JanD's Maintenance Diary. Into the 2nd year :o)))

Awwww thanks for asking my love ..... this about sums me up today


My head is like cotton wool - John keeps commenting how I'm forgetting things and I'm not myself .... :eek:

Foodwise I've been okay - no way I can achieve even a sts this week but I can't do any better today - well I could if I didn't have the v&cs but bugger that!!!! :giggle: xxx
Ooooo sorry - Hope you've enjoyed your training :D xx
Still feeling quite rotten but I had 'jobs' in the house I wanted to get done today so I'm trying to muddle through them.

I don't know how I did it but I actually lost 0.8lb ........ go figure! (maybe I was dehydrated after the v&cs lol!) so I'm a bit happier now ;)

Monday 8th November

Breakie - Berries & ff from frais

Lunch - Pouch of chicken & veg soup, slice of soda bread.


Tea - Chicken slow cooked with onion, garlic & stock with brocolli, leek and a piece of soda bread to mop up the gravy :eek:


3 hula hoops

2 oatcakes with soft blue cheese (all gone now thank goodness!)
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Oooh well done Jan!! :D See, nothing to worry about after all!
Training was fab thanks about to post in me thread about it :) Good looking great for today. Are you feeling much better now?xxx
I am about the food thing but I'm still full of cold :eek: thanks for asking ;)

Glad you're enjoying the training :) xx
What do you think of this then girls?? 'Citin'!!!! :D:D:D:D

Hi Jan

You’re still in time – I’ve added you to the list for the Masterclass. Information is below – look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes


Gok’s Masterclass – Body Shape Boutique
On Wednesday 17th we are inviting the ladies of Liverpool to come and meet Gok and take part in the Body Shape Boutique. This will include Gok giving tips on how to dress for your shape, interactive styling and an up market swap shop.
Please be at the Royal Liver Building (Pier Head, Liverpool, L3 1HT) for 16:00, we should be finished by 20:30, please bring a packed lunch or snacks as there will be no food available on site.
You will need to bring around 5 items of clothing that you don't wear either because they don’t fit you or don’t suit your body shape - these items need to be something somebody else would want as you will be swapping clothes with others, and you could walk away with a fabulous new outfit! Shoes and accessories are also welcomed!

All right it's not being Gok-ed 'proper' but it's the next best thing!! HeeHee :giggle: xx
Wow Jan! Brilliant!!!!!!!!!! See if you can get a pic if you and Gok I'd love to be told what stuff suits me!

Ya know what that means though.... You are going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe ;) xxx
ooohhh lovely, how fab to be semi Gok'd x
Thanks both :)

I know Tan - but I'm a trooper, I'll manage ;) xx
Oh wow Jan, your going to get Gok'd!! Youll need to let us know what clothes you are taking and which ones you get. I would love to do something like this!
Hope your cold gets better, your food choices look great. x
These are what I'm going to take - though I've added another long purple dress to them since. x

Funny - they're all skirts ... I NEVER wear a skirt!! :) x


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I think I must have man-flu :( I feel dreadful - just literally coughed myself sick (tmi I know - sorry) Only have today to get over it though - lots to do for the rest of the week! I've given myself a day in today though I might try and make some order out of the car crash that is our study while DH is at work (he doesn't know what a bin is - he keeps EVERYTHING!) otherwise he's moaning at me the whole time I'm doing it ... I don't feel like it but I'm never in the house without him so it's an ideal opportunity really.

Tuesday 9th November

Breakie - Berries with ff from frais

Lunch - Pouch of beef & veg soup & slice of soda bread

Tea - Smoked river cobbler with stir fry

v&cs probably xx

9pm - piece of soda bread
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Sorry you're feeling so bad Jan. Hope you perk up pretty quickly, nothing worse than feeling like that. Your food looks great though, good for you. Usually when I'm feeling ill all I want is comfort food and that's always bad.
I know what you mean Bev but not this time ... I just had some soup purely because I felt lightheaded. Every time I cough I feel like I'm gonna lose it again ... oh dear lol! I AM feeling sorry for myself aren't I? ;) xx
Awwww Jan!! :hug99: I hope you get better quick sharp! and food looking good - im with bev just wanting to eat stodgy, carb loaded, junk food when im ill! :giggle: x
I am normally!! But I'm not complaining ... hot ribena & paractamol's all I want xx
Oh no if its man flu then you have to moan and lots. Get one of the nurses to set you up with a pure echinacea iv on your break next shift should sort you out lol. Have to 2nd Bev, I too want to comfort eat junk when ill so your doing very well.
HaHa - that'd be a great idea if I worked in a hospital ;). I'm resisting thinking my echinacea has let me down, prefering to think 'how bad would I have been without it'!! I THINK I'm feeling a bit better this evening - finger's crossed .. thanks for your concern folks :) xx
Hey Jan, first of all, well done on your loss, its nice to have a good surprise like that when we think we have gained.

You poor thing, you are going through it at the moment, I hope your man flu has cleared up a little this morning and you are beginning to feel a bit better.

Big hugs hun xxx