours BUT it just adds to my downer!! Day 20 today and I was really positive when I went to bed last night....going to have to have to find my mojo pretty quickly before I eat the Easter egg that's still in the cupboard!
Sophie your doing amazingly! Seriously, just read back through your diary to give myself some inspiration and you should too.. Remember how hard them first few days were, and everything you've overcome since then? You are really in your stride in this diet, and overcome temptation like a boss! Keep busy (although I know you always do with them kiddies) and look forward to WI. And even if it's not what you wanted this week, think about the big loss next week! Keep going girly, your amazing :)
Thanks sweetie! 4.5lbs off at weigh in today! Yippee! I was aiming for 5lbs lol to get my one and a half stone but hey ho, I don't mind! So that's 20.5 lbs in three weeks :eek:

Now this week I've gone choccie overload! Must be a hormonal thing lol, I've got 17 choc tetras and 7 choc chewy bars, my consultant killed herself lasting! Downside, you're supposed to drink half a litre extra for each I aim for 3.5-4 litres anyway which should cover it but going to have to try maybe 4.5 a day which is a real challenge for me altho I'm totally convinced that the water is the key to the weight loss. My mum has more to lose than me but only managing 2.5 litres a day and getting quite small losses so the challenge is on!

Thanks Wilma!! I feel quite focused today but to be fair that can change hourly!! I'm really busy constantly which is fab in terms of distraction but hard to remember to keep drinking!!! Xx
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Hello :) thought I'd search out your diary! You have so much to contend with on top of the diet and you're doing bloomin fantastic!! Your weightloss is huge and you are going to be there sooner than you thought! I'll book mark your diary and keep chatting :) x
Ahhhh thanks Elsie!! I am the ultimate comfort eater so this diet is a real hard slog for me but at 4 weeks in I'm kind of at the mindset where I don't dare cheat now as I'll cock it all up!! But....I also know what I'm like and I'm still seeking out excuses to eat! I just haven't blown it yet!! X
Good luck at the dentists, I don't like them either :(, I'm sure you will be ok just keep thinking this will be all over soon and a memory by tea time.
Beginning of week 4 today :) But I've started my period...again! It only finished about five days ago :cry:What's going on?! Ugh...may explain why I bought all the choccie products yesterday! So....the aim today and for the next six day is to drink 4.5 litres of water....I'm really paranoid now that I won't be drinking enough for the tetras and bars that you're supposed to and that I won't get a good loss, so far the 3.5-4 litres have really done the job but my consultant said that may not be enough this week so I may have to rethink next week......
My bladder would hate that much water ;)

what's your favourite bar?

Feeling good today over here. Hungry... but not that hungry that I could steal food from someones plate... yet!! X
Well done Elsie! You're doing really well! Chocolate chewy bars are my favourite, taste a bit like a Mars bar/Milky Way! I'm never hungry enough to think of stealing other people's food either! I find it's just a constant mental battle and state of mind. I made Jacob a lovely lunch yesterday which he refused to eat because he's a fussy bugger I became really despondent and thought if I were on slimming world I could be eating a lovely ham jacket potato salad or beans bacon and egg for brekkie and then that made my whole day harder!

still on a bit of a downer this morning, I've put on 3lbs overnight. Whilst I know this is not a true reflection and it's to do with my second period in two weeks I still feel a bit meh. I feel like I'm hanging onto this diet by my fingertips! So the plan.....I'm going to stop my pill as it's playing havoc with my body and hope I return to some sense of normality. I'm sure by lunchtime the scales will have returned to where they were yesterday! And as for my frame of mind.....I've just got to try and push through it and stop doubting myself! X