January TS buddies

congrats Anna, bet that feels great, I remember the days when i was in my 16's and thought even then i was fat.... :( hehe would give anything to be there again now
congrats Anna, bet that feels great, I remember the days when i was in my 16's and thought even then i was fat.... :( hehe would give anything to be there again now

Thank you! I was very much the same as you don't worry and I still have a fair bit of excess to shift! The changing point came for me when I was not able to fit into size 20 trousers anymore. I'd been so complacent with putting the weight on that it didn't bother me that I was slowly racking up the dress sizes! Still I remained a size 20 for years and didn't think much about it. Yes I got fed up when I didnt fit into some dresses etc for special occasions but day to day I didn't really care and no one said anything to me either about the size either! Up until about 4 years ago I was always a size 14 so that's where I'm headed again!

You'll get there too! It's so easy to put on weight and so damn hard to shift it! But we can all do it - have faith!! :)))))
Jellybellies I know my dog is so spoilt, got to cook him some mince yet for his dinner! He's worth it though he's a total darling.

Have had about a 20 minute nap and I feel better for it, just wish I could warm up. My son finally remembered to bring my packs home so it's soon a chilli for me to be followed later by a vanilla coffee and a double choc bar which I've put into the fridge to firm it up a bit.

Quiet night planned here, at least it will be quiet when my 4yr old granddaughter goes to bed, she's currently pretending to be a dog and bossing my dog around!
Hindsight is a great thing eh haha, your doing really well then to be down 2 sizes already, i like judging weight loss like that, and your soo tall i bet you can carry off a lot more weight and look far thinner, you lucky thing!!

Oooh hope the chili lives up to expectations after all the waiting for it Katie, I might brave some different things on my next order, i've lived on just choc and vanilla so far which is fine but if i can find even just one other i like it will make it far easier to sustain i think, i love the cambridge choc bar so wondering if the new double choc exante ones are like that... here's hoping!
JB until today all I'd had was the choc and vanilla shakes (both hot) and I've just had the chilli and was very impressed! I really enjoyed it and didn't find it needed anything adding (Tabasco, pepper etc) though I'd have loved some rice with it but hey!

Will let you know about the double choc bar later - just wondering if anyone has ever frozen them?
Morning all! Run done 2.7 miles vvvv slow some walking involved but really pleased to of done it! Dog walk also done, I have 3 Scottie dogs and in this weather they are like mops soaking up all the water and mud. Think next on the agenda may be dog bathing!

Day 7 week 2, still been 100% WI tomorrow morning....

Katie I might try the Chilli, tried Mushroom risotto last night, really couldn't eat it I binned it and had a soup! I'm usually not fussy about food so am finding it quite strange the things I don't like with this diet. So far the only bearable meal I have tried has been the cottage pie! Hey ho, were all different I guess!

Hope everyone is managing the weekend ok! :p
Tiggy well done in completing your run, you've done really well :)

I've done a unscheduled drop off of my granddaughter, she's done nothing but cough this morning and had a bit of a temperature and just wanted mummy and daddy. They live 25 miles away which isn't normally a problem but today the end of the motorway was closed due to an incident so I had to do the A roads, was lost beyond words but got there in the end :rolleyes:

Nothing much planned for today except a good cleaning of the house and then I'm meant to be going to the gym later so that should be fun as I haven't been for a year.

Hope everyone's weekend is going well :D
Well done on your run Tiggy and enjoy the gym later Katie.

I spent most of the morning on the kitchen roof patching the render on the back of the house. So I'm going to spend the afternoon curled on the sofa with a book and a bottle of water.

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I've lost 4lb this week, very happy now :D
Thanks Katie and Hendricks, well done Katie! :553:

I have lost 5lbs this week, so happy with that I had expected to only lose 2-3. I guess it will slow up more next week.

So week 3 day 1..... bring it on!!
Hi everyone. Sorry I've not been on for a while, well done Katie that's a great loss you must be top of the world today. Team January is huge now, which is fab, we rock!!!!!

I am. Still 100% which is amazing given I had a birthday party on Saturday, lol never seem so much junk food on one table in my life. Funny thing was the only thing that did it for me was the fact that they all sat and ate the birthday cupcakes.......which I made. It wasn't that I wanted one, it's just I am a bit of a perfectionist and needed to check they were ok. I didn't ok course, my husband said they were good. He is my food critic if they weren't right he would say. But isn't it funny the things that get you, I honestly thought I would struggle with the pizza, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc, just shows it's all in our head. I have to say coke zero was my saviour as I didn't get the comments about not drinking.

Had a cheeky midweek weigh in and lost 2lb and still 4 days till weigh day. Chuffed with that.

Today will be. A&c porridge, chilli and orange and choc bar.

Chilli has been my saviour, I have found if I put too much water in it, then put in a pan and leave it on 1 on the hob for 10 minutes for the beans to soften. You could break your teeth if you just add water!!!!!! Lol

Have a great day all.

OMG official first WI day today and 11.5lb gone! This has totally given me the drive to carry on. Favourite meals are choc, banana, strawberry milkshakes and toffee, nut and raisin bars. I could live off these for ages! I make the shakes in a blender with a bit of ice and they are so delicious. Been treating myself to a cup of Boulion at lunch time. For my own sanity I may add a protein only meal once a fortnight so I have something to look forward to. I'm in this for the long haul and don't want to ruin it by slipping off plan. Can I just add that I don't post often but I'm normally on here every day as I find your support and encouragement for each other hugely inspirational. Thanks guys. We can all do this. I can honestly say that I really believe that for the first time in a very very long time. Bring on those size 10's :) xx
Hi all, well I only lost 1lb for my 2nd week WI. Thought I was going to gain at one point so I'm happy with that! I've been 100% sticking to the Total Plus plan. Anyways onwards for week 3 now :)

I've just had my choc&orange bar, got a choc shake for lunch and shepherds pie for dinner with some broccoli & green beans :)

Have a great Monday one and all!
Well done Roxi! That's fantastic.
And that's awesome that Total Plus is working so well for you Annalou - I am very tempted to add in some veggies to my evening meals.

Weigh in tomorrow after W1 which is exciting but I already feel a lot slimmer which is great.
Great weigh in results so far today, I've lost 4lb this week, which is fantastic given that my husband turned 40 last tuesday and I had a day off the diet.
very very happy lady today!

I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on my drink question, I know we can have bouillon, but can we also have oxo? would say the red oxo be bad? or the veg oxo? i checked for carb lvls and for some of the things i know we're supposed to avoid... i just really want something hot and food tasting and quite fancy a cup of oxo.
:party0019: Wow well done Tiggy, AnnaLou, Roxi and JB on your losses, great news all round (oh we are all so good) :D :party0019:

Roxi you must be on cloud nine, that's an amazing loss!

Piggy that's a fab midweek loss! Re the way you cook your chilli, do you leave it for the ten mins and then microwave as per the instructions? I love kidney beans and these would be better if they were more tender.

I'm having a spag Bol for the first time later and then a vanilla coffee with the nut bar - got to say I much prefer that and the choc orange bars to the new ones.
Katie, I stumbled across this method by accident. I have one of them instant push button kettle, I have it set for my mugs. Ni ended up forgetting to stop it half way so ended up with soup!! So I decided to throw it in a pan and just brought it to a simmer then turned it down for ten minutes, it thickened and the beans were soft. No microwave. If you put too much water in it just keep it on the hob until it's the right consistency.
Excellent, love that idea, will try it next time - thanks xx

Impending totm and this diet don't mix. I seriously want to rip everyone's heads off and I can't eat!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhh

Breath Peggy breath. Any body else felt like this.
Well done Piggysue, good to see u pop in.
Awesome loss Roxi, well done you! Annalou it always makes u feel better when u think u have gained but in fact u lose, so well done you.
JB, fab loss not sure if I could just manage just one day off and then get back to it, full credit to you.
Can't help with the oxo question but would be interested to know the answer.
Charliebrown, looking forward to your weigh-in news already! :p
Piggysue, just blame it all on the diet.... its a good enough excuse! :D

Go team January.... we ARE awsome!

So week 3 day 1 almost done, short run done.... Good day all round!