Total Solution Trying for 4 Weeks

How was your WI ?
5lbs lost this week, very pleased with that! All up in my head the last few days, but its fine, phew!
Wow another 5lb. Bet your buzzing.

re soup/ porridge/ carbonara. I do them all on the stove in a pan as microwave was a disaster.x
Wow D !!
Over a stone in a fortnight !!!
Thats great .... proper great :D
Well done :D

Are you going to continue with TS for now ?
Well done on your weight loss DM. :D
Mere x
Wow another 5lb. Bet your buzzing.

re soup/ porridge/ carbonara. I do them all on the stove in a pan as microwave was a disaster.x

Might have to move onto making them on the stove, but bowl in the microwave is just so much quicker :(

And yes very pleased!, not far to go now, ~20lbs for my target
Going to continue on TS for now, I've been reading the Weight Stabiliser Programme - Healthy Balanced Diet - Maintain Your Weight Long Term | Exante Diet section, I could go down to 2 items in one weeks time, and then still have 1 week more of stuff to do step 2 also.
So start stabilising next week perhaps.

They (Exante) have really upped their game on their website lately... none of this was on there when I first started !!
It does look good eh ?
How much do you spend on food normally... just wondering if another month of Exante is cheaper than what you would spend, thus getting you to your goal :)
Then starting a the maintaining in 4 weeks instead of 1 :)
They (Exante) have really upped their game on their website lately... none of this was on there when I first started !!
It does look good eh ?
How much do you spend on food normally... just wondering if another month of Exante is cheaper than what you would spend, thus getting you to your goal :)
Then starting a the maintaining in 4 weeks instead of 1 :)

Under £10 a week most weeks, I work in food preparation and get to take the going out of date stuff home for very very cheap, used to take the out of date veg and meat and just turn it into huge vats of soup and eat that for every meal, would work out at easily under £10 a week.. So Exante is more than double what I could eat usually.
Ah, I see... well, theres not much calories in veg soup eh ?;)
Your going to maintenence plan sounds good then :)
You have really got your head round all of this. I like the sound of your plan. :)
Mere x
Ah, I see... well, there's not much calories in veg soup eh ?;)
Your going to maintenance plan sounds good then :)

Since I started my diet back in December(I think) it was eating the soups I made that made me lose the first 2 stone, also saved me a ton of money,

You have really got your head round all of this. I like the sound of your plan. :)
Mere x

Better to get a head start and give me a week to work out how to do it and what supplies to get than run out of Exante and shoot straight into a normal diet, worried about putting the weight on suddenly
Since I started my diet back in December(I think) it was eating the soups I made that made me lose the first 2 stone, also saved me a ton of money,

Its a no brainer not to continue with that then :)
A 2 stone loss is really consistent in that time :)
Some really good results DM , glad you stuck at it ,and also a motivational diary , thanks mate !

Unlike you though ,I was fortunate that I seemed to 'like' all the flavours of soups / shakes, maybe 'like' is too strong a word lol, but although a chemical aftertaste to them , I suppose I was either so motivated OR hungry I could stomach anything to get results.

On the subject of maintaining my weight loss over the long term ,I was considering using Exante products to do the 5:2 'fasting' diet in the future when I go to the maintenance stage , just for a few weeks , to see if that worked .
Not sure if anyone else has tried that on here .

Excellent plan DM, I hope it all goes well. You're doing so great! xx
I hope you will still post in your diary so we can follow your success.x
On the subject of maintaining my weight loss over the long term ,I was considering using Exante products to do the 5:2 'fasting' diet in the future when I go to the maintenance stage , just for a few weeks , to see if that worked .
Not sure if anyone else has tried that on here .


I looked into this last year, as the Michael Mosely programme was on, and a bit of a conversational piece at work at the time
I didn't try it, as I tried JUDDDing (similar principles), but my head was in the wrong place, and I had more up days than down days.
But I do think it is really worth a try and do think it would work, if done properly.