Dreamingmaid....is seeing this through to the AWESOME end!

Hey DM!
Hope you enjoy your book and it helps, i had it but lent it out before i could read it think i might buy a new one.
Excercise with kids sounded brilliant fun...love it when my kids join in.
Drooling over your linseed bread...mmm my fave bread of all time! looking forward to that again in Feb.
Have a lush day hun
Not bad ta - having a few days on Exante just to get off the eating whatever is in front of me cycle after being away for the weekend, it just seems to reset my head for going back onto atkins - had a lovely weekend though, a wedding all day saturday and a relaxed munchy day sunday lol :rolleyes:

It's really great that you can just get back on track so easily bren. Must make maintenance much more managable.
Just a quick call in to say 'Happy Wednesday' DM, hope your day goes well!


Thank you chick!

Morning DM.

I have to say that your family life sounds like one huge party of laughter. I am picturing the scene of all of you on the floor in a big heap giggling. It reminds me of when I bought the Geri Halliwell Yoga DVD. Myself, Jess and my other daughter Laura decided to try it. One of the first exercises was a sumo squat. So we all got down into position and on the way down my backside exploded (TMI?) and that was that!! We just fell on the floor in hysterics. End of workout. Can you imagine if that had happened in an exercise class??????

Hope that hasnt put you off your breakfast and hope you have a lovely day


Haha, thats a daily event in our house, i was talking to my neighbour yesterday about how once you have kids there's no mystery anymore....every day there's some kind of fart saga or poo incedent!!:D

Hey DM!
Hope you enjoy your book and it helps, i had it but lent it out before i could read it think i might buy a new one.
Excercise with kids sounded brilliant fun...love it when my kids join in.
Drooling over your linseed bread...mmm my fave bread of all time! looking forward to that again in Feb.
Have a lush day hun
Thanks Lelly, and yes the linseed one is a particular favourite of mine too

Today, have spent the morning at work and had really strong cravings for chocolate so found some mini eggs in the fridge and ate 4, quite proud that i stopped at only 4.
Had quite a big lunch which wasn't entirely as planned but nothing too indulgant.
May have a few days 810/1000 tomorrow just to shake it up a bit and then back to healthy eating for a few days. Might see if this works for me:)
Like your menu yesterday DM, let us know what you think about the book, with 2 recommendations it might be the way to go - I can see a bulk mini's order coming on!
It's really great that you can just get back on track so easily bren. Must make maintenance much more managable.

I think cos I know how long I did it before, that I can manage a few short days without a crisis (although I did want to kill a woman in morrisons tonight - she pushed all my stuff together to get hers on the conveyor - pushed soap up against my fresh stuff - if looks could kill they would have been ringing the police!) I just know that I have to keep a tight rein on myself so that I don't just keep eating and eating.
Lol at the supermarket-rage, Quak! DM, sending 'thinner Thursday' vibes and wishes for a good day in your direction!

I think cos I know how long I did it before, that I can manage a few short days without a crisis (although I did want to kill a woman in morrisons tonight - she pushed all my stuff together to get hers on the conveyor - pushed soap up against my fresh stuff - if looks could kill they would have been ringing the police!) I just know that I have to keep a tight rein on myself so that I don't just keep eating and eating.

Haha, i would feel totally the same. I hate bad manners, esp in supermarkets. Nothing like a ignorant fellow shopper to really bring out my rage.

Plan on doing the 1000cal plan today, and if i settle into it well might even stay on it but as before, we shall see how it goes.
Hi Everyone,

Well that was bloody stupid of me. Attempted 1000 today but gave up by lunchtime as realised i was enjoying my healthy eating so much. Ate a big custard doughnut which was equally stupid of me but whats done is done and i'm not going to give myself a hard time about it.
Just need to stop faffing and either stick to one or another.
Off to supermarket soon to do a big healthy shop.
Hope everyone is having a great thursday
Don't worry DM, that doughnut can go the way of my toasted muffin yesterday, plod on!
Tomorrow being the proverbial new day - if you stopped beating yourself up so much you might make it a bit easier on yourself - be told :D
Hug DM. Know exactly how you feel... alas. Friday... new start for both of us, onwards & downwards.

Happy Friday DM, as Katy says, new day n all that!
Have a great one!
There isn't room on the naughty step for you lol -the atkins lot are hogging it :D have a good weekend xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi DM, have a great Monday... I'm back too after a sight wobble, and ready to grab those wagon reins again. Yee-haa!

Hello. :)