Total Solution Trying for 4 Weeks


Full Member
Hey guys, going to keep a diary of what I'm doing.
Going to try Exante for four weeks (and if I like the weightloss and still need/want to lose more, continue!)
I have 33lbs to lose until my BMI is at the upper range of normal, so thats my first target to shoot for.

So box just arrived, I went with the 4 week mixed normal bundle, just had a big through it and settled on a banana shake to see the whole thing off.

Things I've learnt already;

Powder before water. If you don't it sits on the top of the water and makes it harder.
Make sure the lid of your shaker is closed, I threw some of mine all over myself shaking...

33lbs to go.
Good luck :)

I make my shakes with a stick blender, 250ml water first, then powder, then I mix it up a little with a spoon and then blend til it's frothy, it's lovely and thick :) I also like to make my choc shakes into a pudding, I just put the powder in a bowl, then add a little water at a time, mixing, until it's a thick paste and then I eat it with a teaspoon, it's lovely like that.
Made it to this evening without touching anything, had two pints of water and my shake. Sitting down now with a bowl of mushroom soup. Used a stick blender and its nice and frothy and thick (thanks for the idea jael).

Working a double shift today so taking my bar with me to work to curb any temptation it might be to eat anything at work. Will be back later and hopefully 100%
Keep going:)

at least you will be busy at work to keep your mind busy. I love the bars. I'm tempted by the soups but have been making them with my carbonara by adding 100mls more water than advised, plus chillies and pepper.
Too much nice food at work, but stayed away. Missing actually chewing something already, the bar was a bit crumbly and not enough bite to it. Is there any kind of chewing gum I can have on this diet?

Day 1:

Banana Shake - Okay
Mushroom Soup - Not my thing, buying some Tabasco to spice it up
Fruit bar - Nice
We're not allowed chewing gum unfortunately, supposedly it stimulates stomach acids or something, cant remember the theory behind it. I might have to resort to some next weekend though, going to be around a lot of people and right now my breath is fairly rank.
This is tough, grinding my teeth and pretty starving at this point, hope it gets better
It gets much easier, I actually forgot to have a pack yesterday, I was busy and not at all hungry, it's weird but it will happen, just stick with it.
Starving this afternoon, had a shake for breakfast and had half a bar so far, but stomach is growling for something more. :(

Shakes are going down easy, and the bar is pretty nice considering.
Just keep drinking the water and make some green or peppermint tea. I know some people use Boullion as an extra too, I haven't tried that, although I did pick some up at Tesco last week, the reduced salt version.
Hm, I'll have to have a look at these boullion cubes, I am famished,

Had the soup and staring at my bar thinking its been too soon since the soup.
It's not cubes, it's powdered stuff, the one I have looks like this:


I haven't tried it though so dont know how nice or not it is.
Maybe its just me, but that stuff looks hideous.

Just chowed down on my bar, gobbled it up, drinking so much water just to take my mind off eating.

Really didn't think it would be this tough and I'm only 2 days in
It'll get easier, I haven't been at all hungry the last 2 days, even forgot to have a lunchtime pack on Wednesday and had to catch up later when I realised.
Bouillon is actually pretty nice :)
The taste kinda reminds me of the juice from a chicken pot noodle!

Once you're in ketosis things should get easier for you.
Damn, forgot to look at bouillon when I went shopping today. Bought two large bottles of Coke Zero, hope that might help me through.
Woke up with terrible heart burn this morning, had a rennie and went back to sleep, had my shake with a coffee and coasted the rest of the day really, just need to make sure I'm drinking enough water.
Can't stop thinking about my comfort foods though, craving some cheese :(
Just realised today has been pretty easy compared to the last two days. Not been as hungry!
Just checked my urine for ketones so I know I'm at least in ketosis so thats a good sign!
Still getting food cravings, but I think I just miss real food instead of being hungry for real food.
Still can't get the coffee+shake right. OR chocolate shake + coffee is terrible, will try a normal chocolate shake tomorrow. Everytime I've had it so far it has tasted vile.

No hunger cravings today so far, about to sit down and eat a soup.
If you're not used to artificial tasting stuff then I guess the shakes might not be that nice, but I dont mind the chocolate shake. I didnt like it with the coffee in it this morning but I do like it plain. My daughter complains that the choc shakes smell horrible though, she says they smell like cardboard.
I here ya on the coffee/shake thing somehow did not resemble the frappucino I was imagining- I almos up-chucked. For me Vanilla all the way , not keen 9n the chocolate. Adding ice and blending the stakes makes them deeeelish. Good luck on your journey it gets way easier!