Yorkshire meet, 17 Feb, whos up for it??

Hello Yorkshireians!

I'm originally from Bradford- well, Keighley, then Queensbury and Eccleshill.

Lived in Newcastle for most of the last eight years but come down to Bradford every few weeks to visit my step mum so would be well up for a meet.
Excellent, I am away in Tunisia in Novemebr but will look to arrange a meet very soon, Ill post on here and PM you all too, see what we can do!!!!
Wonder if we have any new Yorkshire Folk out there!!!! Post if you are!!!!!

Ok, will be looking at arranging a meet as soon as I am back, so keep your eye on this thread!!

Oh I feel all important lol!!!!!!!!!!

See ya when I get back x
I live in Huddersfield.. I'd love to come to a meet if one was arranged.

I'm not Yorkshire native though - originally from Staffordshire.. but been up here 7 years in January
Eh-up Lassies!

I am a Yorkshire lass by origin (Hull) but have lived in London for 15 years (don't hold that against me... :( ) . I visit regularly tho to see my folks so will watch with interest for the date of a meet and perhaps I can join you all too?

Jeanie x
Another Yorkie....

....only just found this thread, I'm another Yorkshire Lass - in lovely North Leeds. I'd be well up for a meeting so will keep my eyes peeled for anything - maybe we could all meet up for a Christmas Sparkling Water (my new drink of "choice" when I'm out, makes a change from plain old Yorkshire Water - lol) :)
Vicky.. have you got a meet up date together yet ??

hope your all fine, and looking forward to santa coming..
Hi all

Just found this thread and yes heres another yorkie lass:D Bradford to be exact...don't hold it against me hehehehe:p
Hi all, cant believe there is so many of us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so will arrange a meet, think the best thing to do is look at feb 07, thats after the liverpool and newecastle meets and time to fit in another pay day too lol!!!

So, how does everyone feel about Feb??

Now, location, couple of choices spring to mind!!!! Leeds being one of them, as its easy to get to rail wise for any none drivers.

And, whats going to be the plan, day or evening, I am aware that many are still SS so if anyone has been to any meets can they let me know what happened please!!

Hope everyone is well, any one who doesnt feel comfortable posting then please PM me, thats fine, and dont be shy, none of us know each other and this is not a clicky thing at all, its a great way to meet everyone.

So get your thoughts to me!!!!!!!!!

Love x