LifesDesire's JUDDD Diary

PMT is the root of all evil lol x we all seem to be TOTM at roughly the same time lol xxxx next week we can all be on the wagon xx
Hey Welshmamma and Luv2BSlim,

I had quite a bad week last week, feeling ill again, so I had 3 UD's followed by 3 DD's/ID's and didn't weigh in this week at all.

However, I'm feeling much better and yesterday I started Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred, I've done it before and felt brilliant with it but as it includes a lot of shoulder work and I have very weak neck and shoulders I had to stop at about day 20-odd. Also due to my health fluctuations I'm making sure whilst I get used to exercise again (at least for this first week) I'm going to consume between 1200-1500cals a day so that I don't feel too weak.

Will be back to JUDDDing as soon as I'm sure I can manage circuit training on so few calories in the day, I'm guessing about a week will do it before I want to get back on the JUDDD wagon, will still be here posting when I can :)

Hope you didn't miss me too much ;) xxx
Aaaaaah x hi Hun sorry you've been poorly :(
You get yourself well and JUDD will be there waiting :)
Well done on the shred!! I need to get some exercise in but hips really painful at the mo :( must be the cold ha ha x x

Of course we missed u ;) x x
Hey Welshmamma,

Well I did day 4 of the shred this morning, still feeling good, love the way my body feels after exercise and I'm sleeping better because of it as well.

If your hips are hurting have you tried just doing upper body stuff like arm circles and punches? still raises the heart rate and is good cardio :)

Missed you too :) xxx
Hey Welshmamma,

Well I did day 4 of the shred this morning, still feeling good, love the way my body feels after exercise and I'm sleeping better because of it as well.

If your hips are hurting have you tried just doing upper body stuff like arm circles and punches? still raises the heart rate and is good cardio :)

Missed you too :) xxx

Well done x exercise makes a massive difference x I'm going to find something I can do without excrutiating pain lol xxx
I'm going to put my name down for a new body!! Size eight, 34DD and shiny new joints hehe ;) xxx
who do we put this wish to? santa?

I think we're well on the way to what we want :)

I've not exercised today, will do tomorrow though, and tomorrow is going to be my first DD whilst exercising I think. we'll see how it goes xxx
who do we put this wish to? santa?

I think we're well on the way to what we want :)

I've not exercised today, will do tomorrow though, and tomorrow is going to be my first DD whilst exercising I think. we'll see how it goes xxx

Ill ask Santa see what happens lol x x I'm going to swim tomorrow, don't get much chance during the week as I work Mon-Fri and they are longish days so hard to fit in, maybe once light nights start ill try and be more motivated :) xxx
GL tomorrow. I've exercised on a DD a couple of times and found it fine, hopefully you will too x
Ill ask Santa see what happens lol x x I'm going to swim tomorrow, don't get much chance during the week as I work Mon-Fri and they are longish days so hard to fit in, maybe once light nights start ill try and be more motivated :) xxx

How did the swim go? :) hope you're doing ok
So with various bad days behind me my weight is up a bit at the moment, which I'm not going to focus on too much because after re-introducing circuit training into my life and doing crunches when I'm unable to properly exercise I do think my tummy looks a lot trimmer than before.

I will post my weight again once I'm back under 10st6, for now I'm just going to focus on sticking to JUDDD properly again and exercise in some way each day :)

How is everyone doing? I want to hear some good news :) xxx
Hello lady :) Welcome back :) I've eaten too much....feel like a lead balloon in my tum...but I'm not worried ha :-D xxxx

I've been doing that too much recently, been in a bit of emotional distress and whenever I tell myself I can eat I overeat, so I'm not losing anything :(

Need to focus on three healthy meals on an UD and try not to overeat/comfort eat :(
I've been doing that too much recently, been in a bit of emotional distress and whenever I tell myself I can eat I overeat, so I'm not losing anything :(

Need to focus on three healthy meals on an UD and try not to overeat/comfort eat :(

I'm the same with any stress, distress, upset etc I feast!! It's a nightmare :( OH pisses me off...which can be a lot and I'm straight in the kitchen, although I think I do that because he likes slim ladies and these days he says I'm ok from the neck up!!! Pah

Big hug hunnie x x you'll do it when your ready :)
How mean!! You should box his ears in!!

Thank you, I have a nice day out planned with a friend tomorrow and it's an UD so I'm going to relax about it then and then have a nice healthy DD after :) xxx