Jayne's maintenance diary (at last)

Oh Jayne I'm so sorry. Of course she and you will be in my prayers. Let us know how you go on.

Much Love and lots of *****hugs***** xxx
That is terrible news, I am really sorry for what your Sister is going through. My prayers will certainly be for her, you and the rest of your family too. Big hugs xxx
God bless and I pray that she pulls through x
Not great news I'm afraid. We still have no signs of brain function even after 72hrs without any sedation. They have also said that if she lives (which they dint think she will) she will lose both her legs below the knee for sure. My poor baby sister never did anything to hurt anyone and now she is subjected to this. Awful. God love her xxxxx
Aw Jayne :( :hug99: Im never good when it comes to words but I want you to know i'm thinking of you and your family and keeping my fingerscrossed that your baby sister pulls through xxx
Thank u everyone, when I say baby I mean 26 :-/
No improvements today I'm afraid xx
Oh Jayne - I'm so sorry. There's nothing anyone can say that'll make any difference but hopefully knowing we're all feeling for you and thinking of you will help you feel some support at least.

Much love xxxx
Thinking about you and your family hon xx
I'm afraid my sister passed away yesterday at 5pm. Xx
Jayne.. I have read your diary but have never "spoken" to you.. I just wanted offer my sincerest condolences at what must be an awful time.. Nothing i can say can take away the pain you and your loved ones must be feeling, but you are in my thoughts x x x
I'm so sorry to hear that Jayne :( :hug99: :hug99:
You know us ladies on here are around for you if you need a shoulder or anything.

Thinking of you hun xxxxx
I'm so sorry Jayne - how awful for you and your family. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you xx
Oh Jayne, that is beyond belief. Nothing I can say or do can make up for your loss and only time will heal your pain. Your sister is in a much better place than here and no longer suffering but that doesn't make it any easier.......god bless you and your family x
I heard of another one this morning. My DIL's sister's friend - only 18 .. tragic. Our local hospital is closed to all visitors etc :(.

DIL's friend is a doctor and she says that it's killing healthy people this year - not just those with underlying medical conditions. Pregnant women can't get rid of it and are getting VERY ill. They're inducing lots of births in the hope the women will be able to fight it better. It's awful isn't it?

Thoughts still with you Jayne xx
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Tragic, my heart goes out to everybody who has lost someone this year. To lose people at the end of a long life is bad enough but nowhere near as heart breaking as losing young people, babies or children who haven't even lived a life yet x
Hey honey,
Just checking in to let you know am thinking about you. Hope you are doing ok xxx
And me xxx