What exercise have we done today.

Only got on my cross trainer once this week, must try harder.

Has anyone tried that thing where you constantly try to build in extra movement into your day? It is supposed to make a big difference to the amount of calories you burn in a day and is often cited as the reason why 'naturally' thin people don't put on weight.

I take the stairs at work (except after cycling in - too hot), and use the toilets one-and-a-half floors down rather than the ones on the same floor, which given the amount of water I chug puts a lot of extra steps into my day! Also, if I'm working through a bunch of files I'll go & get them/work on them/re-file them one at a time (the cabinets are only a few feet away, but still...)

Okay, so my colleagues must think I've completely lost the plot!

Of course I have no idea if all this makes a difference, all I know is the weeks I seem to STS are the weeks when I'm feeling really down, knackered or under the weather and as a consequence don't seem to do nearly as much 'extra movement' and just slump in my chair all day...
I've heard of that idea before LM - and have tried but I always forget when I get too absorbed in work! Sounds like you have some good calorie-burning techniques there. Maybe I should try it - I finish my current job in a couple of weeks so I'm a bit less busy (hence being able to post here!) I've tried the stairs thing but I do get sweaty - not a good look in the office!

On exercise, has anyone else had problems with their hands doing resistance training? I only do weights about 2 or 3 times a week, and not exactly heavy ones, but I'm getting small calluses on my hands! Off to the shops tonight to buy those nasty weights gloves :( bet I will look well stupid!
Use a fine grain exfoliant to wash your hands or just file them away with an emery board and moisturise well afterwards.
Well had my compulsary 1 hour of fitness today at work. They had organised a spinning class for us........ which was nice.
Well had my compulsary 1 hour of fitness today at work.

I like the idea of fitness/exercise provision in the workplace, not sure about it being compulsory though. I do wish we had a gym or something at work but then we're a charity so can't really go splashing the cash.

Yesterday: 2 x 25 mins cycling, 20 mins cross trainer. Probs just the cycling today.
Gym visit no. 1 at 7am - 25 mins cardio and some abs.

Weights tonight, with my new not-so-sexy weightlifting gloves...
Gym visit no. 2 at 7pm - one of the gym staff said I'm there more than him! :D

Full weights programme tonight, but felt pretty weak... odd given that I had yesterday off the gym :confused:
Today 30 mins cardio, evil abs session and stretching.

Woke up with a sore lower back, I think I'm doing my deadlifts wrong, anyone here who does weights have any tips on how to do them right? :confused:
Today - full weights programme. Pretty chuffed as the sun was shining and I really, really didn't want to go but I'm away with work for the next couple of days and might not make it to the gym, so I managed to force myself!

Right, reward time - burgers with cheese & avocado!

I like the idea of fitness/exercise provision in the workplace, not sure about it being compulsory though.QUOTE]

No choice unfortunately LM. You join the Armed Forces, they want their pound of flesh! Its a reaction to many stories in the press recently that many British Service men and women are too unfit to perform their duties in a war zone.
Today 30 mins cardio, evil abs session and stretching.

Woke up with a sore lower back, I think I'm doing my deadlifts wrong, anyone here who does weights have any tips on how to do them right? :confused:

Hooya, I suspect you may be doing your deadlifts fine. The discomfort may just be due to the fact that in everyday life we do not usually put much strain on the muscles in our lower back. Therefore you will most certainly feel it as soon as you do deadlifts. Muscle ache after weights is known as DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness).

I've also attached a link to Bodybuilding.com It has a wealth on information on how to conduct exercises correctly as more damage than good can be caused by poor form.

Deadlifts are the 4th exercise down on the link and there is a short video which can be played on windows media player.

Bodybuilding.com - Exercise Guides Database.

Hope it helps.
Thanks Boogaloo - that's really helpful, I will have a look tonight! I always get paranoid that I'm doing it wrong and going to deform myself or something!

Can't go to the gym today as I'm flying straight from work and land after the hotel gym closes... oddly I feel like I'm going to miss it!
Its bizzare, I bloody hate going to the gym, but love it once I am there and miss it when I don't do. I've felt like such a slob this weekend as I've done nothing.

To be fair I was having a bit of a moap. I'd got down to 10st 1 a weekend and was determined to lose 4lb in the following 2 weeks (Got a wedding to go to next sunday). So I busted a gut making sure I did something everyday, be it swimming, running, circuits or spinning.

Low and behold weighed myself sat morn and I was 10st 4.

Weighed again Sun morn 10st 3.

Weighed again this morning 10st 1.

I just dont get it. Its so frustrating I'm not a believer in all this muscle weighs more than fat as I've not been lifting heavy, I've been sticking to cardio. Oh I dunno, the body is a bizarre entity.
I agree it is frustrating - it's taken me weeks to shift a few pounds!

I do think muscle has an impact though - most cardio exercises make heavy use of the big leg muscles (quads and glutes) so they are likely to be growing and firming even if you're just doing cardio. I had one week where I stuck pretty rigidly to Atkins, on low cals as well, worked out like mad and gained a lb!

Tape measure is the best measure I think :D
Yesterday was treadmill work. I really beasted myself. Not really ideal for fat loss, but makes me feel better, as though I've done something. I really struggle to keep my heart rate in the "fat burning" zone.

Today was a struggle. I had to work through lunch so asked the boss if I could leave early to go to the gym. So at 4 o'clock I left and drove home to get changed. I could have very easily said sod it. Night off! But I dragged myself there.

Did 45 minutes on the cross trainer and once I was there I was fine.

Think I will swim tomorrow.
Thursday is back to compulsary sports which will be rounders this week (weather permitting).
I've not decided what to do on Friday yet.

I've got a frock coming tomorrow for the wedding this weekend. God I hope it fits!
Yesterday was treadmill work. I really beasted myself.

What does this mean, Boog? Good luck with the dress tomorrow, btw.

I dun 20 mins on the cross trainer last night after cycling home, no idea if I was in the zone but I was enormously enjoying listening to the Stephen Fry audiobook which my OH thoughtfully bought for me. I need to get down the library and stock up with some more books on tape though, I can't do it without them.
I simply cannot run without some loud banging tunes on the ol ipod LM! It's like a habit and just doesn't feel right without it. Kind of like a safety blanket lol
I really do think that simultaneously engaging the brain can make all the difference. It keeps you focussed, makes it less of a chore, helps you to keep going for longer. I can't really do it with music though as I tend to try and keep pace with the changing rhythms, but then I am fairly uncoordinated. For instance I can't really walk down the street and chew gum at the same time either. (kidding)