JanD's Maintenance Diary. Into the 2nd year :o)))

Hope you're feeling better today Jan, nothing worse than flu. Had it once before and felt like death! Keep up the paracetamol and hot ribena, great idea!
Thank yooooo :)

It's not real flu Bev - I've only had that once and wouldn't like it again :eek: .. it's a humdinger of a cold though! I'm feeling a bit better today thank goodness. We're out for a meal tonight and I've swung between not wanting to go to thinking it might e nice. Now I've made the effort and gone and got changed etc I'm not feeling too bad. I want to catch up with my friend AND we need to make arrangements to go & get Gok'd ;)
When I was in sainsbury's with my mother I felt dreadful - funny isn't it?

Wednesday 10th November

Breakie - Berries with ff from frais with a sprinkling of Lizi's granola for a bit of crunch

Lunch - Chicken pieces, half a tub of cottage cheese & 6 cherry toms

Sains cafe - A cadbury's snack wafer (60cals)


Tea - A starter - wedges with cheese & bacon topping & garlic mayo - 1 onion ring & 1 chip.

wine xx
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Thanks Mary ... hopefully! xx
1 chip :giggle: Is that all you had for tea Jan? Still not feeling too great? :hug99:xxx
??? This is my tea ... wedges with cheese & bacon topping & garlic mayo - 1 onion ring & 1 chip.

Or am I missing the joke ?? :eek: .... sorry if I am xxx
Oh yer that didn't sound right lol I giggled at you having just the one chip :p and asked if all you had was a starter for dinner ... Hope it makes sense now lol xxx
LOL!! A starter of wedges with cheese & bacon topping & garlic mayo is MORE than enough for me - I don't know how people eat 2 courses let alone 3! Sorry for confusion :) xx
5 hula hoops - 3 oatcakes with hummus xx
Much better today thank you :)

I made myself get going this morning and as it was my one totally free day (theoretically because of shift pattern I get this once a month but it rarely works out that way!) I took myself off on the train to Liverpool and had a good old mooch .. not too good foodwise but I don't care today - I'm having a nice day and I feel a lot better - I'm thinking of finishing it off with a nice takeaway too! :p

Thursday 11th November

Breakie - Berries with ff from frais & a sprinkling of Lizi's granola

Snack - Pastry finger thingy with nuts & seeds - perported to be a 'healthy snack' so would have been rude not to ;)

Lunch - Bacon roll (had some sort of spread on & I put a bit of tomato sauce on)

5pm - went out to kitchen to feed the dog & there was a piece of soda bread spreadng itself with hummus. Well I can't have random bits of food taking over my kitchen - I had to show it who was boss .. It's gone now :eek:

Tea - small (well not really but that's what they call it) chippie fish & chips with mayo :eek:

V&Cs xx

Edit to add
Pkt skips
piece soda bread -half hummus, half phili light
4 bourbons :( xx
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5pm - went out to kitchen to feed the dog & there was a piece of soda bread spreadng itself with hummus. Well I can't have random bits of food taking over my kitchen - I had to show it who was boss .. It's gone now :eek:

hahahaha!!! :rotflmao:!!!!! You do make me laugh Jan!

Glad you have had a lovely day and are feeling much better :hug99: enjoy that takeaway! What you thinking of having? xxx
I go through all the possibilities in my head and ALWAYS end up with a small fish from our chippie - If I'm gonna be 'nawty' I want to be sure I'll enjoy it and I love chippie fish .... with a 'few' chips of course ;) xx
Hope you are enjoying! :) :drool:
Glad you had a good day out Jan, and hey, you know the old saying, feed a cold, starve a fever. Glad you enjoyed the chippy takeaway girl ;)
Have edited yesterday to add what I had before I went to bed :eek:

Anyway - today's a new day :)

Friday 12th November

Breakie - Porridge with berries, splenda & a splash of skimmed milk

Lunch - LT maintenance bar

Tea - Chicken breast & stir fry

Mums - 2 carr's melts (23cals each) with a little lf pate)

Work - Chicken & cottage cheese salad, pear xx

Edit - 2 slices ham & 2 cherry toms
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Food looking fab today mrs. Need not worry about your food last night - afterall you were ill ;) :giggle: