Dee's IF Diary

Right curtesy of Lanarkwitch

Here are the general guidelines:

"1. Plan on eating mostly potatoes for 5-7 days (90%+ of calories)
2. Eat between 2 and 4lbs of potatoes daily.
3. Other foods allowed (but optional!): 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 1 cup bone broth, 1 tsp max daily coconut oil, olive oil, or butter,
1-2oz lean meat daily. Unlimited coffee, tea, and water.
4. Spices, salt, pepper, and vinegar OK.
5. Lifting of Heavy Things discouraged, think ‘de-load week’ Lifting light things/walking OK.
6. All normal supplements OK to continue
7. IF’ing, especially by skipping breakfast encouraged.
8. If you need to lose more weight, alternate the “Potato Reset” diet with healthy Primal Blueprint in 5-7 day increments.
9. Not recommended for people who eat every 2-3 hours, have glucose issues, or have eating disorders.
10. Highly recommended for people who have their hunger under control, have been eating PB style for 6 months or more, and are having trouble losing weight with the normal approaches."

I am gonna do the potato hack for my DD's this week! :D as I have food to use up and then maybe do it next week for a few days!!
Thanks it is annoying but I've been looking at the menus when I lost etc to see what's happening lol, I am feeling a bit unmotivated this week, not sure what's up but went to the gym and just didn't push myself as hard.. but seeing as I exercised so hard for the last two weeks I probably could do with taking it easy!

Debating the potato thing this week as I have said that my Mum got in a lot of foods I need to eat.. did it today.. 348 calories of potatoes plus herbal tea & an espresso. I should have weighed this morning after my bad weekend andnight away.. oh well. I felt pretty good though, not really as starved as I can get on 500 days..
Hoping this month I can lose 4lbs or another 2% body fat.. just getting over another rotten cold :( which meant not to great on diet or exercise front but oh well new week!
Good luck. Considering going primal myself as I've got into bit of a junk food habit on UD. Not many UK cook books tho.....
It's very American... I'm not 100% atm.. so trying to wean in slowly instead as going full force hasn't worked completely, I only really cut out bread/pasta/milk/grains/gluten but still occasionally have it. Need to work on cutting down sugar a d resisting chocolate in the week...
Like today. Feeling awfully ill with a virus so had a bit of a biscuit attack! at least it's a "feast" day... :rolleyes:
But I am proud of myself as I put in all my naughties to mpf so owning up to it.. still came under 1500 and made me think about it more :) just trying to concentrate on fasting atm and gradual healthy eating as I think my mind needs a break and I've been so miserable and ill...
What a week already! But it's been good eating wise!

Yesterday was long but I had a proud moment when I dealt well with & performed first aid on a child having a convulsion :) had a 3 hr car journey home due to snow and ice! Which meant I couldn't take my OH to get his ferry as he's going to Munich...:(

But a good DD! Fasted except for an expresso coffee (1 cal) until about 2 then had a tea with almond milk, some cashews and raspberries.. a nakd bar during my car journey and soup with chicken & broccoli for dinner! Came up under 500 cals..!

Today is going well, been gym, logged everything (including dinner already..) & just about 1200 cal atm

Hoping to continue my good week :D
Wooah two pounds down, suprising as I am on TOTM! Think keeping my normal day cals down is better for me :) well not everyday but some days as I am only fasting two days.. and only eating when hungry instead of trying to consume hundreds of calories!
I think thats the key, and it's why I don't count my UP's really, I just keep a mental note and try not to eat crap every UP day, did you try a potato day yet?
Well done on the loss this week.
Thanks .. tried one day..& I'm not sure I like potatoes any more LOL! Not because of that day I just think I've gone off them.. maybe in the future..!

Apparently it doesn't matter what I eat, just keeping cals down.. bit weird as I ate crap last week :) gonna try bit healthier this week now TOTM is over
Monday fast day.. pretty good :) 426 cals! Didn't eat, well only a 1 cal black expresso, until about half one.. so like 16 hour fasting!

Looking forward to my fooood tomorrow & a gym sesh!
So after my DD yesterday and throwing up all night... a loss of 2lbs... but I need to really watch my food this weekend cos it might just be because I am completely empty of anything atm lol!

Also, just decided to check my NHS BMI & it is different from the one on here?
Is it wrong to feel bad I'm off work? After being sick Thursday night I've gone from being tender tummy all weekend, bloated when I eat anything,shakes and a temperature to okayish but I've had this horrible abdominal pain in my left side for about a week now & it kept me up all last night, and it's not like me to be as picky at food and not wanting meals as I have been the last two weeks :( so tired. Tried for a doctors appointment but am gonna have to ring back for a emergency, which I hate doing as I feel bad?

Guess I just feel bad about work because I don't get paid.. hmmph
Was supposed to be fasting today, I have avoided eating until 1ish but decided not to concentrate on fasting til tomorrow when I'll be at work/a course and feel better about dieting.. being flexible, not something you usually have on a diet! ;)

& I realised. I have gotten to the weight I was with Dukan, without really taking anything away from myself and I feel more positive and recently not felt the need to binge, I know I have done before on this but not as often and I'm not as emotional about my diet! Positive words to cheer me up today
This week I will try so hard to have proper meals like I used to! Hopefully I'll feel less ill as now my eye looks infected and my throat feels sore. Lots of veg and chicken and fish... my hairy dieters and another cookbook should arrive soon :)

Perks of working with children eh?