beccas diary

Oh midwife told me fine to use infacol the box says - to relieve wind, infant colic and griping pains. There must be somethin else you can use if your midwife says not too? x
since bf amelia,has fed for 20 mins minimum bit mainly 40-60 mins.
since yday she is feeding for 5-10mins then nodding off in my arms then wen i pt her dwn she only sleepibg about 20mins n im having to gt up again
could this be to do with wind or cud,it ,b that my milk is too slow ?my breasts,dont feel full like they did a few days ago and now i worried i not producing enough milk
I'm not sure myself hun but ring your midwife she'll be able to reassure not and if she thinks it could be your milk then she'll advise where to go from there
didnt end up goin to boots,goin to go tmz.ive slept on n off since 8.30 on couch.oh did amelias feed at 10.30 out of bottle od expressed.
ive js gt up to feed her n hopin she wil go down for few hours
Have u got amelia in a routine yet hun r u mixed feeding now ??? II fed Millie at -11 put her -1130 we slept untill 415 then i fed her untill 5 pit her back and we still sleeping now pretty good first night I hope it carries on I'm trying to feed every 3-4 hours about 30-50 ml she's taking is this right ?
after the first week she ad a lil routine,and only woke twice which was grest,but last two nights bin hard, she only been for 10-15 mins wer,norm its 40ish do she has been waking mre sed shem thinks she having a growth spurt so even wen i put her dwn to sleep she nt fully settling
last night she fed at
so was hard,night,also dnt thibk the wind helpin so defo goin boots today.
has anyone used an electricsl breast,pump?
i started using one a week ago to express one bottle a day,the firsy few days i expressed,up to 4 n half oz, the last few days im not expressing much at all.could this mean my milk,is slowing ?