Wannabe10s Diary

OOOoo job interview!!! Will send you good vibes of success!!! Let us know how you got on, as they say, 'If it's for you it won't pass you'!
I had a chow mein today too from Tesco's Healthy Living section- I wasn't sure how many points were in it so I gave it 6 and munched away! Have Pink N Whites now for after my cuppa xxx Ah Pink N Whites...my little marshmallowy friends! What would I do without them! :) Well, them and you lot!!! x
Looks like my not being able to eat all my points 'problem' has gone heehee!

Still managing to stick to my points...just!

I've been having a bar of choccie everyday, a proper bar (eg twix, galaxy) not one of them treat sized ones. All within my points of course and I feel its keeping me sane! Its good though that the one bar is enough and I enjoy it whereas before I could have loads and not really notice if that makes sense???

Hmmm I'm hungry now think I'll have some lunch
I totally get it, I think this points thing should be taught in schools!!! No joke, I can't believe I went through life eating and eating with no idea how some foods are sooo thick with fat or sugar! Like Pringles for God's sake!!! Before I could have eaten a whole tube or half of one in the evening with a dvd and the OH...no problem...and that was after having a full day's food of God knows how many points. Knowledge is power hunny! At least we know now what we were doing wrong x Am going to head for some lunch now myself...enjoy yours hun!!! x:)
Hello Diary

Well I have kinda had the weekend off but must have kearnt something cos instead of going ahead and eating everything is sight (which I would have done before) I think I managed to make some good choices. I am also back on track today, may try save a point or two today and tomorrow.

Glad to say I havent watched Big Brother yet :) Wonder if I'm missing anything???
Hello Diary

Well I have kinda had the weekend off but must have kearnt something cos instead of going ahead and eating everything is sight (which I would have done before) I think I managed to make some good choices. I am also back on track today, may try save a point or two today and tomorrow.

Glad to say I havent watched Big Brother yet :) Wonder if I'm missing anything???
I never watch for the first few weeks but I have decided that I may watch some of it while doing the wii fit stepper, the one that lets you watch tv and counts for you telling you when to change feet and how many steps you've done etc. Then after however many weeks it lasts I can see if I have actually lost anything!!! :)
Ps GOOD FOR YOU, for making better choices...these are the things that will help us maintain the losses we achieve...the HUGE losses that we DEFINITELY WILL achieve xxx:D You well otherwise hun?
Oh no, what if they find out about your conviction for indecent exposure in a moving vehicle?!!! ;) Just trying to raise a smile :)
Don't fret hun, you'll have work in no time! It does get boring but at least you're losing weight while you are off!...Chin up hunny, better days ahead x
Yay well done you :) ... yep wave it goodbye! and goodriddance hehe! ... Fingers crossed for you with the job front!
have a great week hun xx
Oh honey, that is absolutely fantastic!! am so, so pleased for you! well done!.

What will you be doing? xxx
Aw hunny!!! A loss and a job!!! I had my fingers crossed for you the whole time that you'd get one...am just delighted for you!!! All good news in your house tonight x Well done Wannabe x 'Things... can only get better'
Congrats on that job offer hunni!

Well it had to happen and I cant believe its taken over 6 weeks!
The past couple of hours I have been eating everything that dares appear in front of my eyes (unless it has meat - im a veggie), no meat free food is safe!

Cant seem to shake the munchies away and no amount of sugar free jelly or fruit is helping. So I have decided to just relax and enjoy today and WILL get back on track 2moro, wont let one day ruin my success so far.

Think I will head to the gym later to try and work off the lovely galaxy caramel I've just had :)

an odd day off like that isnt going to do a whole lot of damage - just make sure you dont let it turn into a week off etc.. (like me!!), you've done so well for 6 weeks, have no doubt you'll be back on track tomorrow xxx

(hmm... Galaxy caramel.. )
Forget that caramel!!! FORGET IT!!! Get back on track hun...one silly little bar is not going to stop you!!! You know something, VickiLou sent me the Paul McKenna weight loss cds and as much as I poo-pooed them I actually don't even fancy eating chocolate anymore! Seriously...maybe there is something to them? ANyhooz, back in line now hun!!! xxx :) I have every faith in you!
Ooo ooo .. ummm friday 13th! i didnt know that! I will have to take extra care when out and about today! eeekkk
Good luck on the 1lb off next w.i hun im sure you'll do it :)