Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

Corr blimey lil legs, go you! I had a ***** nights sleep so haven't cycled but after lunch i will do my run and whole 40min dvd.

Stupidly weighed myself and i am 10st bloody 7 so a lb more than last week! Was obvious i would be though as i ate crap thurs night, fi nigt and deank myself silly on sat. What i have to think is that if i hadnt had a 100% day last weds, sun and Yest i would surely be heavier! Weigh again on sun as that will be a full wk of hardcore exercise and dieting. I wint give up, i feel better and thats the inportant thing. Good luck y'all xxx
Corr blimey lil legs, go you! I had a ***** nights sleep so haven't cycled but after lunch i will do my run and whole 40min dvd.

Stupidly weighed myself and i am 10st bloody 7 so a lb more than last week! Was obvious i would be though as i ate crap thurs night, fi nigt and deank myself silly on sat. What i have to think is that if i hadnt had a 100% day last weds, sun and Yest i would surely be heavier! Weigh again on sun as that will be a full wk of hardcore exercise and dieting. I wint give up, i feel better and thats the inportant thing. Good luck y'all xxx

Thats the trouble with weighting yourself a lot hun cos it takes time to come off i think!!! You will be fine in a few days!

What are those bars called that Michelle uses xx are you still seeing your CDC xxxx Confused #nothard!
MissieCB said:
Thats the trouble with weighting yourself a lot hun cos it takes time to come off i think!!! You will be fine in a few days!

What are those bars called that Michelle uses xx are you still seeing your CDC xxxx Confused #nothard!

My CDC will have been away for nrly a month and a half by the time i see her, and although i cant blame stuff on that it hasnt helped tht i dont have the pressure of a weigh in every week. With regards the bars i find it tealy helpful having something like choc every day but i just find them super pricey and i nee something for life after cd too! If you google optimum nutrition 100% whey protein bars they will come up. I don't know if its advisable to have them uf you aren't doing a fair amount of exercise though?

Im having to cone to terms with the fact that i am not going tk be eating and drinking whatever i like on hol. I will still have a fab time as most inportant part of hol to me is the sun, but i am so desperate for this weight to come off jve decided to take all my products with me and probably follow a step2/3 mixture. I will be swimming every day too. Am ony going with my mum so was neet gonna be a party hol anyway xxx
Thanks babe x

Do you really wanna do that tho you only live once and although i had that intention it didnt happen!!! Your stronger than me though xxx
At least have one meal a day on hol though cos its quite healthy xx
MissieCB said:
Thanks babe x

Do you really wanna do that tho you only live once and although i had that intention it didnt happen!!! Your stronger than me though xxx
At least have one meal a day on hol though cos its quite healthy xx

I will def have at least one meal a day. Will most likely be at least a little protein/veg meal for luch and dinner like am doing now. And taking shredded wheat in my case lol so can have brekkie some days. I will just be being healthy but not starving!
I just know if i eat whatever i want and put on even more weight i will end up back at start weight by the time im home and that'll make me so miserable! When i went away jubilee wkend thats pretty much what i did and was fine xxx
That sounds like a good plan babe xxx I wish I could have followed that too :( xx
MissieCB said:
That sounds like a good plan babe xxx I wish I could have followed that too :( xx

I am just so so determined that i will NOT be going back to my massive fatty start weight and atm if i just eat whatever i like that is in serious danger of happening. I'm over being mad at myself over this gain but now im on the roa to losing i don't want to f**k it up! Still got a whole wk til i leave so if i could lose just 3lbs at least that would be awesome! X
I am just so so determined that i will NOT be going back to my massive fatty start weight and atm if i just eat whatever i like that is in serious danger of happening. I'm over being mad at myself over this gain but now im on the roa to losing i don't want to f**k it up! Still got a whole wk til i leave so if i could lose just 3lbs at least that would be awesome! X

You are in the same mind set as i am babe looool xxxx Gutted.com about my gain too!
You are in the same mind set as i am babe looool xxxx Gutted.com about my gain too!

Sucks doesn't it!? I totally deserved the gain don't get me wrong but it is gutting, especially as i was at my blimmin goal weight grrr! Now I've bee there and know what it feels like I am more motivated to get back there! Annoying people keep telling me I can stay as I am or how that weight isnt sustainable and thats really doing my head in! Its MY body so I will choose my weight thanks v much, and OK so i messed up but I know how and why and will make sure it doesn't happen again! xx
Sucks doesn't it!? I totally deserved the gain don't get me wrong but it is gutting, especially as i was at my blimmin goal weight grrr! Now I've bee there and know what it feels like I am more motivated to get back there! Annoying people keep telling me I can stay as I am or how that weight isnt sustainable and thats really doing my head in! Its MY body so I will choose my weight thanks v much, and OK so i messed up but I know how and why and will make sure it doesn't happen again! xx

EXACTLY LOL xx what product you had today already xx
That was my plan x
EXACTLY LOL xx what product you had today already xx

Have had my shake and chicken with lettuce.
Just been to tesvco and bought my food for day at at Alton Towers too. I ahve a pack of chicken, yoghurt with granola, turkey bacon, and veg with a low fat dip. all comes to about 800cal so if i am desperados for a choc bar or saomething as long as its not a mega bad one i can have one and still be on 1000cal. Not ideal but best i can manage!
Just baking cakes for fam and friends atm, i soooo wanna lick the spoon lol xxx
You saint!!

I'm starving (probs cos of the gym) had my hake hake and fruit, lunch at 2 - come on! X

my boss has loads of packets of mccoys and im dying for one...................
infact im dying full stop!!!! Gardening tonight just to annoy me more :(
No saints here, i licked two lots of spoons lol. Could be worse, will just have to run faster and let jillian beat me to within an inch of my life later. Ooh err! Xx
your not kidding lol xx
Im not backing myself today in the food dpt if im honest lol! X