§§§ Team 20 -09 Our Skinny Year! §§§

I agree with everyone, its the best feeling in the world knowing you beat a craving even though the food was shouting for you to eat it lol.

Today was an ok day for me. Had porridge for brekkie, caramel bar at lunch, and tomato soup for dindins. I'm not sure on the caramel bar, its sooooo sweet and took me 4 sitting to finish it off, much prefer the cranberry and peanut one. Got 3 different flavours left :)

Good news my boyfriend is joining me on the diet so i no longer have to cook, and i have someone i can pester when i'm craving food lol.
Excellent news about your boyf joining you....... I'm sure it will make it so much easier. Has he seen how well you're doing and doesn't want to be the porky one??

I keep telling my husband he'll be doing it soon..... every time I look at him he's eating something...... and every time he sticks his head in the pantry he's munching on something!!!! Still I guess that was me a few weeks ago LOL. He has actually lost about 5 lbs since I've been doing CD which is great for him but a little depressing for me!!!!

Keep up the great work........
Katya - having the mister do it is great. Well it used to be, now that mine is losing WAAAAY faster than I am it's starting to get a little old for dreadful, competitive me :rofl:

Bonnie I can NOT believe how perfectly similar our losses and BMIs are! -Well I'm at .1 BMI less today yoohoo LOL. We so have to stick to this and see what happens!

Me? Small disappointing loss but putting me in the 50s (number of kg still to go) instead of the 60s that it was last week!

2.2 kg is 5 lbs. Not stupendous but it's before my period so not that bad.

116.2 now in kg and after AF shows I ought to lose the 2 or 3 pounds I'm storing preparing my womb for imaginary babies as well! So not bad, rather chuffed. 18 lbs so far in 2 weeks of Cambridge is not too shabby!
Well done MissAma...... thats a great weight loss even if I do say so myself!!!!! I'm due on any time now so I'm hoping to stay on the straight and narrow this week!! I think we can easily drop another 30lbs (13.6kg) before the end of March if not more....... keep up the good work!!
Well done on the weight loss MissAma.
Im feeling great today as my mum's coming out of hospital. To be honest I don't know how I have kept this up, been running back and forward to the hospital with a 3 and 1 year old with me, thank god it's over.
weigh day is sunday and I still weigh the same as last week(don't know why) but never mind still feel great as I said keep up the good work x x x
hey guys just caught up on all your news you guys are doing great! I however am not lol! My willpower has gone and left me lol.

Having had problems with BT all week this is the first time i got on the internet lol!

Keep going everyone you are all doing brill and a big inspiration to everyone!
Come on Mollymoo....... you can do it!!!!!! You could easily be under the 200 lb mark by the end of March!!!!
Hey girlies, sorry i havent been on for a while, been very busy with work. Things with me aren't great. I haven't cheated, and its not diet related but we got a date through for my bf operation and im sooo worried, thinking the worse, and imaging horrible situations. I've been miserable all day, but luckily havent craved chocolate!!

Hope all your weekends have got to a better start than mine. I have a weigh in tomorrow so hopefully it will cheer me up.
Sorry to hear your bf needs an op. I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow......
Ohhh we're starting to slack on being here both reading and posting. A few of us have solid reasons -health ought to always come first, good luck with the hospital visits girls! it will all be ok!- but the rest of us have no reason not to post daily. Shame on me.

It may not seem like a big deal but I look at this forum and you girls as an integral part of this life change and of the diet. I think I need the right tools to go all the way and while the shakes -soon the exercise too- and the water provide the physical tools, accountability and you girls give me support and determination, most powerful tools of all!
MissAma i agree, i've been slacking for a bit for various reasons. But i'm promised to increase posting as its a real motivation.

Well weight loss this week.....drum roll......3.2kg or 7lb!! I'm so happy :) Hope you're all as fab losers and i am lol :) Only in this forum can i say this and it not be a insult lol :)
W O W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done Diddums. I bet you're happy!!! You've done so well, you must be over the moon. Did you ever think you'd be able to loose so much weight in 3 weeks? I know I didn't.

Diddums/MissAma - I think we should be able to loose at least another 30lbs before the end of March..... that would be over 50lbs in total.

For you Diddums that would almost get you out of the 200's!!! How great would that be eh?? That would be an average of 3lbs off a week.. imagine if we averaged 4lbs!!!!

For you MissAma that would put you at a svelte 226lbs..... or 216lbs if you averaged 4lbs off a week!!!

I don't think I've ever lost 50lbs before in my life...... so I'm aiming to be 230lbs by the end of March, for me that would represent 53lbs off, thats almost 4 stones. If I can average 4lbs that would be even better and would put me at 63lbs off....... watch this space!!!!!
Well done Diddums - that's a fab loss!!

I've got my weigh-in tomorrow. According to my scales, I've only lost 2lbs this week :(

Will wait and see what happens tomorrow though.

Hi girls, hope your well and congratulations on your losses.
Just been and got weighed and only lost 2lb, cant understand why because I have stuck to it 100%. Feel slightly dissapointed as I went out on a girly night and drank water and had my shake when all the others had curry. Feel like I could have lost 2lb whilst still eating and enjoyed myself! Trying to think its still 16lb in 3 weeks so not that bad if you look at it that way. Never mind im still trying so hard to get there before April x x x
AutumnSky and TryingSoHard........... 2lbs is 2lbs. Don't think I'm gonna lose more than that this week either. You are right though...... you just have to think of how much you've lost in total because you would never have lost that on a regular diet!!!!

TryingSoHard...... you really don't have that much to lose so I guess you aren't gonna see such high numbers each week. Wish I only had 26 lb to go!! Carry on and it will come off.

AutumnSky..... you can easily lose 30lb by the end of March if you stick with it....... you wouldn't be far off target by your holiday.

Come on girls..... we can do it.

Kids got a wii fit this weekend so I'm gonna have a play around on it while they are at school and see if I can set it up for me...... without having to broadcast my weight to the whole family. Don't think I'm quite ready for that yet!!!

Have a great day xx
Thanks Bonzo, been shopping this afternoon and bought a skirt two sizes smaller so I feel great today. I know your right 2lb is 2lb and I dont have that much to loose. People have started to comment so I feel lovely. Thanks for the support come lets do it!
(dont know about this but when I spoke to my cdc last night she suggested I had coke zero but only 1 can a day and not any other types what do you guys think)
Thank you ladies.

Bonnie you can, it asks you if you want to keep your profile private by applying a password to your Mii and all you need to say is "yes" and set that up. I use it every day for weigh-ins -love seeing those downwards on the graphs- but not for exercising till I get at the end of the 12 weeks -that's when I think it's safe to introduce exercise, on Step 2 and 810 cal not now on none.

Bonnie, I have an assignment for you hon -if possible, of course- you're far more used to lbs than I am -kg gal here- and it's nearly impossible to do the calculations for the team losses without spending a night on it, could I get some help? We're late to report them once again due to my mathematical inability when it comes to pounds :(

Many many hugs everyone! Hang in there, this is the best thing we've ever done for ourselves!
(dont know about this but when I spoke to my cdc last night she suggested I had coke zero but only 1 can a day and not any other types what do you guys think)

You really don't have much to lose -in fact none at all if you ask me LOL- but I would take that advice with a grain of salt, sounds improbable to me that it would be fine. The aspartame upsets ketosis and the acid is bad for you as well and bloats you.

Don't get me started on CDCs.... I thought about starting a new thread about the following:

Last time we saw her on Thursday I complained my ketostix never arrived yet. She said I don't need them anymore. I asked why that is

"Because you're on day 14, ketosis is only like on day 3 so they're useless now".:eek:

Oh bless, I didn't know if to :cry:eek:r :D