Flubster in the house

Keep your chin up. Muscle weighs more don't forget. I have given up trying to fathom out the way the weight seems to go/stay. Can only assume fluid balance has a lot to answer for. Onward and downward. X
Good afternoon Flubster, don't lose heart hun. You can't fail to lose weight.
That's why I only weigh myself once a week. Well twice a week tbh, once on my home scales on Tuesday and then on the scales at work on Wednesday (as they're the good old fashioned ones like you get at the Drs surgery)
If I weighed daily I'd get so dis-heartened not seeing the numbers go down each day, I'd seriously cave in and blow it.

So my advice is to just put the scales away, save for one day a week! :hug99: xx
Thanks Ladies - as Britney would say "Ooops I did it again" that curious pound seems to have disappered - I think Footie was right maybe water - but not counting that as a loss nor the point 25 of a pound - nest weigh in for me Tuesday AND from now on in weekly weigh in's - I will say I *feel* slimmer in clothes and stuff so that's something ONWARDS AND DOWNWARDS!!!! :)
Good attitude flubs - my weigh in is tues too, but I'm not expecting much. Better that way then if things do change it will be a bonus. Gosh - that sounds a bit negative. It's not meant to, just meant to be me staying positive that if not much shows this week it will do later on. Good luck for tues. X
Hi flubster, thanks for your positive comments earlier. I think i've turned a corner and reminded myself why i'm doing this. You're doing great hun! Onwards and downwards x
Evening flubster..... only just had a chance to catch up on the diaries... so many! 7lbs is a fab loss and I agree with GP, only weigh once a week. Took me a while to get my head round my slower than expected losses but once I accepted that my body will do what it does it all became much easier (notice I didn't say 'easy') Hope you're having a great weekend :Dxx
Hope you've hung in there girlie??! It will come off - maybe not as we expect it to, but one day you'll be a pound or two less than the day before, I know it's weird but just go with it. Get rid of the scales if that's going to help you. In a months time you're going to be probably nearly a stone lighter than you are now so forget the day by day and think long term.

Good luck and hope your next PROPER WI is positive :) xx
Good afternoon Flubster, fingers crossed you have a fab weigh in result tomorrow :D

There are quite a few of us Tuesday weighers! An elite club ;) :D We can so nail this! Stay positive :hug99: xx
Thank lovelies - I appreciate all your support

Weighed myself this morning and I have STS a whole week!!!!! No idea why amd gonna try ditching the bars and see if that makes a difference

Good luck to the rest of you x:eek:
That's a bummer....but you could get on the scales tomorrow and have lost 2lb so forget today's WI. I'm not weighing until next week as I've become obsessive about it. I'll lay money that you'll have an excellent loss next week - try to wait a whole week before weighing!

If you weren't on the diet you'll probably be a pound or two more this week so it is good news in a roundabout way lol! Stay on the diet and this time next week you'll weigh less - definitely! x
Bad luck flubs. Midge is right this whole weight loss thing is a total mystery. So many people fall off the wagon and still lose and others stay 100% TS and nothing! But stick to the plan and as has been said on here before - it is impossible not to lose long term on that amount of calories. Chin up. XXX :)
Get you Foots!!! ! stone off? FANBLOODYTASTIC well done xxx

Thanks Midge, I guess from my mood and desperation to eat galaxy I am pre"mental" so who knows you may be right, more next week (fingers crossed)

Big love lasses!! x

I am gonna buy more banana and strawberry shakes today as the vanilla and choc make me gag BAD
I love the banana ones, just got a box of them. Got a few choc ones left (I like them hot), and my OH has some protein strawberry shake that I have too. Can't wait for your weigh in next week - I'm thinking 5lb. We should lay bets!!

Keep going - remember, if you don't you'll have to admit it to us on here.... :p

Good afternoon Flubster, loving the positivity today. You will get into that outfit lovely :hug99: xx
Hey Flubster! How's it going Hun? I bought an outfit ages ago and then buried it under piles of clothes:ashamed0005: but nw I have pulled it out and like you said " gonna fit into that biatch iif it kills me" lol xxxx
Hey Naz going OK have a birthday bash Sunday so am coming off TS and doing WS gonna have chicken that day - then back on la wagon Monday- JUST JUST Ordered more supplied and some porridge to change things up a bit x

You are doing so well buddy, excellent - I have stayed off the scales yesterday and today but going by my jeans they feel looser - just wanna get the old muffin top and "wings de la bingo" gone haha xx
well done all. Must feel amazing getting back into clothes you thought had passed you by. Good luck with birthday do and keep up the good work. XX